
Chapter 4


"M- Mister Potter… that endoscope cost over a thousand pounds." The scientist in the white lab coat stuttered as the end of the medical device was spat out of the helmet.

"I didn't know that was going to happen!" Harry defended himself.

"Lucky it wasn't your fingers." The older blonde teenager chuckled as she sat on a nearby stool. "Come on, Dad. You knew what was likely to happen."

"Elizabeth, it is still a rather shocking event… and disheartening to see valuable equipment destroyed."

"Doctor Braddock-"

"Relax Mister Potter." The black-haired Sir James Braddock assured him. "I am not blaming you, I simply regret the loss of my tools."

Elizabeth 'Betsy' Braddock hopped off her stool. "Alright, this is really bugging me. Why can't I read your mind?"

"Elizabeth!" Doctor Braddock hissed.

"You… don't know me well enough?" Harry offered.

"I'm a telepath, smartass." Betsy had blonde hair and was wearing leather jacket over a t-shirt with jeans. She was very beautiful.

"I don't like people playing with my mind." Harry said firmly as he dropped the visor. "I put runes in to prevent it. Glad it's working."

"Relax." Betsy waved her hand. "I couldn't read you with your visor up, that's why I asked."

"You don't need eye contact?"

"No… and I don't really just go around reading people's minds. I could, but it isn't fun." She shuddered. "But I can constantly sense peoples' minds. I have a permanent connection to my brother's mind. We're twins."

"I just wish you'd be a little more like him and go to University." Doctor Braddock muttered.

"Hey! I'm the reason you got to London." Betsy objected. "I am your pilot."

"You can fly?" Harry asked as Doctor Braddock led him to sit back down and began peering into his visor.

"Yep, I can't fly a fighter jet or a 747, but I can manage the small planes… plus I'm learning to fly helicopters."

"The only things I fly are broomsticks and this armour. Oh, and a hippogriff."

"Yeah, Dad told me about some of the adventures listed in your file." Betsy said as she stood and moved to stand behind her father so she and Harry could see each other. "I bet it would be a nightmare to get you through Heathrow security and onto a plane with that armour."

"That may very well be a theory you will get to test, Miss Elizabeth."

Harry and Betsy immediately turned and bowed to the King.

"Dammit, Harry!" Doctor Braddock snapped. He was cradling his fingers.

"Harry, whilst I greatly appreciate the respect, try not to let it injure others." The King sighed as he indicated for his aid to tend to the doctor.

"Sorry… I can heal that." Harry said as he offered his hand to the doctor.

"It's fine, Harry." Doctor Braddock showed him his hand. "It will take a lot more than that to damage me properly. It just hurt."

"Oh… but the last time someone tried to stick their fingers in my visor Madam Pomphrey had to magic them back on. She taught me the spell."

"As I was saying." The King stepped up. "I believe there is reason for Harry to travel to America with you, James. You are attending that hearing regarding the 'Mutant Registration Act'. If Miss Gwynn is agreeable I would like her to accompany you.

"Also, Colonel Fury has asked for Harry to attend as part of revealing the unknown to the world and as he has a few experiments he would like him to help with."

"Experiments?" Doctor Braddock frowned.

The King smiled. "Yes, he wants Harry to experiment with runes and adamantium. I am eager to hear the results myself."


Harry and Megan were now a common sight around the city, especially the palace and main shopping streets. They had even been shown on the news but had yet to give an interview.

A statement from the palace said they were wards of the King, what their names were and that Harry was trapped in the armour due to an accident and Megan's wings were natural.

Hermione had been by the palace to visit Harry and Megan a few more times before she headed back to school, she had yelled at Ron when he tried to go with her, especially as he seemed to have no intention of respecting the King, Ron considered him a rich muggle and nothing more. Arthur and Molly were not pleased with him.

Harry and Megan were now heading to Washington D.C. in the USA. They were accompanied by Doctor Braddock, his daughter Betsy and Dobby and Ally.

Dobby insisted on accompanying Harry for protection and Ally insisted that she still needed to care for Megan and teach Harry how to be a wizard.

He still forgot to open things with magic, but his repair and cleaning spells were top notch.

"Where's Betsy?" Megan asked as they sat in the spacious lounge on the Royal plane.

"She's up front. This is one of the few times she will be able to see a plane of this size in operation without actually having to attend pilot training." Doctor Braddock explained.

"Now, I want to talk to you about this hearing we will be attending." Doctor Braddock sat forward. "It will be… difficult. Especially for you, Megan.

"There are some very closed minded people who want to force mutants to register."

"But don't all people do that?" Harry asked. "The palace gave me my National Insurance Card a few weeks ago. Doesn't that mean I'm registered?"

"Yes, it means that the government knows you exist. It is a means of establishing how many citizens there are and therefore… how much in taxes they expect to receive. There is more to it, but it is different to what the Americans are talking about.

"They are talking about making people like Megan register and declare their abilities. To say if they can read minds, fly… etcetera.

"They also want to make their names and addresses public, force them to attend check-ins and report their daily activities.

"There is also talk about making them wear collars for tracking and restricting their right to have children."

"Dad, they barely know how regular people are supposed to live. They need a little background." Betsy warned as she joined them.

She sat down next to her father and crossed her long jean-clad legs. "Back in the thirties there was this man. He was an utter jerk. He went into politics and eventually became-"

"Listen, Betsy, I may have lived in a cage for the past four years, but I know who Hitler is." Megan glared at the older teen.

Betsy looked to Harry who gave her a sheepish smile through his open visor.

"I believe Betsy was trying to convey that the current situation with the Americans and mutants is beginning to mirror the travesty of what befell the Jews at Hitler's hands and even the black people at the hands of the Americans before they finally ended segregation." Doctor Braddock explained.

