

ding ding ding

Raya got up from the bed with her eyes closed as she turn off the alarm, and she lay on the bed, after a few seconds she got up from the bed hurryingly

"shit am late for school again, mom didn't even wake me up, ho shit I forgot she didn't came home last night"

Raya ran to the bathroom as she quickly take a shower, after taking a shower, she quickly dry her body with a towel, as she put on her school uniform, she took her backpack and left the house forgotten that she didn't dry her chocolate drawn hair

"shit it's 8:32am" Raya said as she run to the bus station, when she arrived at the bus station, she have to wait for three minutes before the bus arrived

when the bus arrived she quickly hop in

"late for school again Raya?" the bus driver said

Raya smile as she said " I slept late"

"that's what you always say every day Raya" Mr Peter the bus driver said

After 30 minutes drive Raya came down from the but when she look at the time and found out it was already 9:08

"shit" she said as she walked to the back of the school, she trow her backpack true the ferns as she jumped the wall

"Thank God I don't get to face that asshole HEADBOY today", after picking her bag from the ground she turn to her left when she found Zarin the HEADBOY

"you are late" Zarin said

"and so?" she said looking at Zarin angrily, because she's going to face punishment no matter what

"did you know what is the time?" Zarin said with him hand on his pocket, as he looked at Raya from head to toe

"did you run all the way to school?" He ask

"Excuse me?" Raya reply

" Am just asking because your hair looks wet" Zarin said, as Raya remember that she forgot to dry her hair after batting

"I don't have time to talk am going to class" Raya said, as she was about to walk away Zarin hold her at her backpack

"where do you think you are going?, don't forget you came late and you have to face your punishment" Zarin said

" ho come on Zarin, don't act like we don't know each other, both our mom's are best friends, can't you let me go for one's" Raya said

"No" Zarin reply

" what!"

" you had me Raya, go pick up all those trash from the ground" Zarin said

" you asshole" she said as she use her backpack to hit Zarin at his hand

After some minutes Raya was seeing washing her hands after picking the trash, suddenly she felt something cold at her check, when she behind her she saw him Henry Zarin younger brother and also her crush

"hey Henry" she said with a big smile on her face

"I see that this is all my brother doing's" Henry said

"you right, hearing his name is making me angry" Raya said angrily

" ha ha ha, I see you are done with your punishment, why don't we go have something to eat in the cafeteria" Henry said

" yeah, am starving, I forgot to even have breakfast" Raya said

" you always does that" Henry said

as the both of them laugh together

Raya's mom and Zarin mom where both best friend since when they where in eight grade, they both promise not to leave each other till death, when. Zarin mom April got married, Raya mom Arin was still single, she cried alot the day her best friend got married, because she think that she will never see her best friend ever again , after two months of April marriage, Arin traveled to korean, because she was very upsets with Korean men, she rejected many Americans men you came to her and asked her to be there girlfriend, Arin was sitting in a chair in a bar drinking beer, when she saw this hot Korean guy drinking beer also, that is how she feel unloved with him there get along, and they both got married and give birth to a baby girl who was Raya, Raya was two months older than Henry, and she was Two years younger than Zarin.

Arin and April decided that both there first kids we both get engaged to each other.

"What will you like to have?" Henry asked Raya

"hmmmm, the cup of noodles"

" what?, I thought you will be eaten snack?"

" dude am starving, so I need something heavy" Raya said

" Ok if you say so, and I will be eaten chicken and chips with Sprite for lunch" Henry said

After taking there older than when to a Free chair and table to sit

Raya open her cup noodles, as she was about to dip in chop sticks, someone to the cup noodles from her and start eaten it.

Raya face turn red with anger because the person who took the cup noodles from her was Zarin

"Can't you get your own cup noodles?" Raya said angrily

"Am so starving that I Don't have time to buy mine"

"You...." Raya was about to explore in anger when Henry hold her wrist she turn to him slowly

"just let him be, let's share mine" Henry said as she smiled at him

" Ok" She said

It was already 4:30pm, student was seeing coming out from the school gate

"Raya" Raya had her name as she looked at her left when she saw Zarin

"What?" she replied

"I will drop you home" Zarin said why driving his motorcycle close to Raya

"Don't worry, Henry is taking me home" she said, as Zarin smiled

"Henry just left with his friends, they are going to see a movie together" Zarin said

" Forget it"

" What"

" You too loud my mom is calling" she said

" Yes mom"

📞 Have you gotten home?📞

📞Not yet📞

📞Is Zarin or Henry there with you?📞

📞 Yeah Zarin is with me 📞

📞Ok that's good, go home with him you will be spending the night at there house today 📞

📞 What 📞

📞 Yeah Honey, I came home this afternoon, and I took the house key with me 📞

📞Mommmm, why will you do that?📞

📞Am sorry sweetie, I was in a hurry, bye sweetie, am busy now, I love you 📞

📞 love you too Mom📞

"it look like I will be spending the night at your house today" Raya said

" Ok get in, it's getting late" Zarin said as Raya get in the motorcycle and he drove off.

guys hope you like it ❤️❤️

chapter two coming up soon 🥰🥰🥰