
Armored Titan But This Is A Mecha World

Earth the birth of humanity, yet it would seem this one is much much large, with the Advance of Technology in the 21st century, giant metal humanoid machines were created, called mechas,like all things used for war, driving humanity apart, as different countries seeked out new land and new kingdoms were built on old ones, but this has happened before, humans repeated the cycle, when this world was ruined many humans took to the stars, terraforming the planets in this galaxy too fit there needs those who were left behind,destroyed these machines in hopes that future generations would not make the same mistake. Humans slowly turned this world back into a place of peace kingdoms were formed great cities were built, until one such kingdom stumbled on the remains of a mecha, and the age of war came again unlike there ancestors they did not tear the earth apart using them in only times of war, protecting there land, some kingdoms more advanced tried to make there mechas better and better while others in there traditions found other ways to keep the idea of there ancestors and make better humans, wars, greed, and sometimes peace rained , until the ships started to fall, bringing with them greater Technology and weapons of war, but before this a few relics from a time long forgotten were found, in one such relic there was a man who would change this world, but there in lies a problem, for those who claimed some of these relics, who would take ownership of them. I don’t not own anything but my oc, the cover art is not mine, there may be plot holes cause it’s a oc mixed world, I have not dropped any other story i will update when I can.

Armoti_Nelson · Anime & Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 1: Relics


The birth of humanity, yet it would seem this one is much much larger, with the Advance of Technology in the 21st century, giant metal humanoid machines were created, called mechas,like all things they were used for war, driving humanity, as different countries seeked out new land and new kingdoms were built on old ones, but this has happened before, humans repeated the cycle, when this world was ruined many humans took to the stars, terraforming the planets in this galaxy too fit there needs those who were left behind,destroyed these machines in hopes that future generations would not make the same mistake. Humans slowly turned this world back into a place of peace kingdoms were formed great cities were built, until one such kingdom stumbled on the remains of a mecha, and the age of war came again unlike there ancestors they did not tear the earth apart using them in only times of war, protecting there land, some kingdoms more advanced tried to make there mechas better and better while others in there traditions found other ways to keep the idea of there ancestors and make better humans, wars, greed, and sometimes peace rained , until the ships started to fall, bringing with them greater Technology and weapons of war, but before this a few relics from a time long forgotten were found, in one such relic there was a man who would change this world, but there in lies a problem, for those who claimed some of these relics, who would take ownership of him.

In a kingdom, at the edge of the world, that many called (K.O.R) kingdom of rebirth, was like no other, a kingdom of abandoned scientist, scholars who's radical thinking towards the threat the world faced and trying to make Mecha world ending, they were forced out, a few like minded men in the past took these people in, founding a kingdom, recognized by the genius, yet they were restricted, the world fearing what would come from a kingdom of madmen, under the 5 great kingdoms, Earths Mecha restriction act, they were closely monitored, after the first 3 ships fell destroying a few large cites the world looked for a way, until a few large scans that showed few black spots on the earth, in a few of the large kingdoms, sent out teams to unearth them, finding what would later be known as relics, the few places that did unearth them in there land claimed them as there own as the ships sat only attacking when coming near them. Seeing this the kingdom of rebirth, did there own scan under the noses of the 5 great kingdoms, located 50 miles from the kingdom, in the karless sea (western Pacific Ocean) a Relic far older then the rest.

[Advancement facility, the kingdom of rebirth]

King Alaster "tell me Arthur, what is the likely hood us being able to control what comes out?" Coming in to the large advancements facility.

Arther "my king there is no telling from our scans, it is not like others, Wakoku (Japan) that found there relic, within there homeland said it has yet too open itself,many attempts have been made" walking up to the monolith looking black relic, as water still slide down its sides.

Alaster "there is no telling what is inside, yet we have to take the risk, the tower ships, even if they have yet to go beon just defense, with there Technology alone they could wipe us out, too think the weapons we consider war ending, are just toys too them" walking to the relic touching it.

Arthur "whatever this monoliths are they must hold something far more dangerous then the mechs, a reason the ancients locked them below the earth and depths of the sea" running programs of the cites that have been destroyed as well as scan the glyphs on the relic itself.

Alaster "if the Kingdom of Krisna, finds out there will be hell, yet they have a relic themselves, if as the world is under attack the queen still wished for peace, if we are found out we must be expect a heavy punishment" pushing his hands through his grey hair.

Arthur "as well as the other 3 great kingdoms, suppress on the signal may work for now, they will catch on my king, if we gave it to the kingdom of Athena we could..."

Alaster "no they share nothing, locking away history from our past, we will take the consequences that come with it, there is no telling when the towers will awake, but hopefully one of the relics will awaken, for now run test if we can open it we may have a chance as well as found out about our past" turning and looking at Arthur.

Arthur "very well my lord, it will be as you say, move run decoding on the glyphs, if magnetizations does not work it there must be a material similar to metal, find out what it is" yelling at the others in the room.

Alaster "I pray that this will help the world, but I fear what if it brings its destruction" looking at the black monolith, before walking too the large doors, closing them.

The world still moved as kingdoms organized there mechas, while waiting for what will happen, the nations with relics studied wishing to open them, after trial and error, it happened, the relic in Japan opened revealing a mecha much more advance then the ones they worked on, a pilot that some how survived, holding information from the rest as others did, one by one the relics opened, all relieving something that there kingdoms thought would help in these times of uneasiness. Yet one remained closed, as his sent a pulse out, the other kingdoms who picked this up, located it a meeting was held, and it fell under of Krisna, too bring this relic back, as the kingdom of rebirth could not be trusted.

Arthur "my king they will come, there is no doubt, they will take it and our people will be punished!" Looking with worried eyes.

The king looking worried looking as the monolith, center starts to fold back as the glyphs glowed.

Alaster "it will not matter if we can control it, have you found a way?!" Looking crazed.

Ashley "my lords, the monolith has opened" a fellow scientist says watch as there was something like a black void inside.

Arthur "understood, and well lord if it is humanoid, we can try reasoning with it as the Japanese did, If it will not we can force a re-correction collar on it, as they do with the broken (aka modified humans), if it is a mecha we need a suitable candidate" nervous.

Alaster "let us hope, if it can not be controlled, destroy it" looking as the void started to move as black liquid moved out the way.

Inside sitting on a chair, a humanoid sat with cords stuck in the body , reddish pink hair cut on the sides, tattoo like marks on its face arms and midsection, it's body ripped as if made prefect, black nails, no shirt but a black pair of pants with gold designs, two long side flaps that went to it's a ankles, black tabi like cloth and black waraji. The being slowly opened its eyes.

Mc "tell me where am I?" Getting up showing he was tall 6'5 as he walked out past the void.

'So I actually was put in his fucking thing, doesn't matter, I finally get to a mecha world, I can't wait, I hope the wishes I got help me, we will see' the Mc thinks too himself looking down a old man.