"Right." Betsy nodded.

Doctor Braddock patted her knee and addressed them all. "When it comes down to it, just remember that everything the Americans want to do to mutants, they want to do to Megan and Betsy."


Getting through flight security in London had been relatively painless.

Trying the same at Washington D.C. had been a mix of the Three Stooges and Abbott and Costello.

The American Security personnel had insisted on searching everyone and everything. They kept demanding that Harry take his armour off. They had even attempted to try and restrain Megan and remove her wings, claiming they needed to examine them for contraband.

That had been when Harry had had enough and the security personnel found themselves with numerous broken bones from Harry's armoured fists.

"Ah… I see I was not on time." Harry turned to see a man in a suit with dark hair and a receding hairline. "Apologies, I'm Agent Philip Coulson, Colonel Fury sent me to make sure you got through security alright."

"You are indeed, twenty minutes too late." Doctor Braddock glared at him.


Coulson was somehow able to get them to his waiting SUV whilst bypassing most of security. Unfortunately they weren't able to check in at the embassy as they were already running late to get to the hearing.

Coulson ushered them to their seats, quite near the front.

A young red-headed woman was addressing the panel of senators. She was talking about evolution, the rise of mankind.

The chairman of the panel, Senator Kelly, interrupted her. "You're avoiding the question I posed to you at the beginning of the hearing, Ms. Grey. Three words: Are mutants dangerous?"

"Well that's a bloody stupid question." Betsy muttered.

"Well, what do you expect from a bloody stupid man?" Doctor Braddock smirked back.

Unfortunately they were not quiet.

"I will have quiet from the gallery or you will be thrown out." Kelly glared at them. But he paused and his eyes widened. "Is that a mutant? Two of them? Alert security!"

"Senator, I am Doctor James Braddock, here at the request of the King of England and at the invitation of the President of the United States.

"All three of these individuals are with me and have been cleared by security. I suggest you focus on this farce of a hearing before you make more of a fool of yourself than you already have."

Harry was surprised. He had expected everyone to be polite and diplomatic, granted with barbed comments, but nothing so blunt.

"Enough of this, foolishness." Braddock snarled as he moved out of the row of chairs and approached Ms. Grey. He then gently moved her out of the way and took the podium.

"Are mutants dangerous? They are as dangerous as you Senator. Like any human they have the ability to place their foot on your neck and crush your windpipe.

"The difference between mutants and you is that they are not filled with hatred and bigotry."

Kelly was livid and he angrily held up a photograph. "See this? A mutant did this a few days ago when a minor altercation occurred.

"And you think you can stand there and compare me to these monsters?"

"Yes. Because there are no bodies in that photo or the police reports." Braddock smirked. "That's the thing. The fool of a man who melted that car deserves his punishment. But he also deserves his right to a trial. He is an American citizen, born and raised in this country by people who were also born and raised here.

"And again, I will say that anyone in this room could do that to a car. All it takes is a match and some petrol."

"And what about when melting cars is not enough? What about when he starts melting humans?" Kelly sneered.

"Again, you are focusing on this man having a genetic advantage over you-"

"Advantage?" Kelly scoffed. "There is no way a mutant is better than me, a true red-blooded American."

Braddock turned to his party. "Megan, would you be so kind as to join me?" He asked with a kind smile.

Betsy whispered in her ear. Megan was livid at what she had heard so far. She stood up, people gasped as her wings fluttered and she slowly hovered over the other people to land next to Doctor Braddock.

"Miss Gwynn is a mutant. Her wings are part of that. She is, as you just saw, capable of flight.

"Are you seriously trying to say you've never dreamt of being able to fly anywhere, anytime?

"Or are you afraid of heights?" Braddock smirked.

"And there is the crux of the issue." Kelly sneered. "The creature-"

"I'll remind you that Miss Gwynn is a ward of the King, himself." Braddock looked at the man stonily.

"It can fly into restricted areas, bypass check-ins. It is a risk to National Security."

"So is a man or woman with a hang-glider." Braddock scoffed. "For decades we have been dropping men behind enemy lines.

"The same thing that stops regular humans from entering restricted areas is the same thing that stops Miss Gwynn.

"The law."

"A law that they can choose to ignore." Kelly countered.

"As can any human. I wonder how many humans have snuck into this hearing. Have smuggled illicit materials.

"It is all about free will. Something that every human has regardless of ability.

"The fact of the matter is that you are far more dangerous to American National Security simply because of your wealth. You have the resources to pay mercenaries, buy weapons, information.

"You hold a position of high authority in this country. You are using it to persecute others unjustly."

"I am using it to protect the American people!"

"Fine." Braddock said sharply. "You want to register all mutants. How do you intend to find them all? Most have no defining features like Miss Gwynn."

"Genetic testing is easy. Before your interruptions, Ms. Grey was telling us all about this 'x-gene'." Kelly said with disgust.

"And you intend to test every American citizen." Braddock smirked. "I hope you remember that you are an American citizen.

"You see, not everyone knows they are a mutant. They don't know they have the gene. In some it hasn't activated." Braddock turned to the gathered press. "Any one of you could have the x-gene. Remember that when they look further into this despicable Act.

"Soon enough you'll find yourselves being forced to wear a yellow star… and history has told us what happens next."


Braddock had practically manhandled Ms. Grey out of the building. He insisted on seeing her to her vehicle.

Harry was very tense. His visor was down, despite the limited vision. He was also holding his shield and had Megan squashed between himself and Betsy.

They had to force their way through reporters and protestors.

And that was when it happened.

Eyes trained to spot a glimmer of gold locked onto the incoming object and Harry raised his shield and stepped in front of Ms. Grey.

There was a metallic clang and then silence.

Everyone turned to see a man in a baseball cap lying insensate on the floor. A full can of beer leaking next to him.

"Agent Coulson…"

The Agent was well ahead of Doctor Braddock. He was calling for reinforcements.

His SUV soon sped around the corner and he piled the group in.

"Whilst I appreciate the protection, I was attending the hearing with colleagues." Ms. Grey said a little testily.

"And unless one of them was Doctor Henry McCoy, I doubt they will have the same issues we just did." Braddock waved his hand dismissively. "Betsy, Harry, Megan, this is Doctor Jean Grey. Doctor Grey, this is my daughter and the King's two wards."

Everyone nodded to each other.

"Megan, are you doing alright?" Doctor Braddock asked kindly. "I do apologise for putting you on the spot like that."

"I'm fine. Might want ta gag me next time. Came mighty close to saying things I shouldn't." She scowled.

"I doubt the King would object, I certainly don't."

"So… you're a telekinetic and a telepath." Betsy smirked at the red head. Jean Grey had a very worried look.

"Elizabeth!" Doctor Braddock said sternly.

"Relax, I didn't read her mind. I can just see her struggling with Harry. She can't sense him and it is unsettling for her."

"I am a telepath." Jean admitted carefully. "It is sometimes difficult to live with."

"So you are reading our minds?" Megan demanded.

"No… well, I am not attempting to." Jean amended. "I can control how deep I look. I can't control hearing your surface thoughts.

"When you talk to me I usually just hear them like an echo of your words. When you are deep in thought… it is like you are… stage whispering to me."

"Practice the mental techniques you've been learning, Megan." Braddock suggested.

"Forgive me for being rude, but, are you actually human?" Jean asked Harry. "Or are you an advanced form of android?"

"Human." Harry said tersely.

"Harry is simply trapped in this armour. It is exceptionally advanced, created entirely by Harry himself. Unfortunately, circumstance and misfortune has seen him stuck inside for the foreseeable future."

"Are we going to the British Embassy?" Jean asked. "I am in contact with my companions and need to tell them where to meet me." She tapped her temple.

"Yes. Mister Xavier and Miss Monroe?" Braddock asked.

Jean frowned. "Yes."

Braddock smiled. "Doctor, always assume that others know your secrets. Being a powerful telepath like yourself or Mister Xavier does not make you infallible.

"Do try to remember that, not twenty minutes ago, you were giving a lecture on how adaptable humans are."

"You're spying on us?" Jean asked.

"The British? No. But we do have contact with the elite of the security world. It is extremely foolish to think you can hide a massive military plane in a mansion pool."

Jean looked at Coulson.

"I'm not at liberty to comment, Doctor." The agent shrugged. "But attempting to read my mind would be considered an attack."

"Pix, I need your drawing pad." Harry asked the girl on his left.

Megan scowled at the shortened version of the nickname Harry had started to use on her. He had shrugged and said it made sense. Several people had called her a pixie.

Harry took the graphite pencil and enlarged it so it would fit in his metal encased hand. He started drawing.

Doctor Grey gasped. "You are a mutant."

"You think everyone with an ability is a mutant?" Betsy scoffed. "That's the type of thinking that will drop this country into a civil war with that Registration Act."

"Then what is he?" Jean argued.

"Classified." Coulson said tersely.

There was a tearing sound and they looked to see Harry tearing the A4 page into strips. He took one and wrapped it around the front of Megan's head.

"Betsy, can you try and read her mind?" He asked as he held it in place.

"I can't… whatever you did hid her just like you." Betsy was clearly impressed.

Harry reached over to Doctor Braddock and did the same whilst asking for Betsy to try again.

Megan was scratching at the paper stuck to her forehead.

Harry then turned to Coulson. "Agent, this will protect your mind from intrusion."

"Go ahead, sir." Coulson nodded.

"As far as my telepathy is concerned, the only people in this room are me and Grey." Betsy frowned. She shivered uncomfortably before reaching across the aisle to grab her father's hand. He patted it caringly.

"Elizabeth doesn't use her telepathy to read other people's minds without permission, but she does use it as a form of SONAR." Doctor Braddock explained. "She can walk around with her eyes closed because she can sense others."

"What if she walks into a lamppost?" Megan asked.

Betsy laughed. "I can get a sense of what others see. It's not a direct link to their eyes, but I could sense that beer can heading for us before I could see it."

"What did you do?" Jean Grey demanded. "I can't… what did you do?" She glared at Harry.

"I protected them from mind readers." Harry shrugged.


"Classified." Agent Coulson butted in. He didn't look anywhere near professional with a white piece of paper wrapped around his forehead.

"Harry… how do I get this thing off?" Megan glared at him.

"I'll show you later. It won't get stuck." Megan's glare intensified. "I promise!"

They soon pulled into the embassy and disembarked.

"Sir James, I'll be in contact to arrange the meeting with Colonel Fury." Coulson told the older man respectfully. "Mister Potter… how do I remove this?" He pointed to the paper on his forehead.

Harry glanced at Jean. "Come see me later? Or I can remove it now?"

"Take it off, Harry. I can warn him if anyone decides to go peeking." Betsy smirked at the red head.

Coulson gave Harry a nod and the metal encased wizard peeled the paper off. He quickly entered his SUV and the driver took them away.

"It is that level of distrust that will cause an immense divide between humans and mutants."

They turned to see a bald headed man being pushed in a wheelchair by a black woman with bright white hair.

"Harry has been abused by mind readers. His caution should be understandable." Doctor Braddock glared at the man. "However, Harry is far more altruistic in his actions. He knows that individuals like the agent and myself are privy to very sensitive information. Doctor Grey admitted she can't help but hear our active thoughts."

"Hmm… Harry, could you invert your little protectors?" Betsy turned to the armoured wizard.

"Huh?" Was the eloquent response that made Doctor Braddock scowl.

"Can you make it so it blocks my telepathy for me?"

Harry frowned and looked down at the paper he had taken from Coulson. "Meg-" A pad of paper was shoved in his face.

Megan smirked at him.

"Over there, if you would, Harry." Braddock indicated he should move away from the group to hide his actions.

Harry, Betsy and Megan moved to the doors to the embassy.

"Now, Mister Xavier, I would like to visit your school. A brief and informal discussion with some of your pupils and staff would also be appreciated." Doctor Braddock said.

Xavier frowned. "For what purpose?"

"Learning. Miss Gwynn is a mutant as is my daughter and eldest son. There are many more in Britain and we want to be able to provide for them as well as all the other children."

"You can't just treat them like equals?" Miss Monroe asked with a snide smile.

"Miss Monroe, I would have thought you were more observant." Braddock chastised. "Did you not realise that Miss Gwynn's clothes are custom made to accommodate her beautiful wings?"

The smile slipped to a scowl.

"There are many others with physical disparity that means they cannot be treated 'as equals'. To do so would be a disservice to them.

"Imagine if all women's public bathrooms were replaced with urinals. Do you intend to force all men to wear brassieres?"

"Just how many people do you intend to bring to my school?" Xavier asked.

"Just myself, my daughter, Harry and Megan. Perhaps it will be beneficial for Megan to meet other mutants."

"But not Harry?" Monroe asked, that slight sneer reappearing.

"Harry is not a mutant. But as to the underlying question, there are few more open and accepting than Harry James Potter."

"Careful Dad, you're gonna make Harry's head bust out of his helmet." Betsy laughed as they walked up. "Here, put this on." She handed a simple white hairband to Jean.

Jean took it cautiously.

"It isn't booby trapped and it comes off easily." Betsy assured her.

Jean slowly put it on… she froze.

"Jean!" Xavier exclaimed.

Monroe moved quickly between Xavier and Braddock, her eyes turning pure white as dark clouds began rolling across the blue sky.

"What have you done to her?" Xavier demanded.

"That hairband will block her telepathy." Betsy smiled, unconcerned with the hostility. "Imagine being able to sleep at night in peace and quiet." She wiggled her eyebrows at the red head.

"It… it's so… weird." Jean winced as her voice seemed so loud to her without the background noise of everyone's thoughts. "I'd forgotten what the silence was like."

She took it off and stumbled as the voices flooded back in. She looked at Harry with fear and hope. "Can you make these for others?"

"He can make them for telepaths." Doctor Braddock stepped up. He looked to Monroe. "Perhaps you should allow nature to govern herself for now?" He said pointedly.

Monroe looked to Xavier who nodded. Her eyes returned to the natural brown and the skies cleared.

"God, could you save the day on a trip to Brighton." Betsy sighed.

"Why just telepaths?" Jean asked. "There are other mutants out there who need help. Their mutations are hurting them."

"It is simply the nature of what Harry has created." Braddock explained. "It is not a device to supress the x-gene. It is a device to prevent telepathy.

"Elizabeth, did you try it?"

"I was the guinea pig." She nodded. "I felt like I was blind. I couldn't sense anyone."

"She is a telepath?" Xavier frowned.

"Indeed." Braddock smirked. "Well, I believe my wards could do with a good meal and a rest. I will send word to your school regarding our visit." He turned, placing a hand on Betsy and Megan's back.

"Wait! How do I recharge this?" Jean called out.

"Recharge?" Harry frowned.

Betsy snorted. "Don't break it and it will always work."


The following day Harry and Doctor Braddock were taken to a secure installation to meet with Colonel Fury. They were escorted by Agent Coulson.

"Harry, you created those mind protectors on paper and in less than ten minutes?" Fury asked earnestly.

"It's the same runes I used on my armour so people like Snape and Voldemort can't read my mind." Harry nodded.

Fury laughed in amazement as he sat at the conference table. "This is what I wanted you to create. Tools to help people. If you could put those runes on something inconspicuous like a pair of glasses, you could protect the minds of people like the President, or the King.

"Even me.

"There are things I know that should go to the grave with me. Things I know that could save lives."

"I believe Agent Coulson had already departed, but Harry also created a similar device that prevented a telepath from using their telepathy.

"Doctor Grey is continuously bombarded by others' stray thoughts. Harry inscribed runes on a hairband and now she can sleep peacefully at night." Braddock explained.

Fury didn't look too happy. "You didn't make her sign an NDA? We'll need to draw up the patent documents quick. Coulson, contact Hill, tell her to get on it."

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"We are just trying to make sure that your intellectual work is protected. So no one can steal it or claim they made it." Braddock answered.

"Ok, but I conjured two parts of the hairband and inscribed on the inside. It is stuck together with magic. They won't be able to see the runes."

"Smart, Harry. Very smart." Braddock praised as Fury relaxed.

"Alright, let's get down to why you are here." Fury placed a small twenty by ten by five centimetre block of metal on the table and slid it across to Harry. "That is adamantium. The most indestructible substance on the planet.

"In order to mould it you have to keep it in two separate parts and then pour them simultaneously at immense temperatures. Once it's cooled, there is no changing it."

Harry waved his hand over the strange metal, turning it into a mouse.

"And that is its major flaw." Fury said. "It is still vulnerable to magic. But what if you could change that?"

"I guess." Harry shrugged. "Some of the last runes layered on my armour prevent magic attacks."

"Like we just said, we need to protect your work. What I want from you, is for you to figure out how to make this metal magic proof."

Harry cancelled the spell on the mouse and cast another spell on the block of metal. He looked up at Fury and Braddock. "I'll need Megan's help. She'll need to test it for me with her wand."

"We have magicals on s-"

"An excellent idea, Harry." Braddock interrupted Fury.

Fury clearly didn't agree, but didn't push. "Alright, let's talk about your plans to visit Xavier's school.

"You've been briefed on their operation, Sir James, how much have you told Harry and the girls?"

"Everything I know."

"I'd recommend you wear more of those 'mind protectors'. Xavier is extremely loose with his telepathy. We have vague rumours that they have a machine that enables him to hear anyone's thoughts anywhere on the planet."

"Good Lord. That's… that's abominable!"

"Hopefully it is just a scientific project." Fury said. Braddock gave him a very dry look. "I said hopefully. If you can find out for sure, I'd appreciate it."

"Is it safe to take Miss Gwynn and Elizabeth along? I had hoped to give Miss Gwynn more exposure to others like her."

Fury sighed. "Your call. We don't have any reports of danger from the students, but like I said, they've got a machine for mind reading… and a military jet under the basketball court."


Harry was thoroughly engrossed in his work. He spent several days carving runes on wood. His goal was to carve with magic, then empower them. If he could get it to work he could carve them on Adamantium instead of trying to create a mould.

He was a bit disappointed when Doctor Braddock dragged him away from the laboratory.

They were soon back on the plane and headed for upstate New York and then standing in front of the gates of the Xavier School for Gifted Children.

They were greeted by a beaming Jean Grey. "It is great you could make it. I wanted to thank you for the hairband. I have never slept so well." She told them as she led them up the path to the mansion.

"I can always make you another if that one gets lost." Harry shrugged.

A bell rang throughout the mansion and Jean grimaced. "Unfortunately you've arrived as classes are finishing. Be prepared for the stampede."

And that was when doors opened everywhere and students started pouring into the corridor. None of them seemed to spare more than a glance for the armoured man or the girl with wings.

But quite a few boys sent an admiring glance at Betsy.

Jean turned to Betsy. "You can't hear their thoughts?"

Betsy chuckled. "I don't need to read minds to know what they were thinking. Besides, I've been approached about modelling. I'm used to that sort of attention."

"I certainly don't envy you." Jean sighed.

"Why don'tcha just wear the hairband?" Megan asked.

"Because it is like walking around with my eyes closed." Jean shrugged. "Miss Braddock explained how her abilities give her a secondary view of the world. I found that I had the same thing when I tried to wear the headband during the day.

"I literally walked into ten people… and a table." She blushed.

"Jean, are these our guests?"

Jean smiled at the tall, brown haired man wearing thick red glasses that hid his eyes. "Scott, meet Doctor James Braddock, Miss Elizabeth Braddock, Mister Harry Potter and Miss Megan Gwynn.

"Everybody, this Scott Summers, one of the professors and a former student."

"A pleasure to meet you, Mister Summers." Doctor Braddock shook the man's hand. "If you would like a better life without those glasses, I'd recommend sitting down and explaining your issues with Mister Potter. He might be able to help you."

There was a rattle of metal as Harry's head snapped to Doctor Braddock. They were skirting very close to revealing magic.

"You know all of our abilities?" Scott asked with a frown.

"I know a lot." Doctor Braddock corrected. "Yours are easy to learn about considering what they are and how… dramatic they can be."

Scott smirked. "Dramatic, huh? I'll have to remember that one."

Doctor Braddock smiled. "Well, if you have any students who are suffering with their x-gene, perhaps they could sit down with Harry and myself. Maybe we can help."

"You honestly think you can do more than we already have?" Scott raised a doubtful eyebrow.

"Perhaps you should direct that question to Doctor Grey." This time Braddock smirked.

"Yes. Yes they can, Scott." The telepath said firmly.

"Ah, Doctor Braddock." Xavier greeted them as he arrived in an electric wheelchair. "Welcome to my school."

"A lovely place you have here, Mister Xavier." Braddock complimented the man. "And I can see a lot of happy children. Elizabeth?"

"Well… as happy as angsty teens can be." The blonde smirked. "But they aren't scared about being here."

"I trust you aren't reading my students' minds, Miss Braddock." Xavier frowned.

"Just the general psychic atmosphere." She shrugged.

"That said, he looks a little old to be a student and he definitely doesn't want to be here." She nodded to a man in sleep pants and a white vest who had just exited a door.

"Shit." Scott swore as he turned and approached the man.

"Scott, wait-" Xavier's warning was cut off by the man with heavy side-burns popping out three six inch knife blades from his knuckles on each hand. He growled at Scott.

"Betsy?" Doctor Braddock asked his daughter tersely.

"He wants answers, but he'd rather not engage." Betsy frowned as she tucked Megan behind her.

Jean was looking around in confusion. Harry had vanished.

"Sir, I am James Braddock. Are you alright?" Doctor Braddock asked calmly as he approached from behind Scott.

"Where am I? Where's the girl?" The man demanded, he never looked away from Scott.

"You are at the Xavier School for Gifted Children in Westchester, New York." Doctor Braddock turned to the others. "Mister Xavier, do you know of the girl he refers to?"

"She is safe and is likely preparing for dinner." Xavier replied. "Neither you nor she are in danger here. We brought you here to tend to your injuries after you were attacked."

The man scoffed. "You expect me to believe you picked us up from four thousand miles away and flew us here to treat a few cuts and burns? And you crossed the border?"

"Good grief." Braddock laughed. "Even I want to hear the answer to that one."

Xavier scowled. "I received word that a mutant was about to attempt to abduct you. I am familiar with this individual and knew it would be best if he was stopped.

"You were attacked by several mutants before my people arrived to rescue you."

"And who is this suspected kidnapper?" Braddock asked.

"His name is Eric Lensherr. An old friend of mine. We have different views on how mutant-kind will survive the coming strife."

"And what part does the girl play?"

"She's a runaway. She stowed away in my camper, I was gonna drop her off at the border." The man stated.

Braddock growled in frustration. "Doctor Grey, please find the girl in question. We need to make sure she was not the target.

"I will contact Agent Coulson and-"

"It would be prudent not to involve the authorities at this time." Xavier spoke up.

"Yes, it would." Braddock glared. "Kidnapping is a crime."

"There is more going on here than you know. Involving the authorities would put my school and the children at risk." Xavier said angrily.

"I don't know what you are so afraid of, Mister Xavier, but I will not allow that fear to threaten innocent children."

"No cops." The clawed man scowled.

"The agency I am calling are far more than mere police officers." Braddock said as he pulled out a mobile phone.

"I said NO COPS!" The man lunged at Doctor Braddock with his hands only to hit thin air with a metallic clang.

He was suddenly hanging by his wrists as Harry materialised, holding him. "Do not make me hurt you." Harry warned darkly.

"The hell are you?" The man asked with wide eyes.

"His bodyguard." Harry retorted.

"Agent Coulson? I need everything you have on one Eric Lensherr. A known associate of Charles Xavier. He might be involved in the kidnapping of a young girl."


"The girl is fine, she is here at Xavier's mansion."


"Thank you, Agent. We will expect you shortly."

"I hope you realise the peril you have brought down upon my children." Xavier said gravely.

"None more than you when you brought this man and the girl here." Braddock scoffed.

"Yeah, that's the dumbest argument you could have made." Betsy scoffed. "You had better hope this 'Eric' doesn't know it was your people who rescued them."

"Professor, Doctor Braddock, this is Rogue." Jean introduced the teenage girl she was escorting.

"Logan! You're ok!" She exclaimed. "What's going on?" She asked as she took in the scene of the armoured knight holding Logan off the ground.

"You can release him now, Harry." Braddock instructed.

Logan grunted as he hit the floor.

Rogue moved to quickly check on him with her gloved hands.

"Doctor, a man will be arriving shortly to deliver information regarding the people who attacked these two. Please see him to us?" Braddock asked Jean.

"In the meantime, Mister Summers, perhaps you could introduce my daughter and Miss Gwynn to some of your students?"

Both looked to Xavier who reluctantly nodded.


Harry was standing just outside a set of French doors that looked out on mansion grounds. Not far away, Betsy and Megan were chatting with a set of three identical triplets.

It was good to see Megan happy.

"You are metal man?"

Harry turned at the sound of the heavy Russian accent to see an older teenage male towering over him curiously.

"Erm… I'm wearing armour." Harry offered.

"Da. I see. You cannot take it off?"

"No, I'm trapped in here."

The boy nodded. "I understand. I was scared too at first." He said as his body began to ripple and become made of metal. "Still worry. Worry that one day I will not be able to change back." He then reverted to flesh.

"This isn't an x-gene thing. It's just a bad accident." Harry shrugged.

"Professor Xavier always say, accidents can be fixed." The boy said sagely.

"Not always. Sometimes accidents can be… fatal."

"Da. But you can still… erm… try to make right." The boy frowned at his inability to communicate properly.

"I'm Harry." The wizard held out his hand in an effort to save the fellow teen from his concern.

"Piotr." The boy smiled as he shook the hand.


It was after curfew by the time Coulson arrived. The students were all in bed. Even Megan had been given a room.

"Eric Lensherr, aka 'Magneto'." Coulson said as he showed them images of the man, projected onto the wall from his laptop. "A survivor of Nazi concentration camps, he believes mutants are the future of mankind. That they are superior."

"He's not entirely wrong." Jean offered. "Mutants are the next stage of human evolution."

"No, Doctor." Braddock corrected softly. "They are a possible stage of human evolution."

"Lensherr is a terrorist who has attacked various non-mutants in an attempt to further his agenda… that agenda is not entirely clear." Coulson continued.

"He believes that mutants should be allowed to live separately and govern themselves." Xavier offered.

"At the cost of non-mutants." Coulson added. "And his actions against anyone not a mutant are what make him a terrorist.

"Harry, Lensherr's ability is to manipulate metal. He claims to have control over magnetism, we've seen evidence it is more than that. You are vulnerable in that armour."

"Maybe." Harry said thoughtfully.

"It concerns me how much you know about us." Xavier frowned.

"Charles, they are humans. They are obviously spying on us." The white haired Ororo Monroe scoffed.

"Actually, we spy on you because we are an intelligence agency." Coulson smiled. "Being human has nothing to do with it."

"Last week you made a giant storm appear in New York on a hot summer day." Betsy looked at her like she was idiot. "You don't need spies. You just need eyes and an IQ above sixty."

There was a scream from upstairs. Coulson's hand went to his gun as the others moved. Harry was already moving.

They raced upstairs to find Harry holding a distraught Rogue by the shoulder with one hand and his shield with another. Logan was unconscious in his bed.

"What happened?" Jean asked as she moved to check on Logan.

"Harry, bring her over here." Betsy instructed as she moved to the windows. She sat down on the window bench and indicated for Rogue to do the same. Harry stood between them and the door as Scott and Ororo were trying to get the rest of the students back to bed.

"What happened, Rogue?" She asked as she gently smoothed out the girl's night dress. There were three evenly spaced holes.

"L- Logan… " She struggled to speak with fear. "He was having a nightmare. I tried to wake him. He stabbed me. I- I had to drain him. I was dying."

"Jean, how is he?" Betsy called passed Harry.

"He's fine." Jean called back.

"Alright. Seems like a whole bunch of accidents to me." She assured the girl as she patted her knee. "At least you aren't hurt anymore."

It was disconcerting to see the girl flinch whenever someone tried to touch her. Her ability to drain a person by touch had caused her to run from home.

"Harry, why don't you take Marie for a walk. Find out about her ability and see if you can't think of a way to help?"

Harry frowned but Betsy glared at him.

As he guided Rogue out of the room they were stopped by Coulson. "Miss D'Ancanto, are you alright?"

"How do you know my name?" She asked fearfully.

"I am part of an agency, when you were found with Mister Logan we did a search on you. Don't worry, you'll be quite safe here." He promised.

"Betsy said to take her for a walk and see if I can help her." Harry explained.

Coulson nodded. "Some fresh air and ears. Just keep your eyes peeled, Harry."


"Can you really help me?" Rogue asked as she sat on bench opposite the French doors. Rogue, or Marie, was a rather beautiful young girl with dark hair and eyes. She had a thick southern accent.

Harry sighed as he stood opposite her. "I really don't know. I guess the really big problem is I can't touch you to see what it feels like."

"Ah could touch your face." She offered hesitantly.

"If you put your fingers in my visor… they will get chopped off. It's part of the security I installed."

"You made this armour?"

"I… I modified it." Harry said, choosing his words carefully. "Look, tell me how your ability works."


They jumped as a blond-haired male their age approached.

"Shouldn't you be inside?" Harry asked.

"Shouldn't you?" The boy countered.

"It's ok Harry. This is Bobby."

"What happened? They say you used your powers on another mutant." Bobby said as he sat on the bench.

"Logan… he was having a bad dream and stabbed me. Ah had to use his healing-"

"You never use your power on another mutant. That's really bad." Bobby said earnestly. "Xavier is gonna be furious."

"Why?" Harry asked. "He seemed fine when I saw him."

Bobby sneered at him. "You aren't a mutant. You wouldn't understand."

"I live with someone with an x-gene." Harry countered. "Besides, Marie was brought here because she was attacked by other x-gene users."

"Right, and you think Xavier will let her stay here anymore than them?" Bobby argued.

"Yes. And even if he didn't, Doctor Braddock and Agent Coulson would take care of her."

Bobby turned back to Rogue. "Look, you should really leave. Forget what the professors will do, when the other kids hear you used your powers on another mutant-"

"Hopefully they'll ask 'why'." Harry really didn't like this guy. "Stop trying to make her leave. You can be sure I'll be talking to Jean about you.

"If she can't keep you away from Marie then I'll ask Agent Coulson to make sure she is cared for."

"Humans?" Bobby scoffed. "You'll just lock her away and study her."

"Harry, take Rogue and leave."

Bobby jumped to his feet as Betsy walked up.

Harry pulled his shield from his back and gently pulled Rogue to her feet. "What's wrong?"

"This is no student." Betsy glared at the boy. "Not even a boy."

Harry pushed Rogue behind him and pulled out his sword.

"Damned telepaths." Bobby spat as he grew taller and became a blue she with red hair.

"Oh, it is much worse than you think." Betsy smiled darkly. "There are three powerful telepaths in this school. Each one is now rifling through your brain and we'll soon figure out what you want with young Marie."

The blue woman leapt at Betsy but the telepath simply leaned to the side and pushed her past her to go sprawling on the lawn.

The woman was quickly on her feet and running for the walls of the mansion grounds.

"You want me to catch her?" Harry asked, Rogue still cowering behind him.

"Nah… we want her to run. She'll lead us to Lensherr."


They quickly reconvened in the mansion where Logan and Xavier assured Rogue she was not in any trouble.

"Do we know why they want Miss D'Ancanto?" Coulson asked.

"Not exactly." Xavier answered. "It would seem that Eric has kept her out of the loop just for this exact failure on Mystique's part."

"Mystique? What's the bitch's real name?" Betsy asked.

"Raven Darkholm." Coulson answered as he consulted his computer. "A very skilled shapeshifter."

"Perhaps it would be best if Miss D'Ancanto came with us, Agent Coulson. At least until we can capture this Eric Lensherr." Doctor Braddock suggested.

"You ain't locking the kid up." Logan glared, his arm around Rogue protectively.

"It is called protection, moron." Betsy sneered. "We can take her to a safe place where she can have a somewhat more relaxing life."

"It would give me a chance to work with her on her ability." Harry offered.

"How, exactly?" Scott asked, his concern clear.

"Classified." Agent Coulson interrupted.

"Oh, right. Harry, Meg asked if you could make three more headbands." Betsy piped up. "Three of the girls she met today are telepaths and she told them about what you made for Jean when they asked why they couldn't read her."

"I'll do it in a minute then."

"Ah, the Cuckoos." Jean smirked. "They have it even worse than me."

"I'm afraid I must recommend against the Cuckoos using those devices." Xavier said firmly. "There is more to them than simple telepathy."

"Then Harry and I can talk to them and see if they can be helped." Betsy shrugged.

"If we could focus on Lensherr and Darkholm?" Coulson asked. "Miss D'Ancanto needs to be removed from the school until they are caught. Whilst she is here the children are at risk."

"Not from you, my dear." Doctor Braddock assured her. "But if these terrorists make another attempt to kidnap you then the other students will be at risk as a result."

"This school was designed to protect children like Rogue." Ororo argued. "We are trained to deal with people who want to hurt them."

"Enough." Doctor Braddock said firmly. "Miss D'Ancanto will be coming with us."

"And how will this stop Eric from coming here to find her?" Xavier challenged.

"Agent Coulson will call in a visible escort." Braddock said. "We will make it very obvious that we are removing her from this place."


It was a complete three-ring-circus. There were cop cars with lights on. Police helicopters with spotlights. But most importantly, there were news cameras broadcasting that someone had broken into the private school and attacked a member of staff and a student.

Logan was wheeled out of the mansion on a stretcher and into a waiting ambulance, Rogue tearfully clutching his hand.

They then drove off with an invisible escort as Harry followed from the sky.

They made it all the way to an unused warehouse without trouble where they were met by Agent Coulson's colleagues. Then Coulson broke the bad news he had just received.

"Lensherr just swept in and kidnapped Miss Braddock and Miss Gwynn. He held the professors at bay by threatening the police and reporters outside.

"He claims he wants Miss D'Ancanto in exchange for the girls."

"How far do Portkeys work?" Harry asked.

"Indefinite." Doctor Braddock answered quickly.

"I need one to and from London."

"You have a plan?" Coulson asked.

"I have two plans… which are pretty similar."

Coulson turned to his agents. "Get me a Portkey to London, now!"


"See, child? They have no care for our kind." The old man in the dark red cape and helmet sneered at Agent Coulson as he stood in a park with Rogue. "They will trade us like sweets."

Behind him Betsy and Megan were being loomed over by a large hairy man named Sabretooth.

"Shut up you fucking Nazi." Betsy snarled. "Just get this over with."

Magneto back handed her viciously. "We will meet again, Miss Braddock, and by then the humans will have taught you the true meaning of suffering. You will beg for my protection."

"Leave her alone, asshole!" Megan shouted as she stood over the older girl, her wings flickering wildly. "You're the one who kidnapped us!"

The tall muscled and hairy man growled and raised his hand to strike her.

"Sabertooth!" Magneto snapped.

"This is sooo cute."

They looked at Betsy who was bleeding from a gash to her forehead but had an expression of pure joy.

"Hmmph. Looks like you smacked her senseless, Eric." Mystique snorted.

"So much prey!"

They turned to look at Sabretooth who was looking everywhere with a bloodthirsty grin.

Magneto and Mystique both adopted a similar expression of joy and happiness.

Coulson backed up Rogue and spoke into his sleeve quietly.

Harry descended from the sky silently, sending stunners at the three terrorists.

"Meg, you ok?" Harry asked as he knelt down next to the terrified girl and their friend.

"Betsy's hurt! I think they damaged her brain."

"I think you've developed a secondary mutation." Coulson's voice sounded out of the radio hanging around Harry's neck. They looked around and saw Coulson quickly backing away still. "You are emitting something from your wings, Megan, and I think it is affecting them."

"But Harry isn't loopy."

"My armour will filter out anything but natural air. It's a potion rune system for brewing." Harry explained.

"I've called in a HAZMAT crew to retrieve Miss Braddock. I recommend you try and keep Miss Gwynn calm."


Megan was not happy as she sat in a plastic containment tent in a hospital smock. On the other side of a transparent wall was everyone else.

"I hate cages." She glowered.

"It is just temporary until we can be sure you aren't going to send us into flights of fancy, Megan." Doctor Braddock assured her.

"I can come in if you want." Harry offered.

"Don't you dare!" She glared at him. "Not until they get me my clothes." She shuffled uncomfortably as she felt the breeze down her butt. The rear opening smock was not designed for people with wings… and they couldn't find her a belt.

"I'll be your guinea pig, Pixie." Betsy grinned. "Harry can always drag me out if you do dose me. It wasn't a bad experience."

"Can't I have my wand?" She pleaded. "That way I can transfigure some clothes."

"Why don't you let Harry do it?" They turned to the other pink haired female.

"Tonks, I don't know what to conjure. Why don't you do it?"

Tonks turned to Coulson. "Is it ok to stick my hand in?"

"Only if you are willing to go through decontamination again." Coulson smirked.

Tonks shuddered. "Pass. Sorry kid. You're stuck for now. I've got no idea how I'm gonna explain to Remus I just had a shower with two other girls."

Harry's plans had been simple. Either get Tonks to imitate Rogue or use Polyjuice potion. Either way, whatever Magneto wanted Rogue for, it wouldn't work and they could track Tonks via a tracking charm.

Tonks had not been pleased to find an armoured knight pounding on her door first thing in the morning.

"Miss Tonks, I am required to remind you that today's operation is highly classified. You cannot give details to anyone." Coulson warned. "You are a law enforcement officer so you should be able to tell your husband that you were on a classified mission."


Tonks smirked at Harry. "Yeah, Wolfie finally made an honest woman out of me."

"Nobody told me." Harry muttered quietly.

"It wasn't a big deal. We did it all muggle and secretly. Even with all the recent changes, werewolves get a bad rap."


They turned to Rogue who was wide-eyed.

"Kid, there are more than mutants and humans in the world." Logan told her. "You keep your head on a swivel and watch your back and you'll see them."

"Miss D'Ancanto, magic and all related aspects are secret." Doctor Braddock warned.

"Don't worry, Dad. Pixie and I can explain it to her." Betsy promised.

"Are you always gonna call me that?" Megan grumbled.

"You look like a giant pixie. You fly like one. You have 'pixie dust'. You are Pixie." Harry smirked.

"You wait. I'm gonna come up with a nickname for you!" She wagged a finger at him. She then quickly wrapped her arms around her stomach as she felt the cold pick up behind her.