
Scared Cat

Armia is having a hard time brushing her hair as she faced the mirror in her room.She really don't like combing her hair.She let a frustrated sigh and drop the hair brush because of annoyance.

Still facing the mirror,her paled skin reflect.Without hesitation she bun her uncomb her in a messy ponytail doesn't care if she look wreck,put on her glasses,get her bag and walk down as fast as she could.

"Mia,the breakfast is ready."Her Nanny said,the one who taking care of her since then since her parents is so busy handling thier business.

"I'll be eating my breakfast in school.Where is Jasper is should go to school now Nanny.I'll be late."She said in rush as if she is in between life and death.

"Jasper is alreay waiting for you in the garage.Are you not really eating your breakfast.Look at you,you already pale."She shrug her shoulder.

"I think i'm still healthy.Gotto go now.Bye."

She walk towards the garage and just find Jasper,thier 34 years old driver.She can drive but she never like the idea.She went once in her school with an hammer but end up calling Jasper to pick her up because two of her tires is missing.

"In the school.Make it fast please."The driver just nod to her.

She is silent the whole ride.With her thick books in her hand reading as they are on the way to school.She can't help but to eyed her wrist watch and back to her book.She is not used being late.Damn her hair!

"Thank you."She said and close the car's door.

Different whisper regarding to her she heard as she walk in the middle of the school corridor.Not because she is pretty,famous or the queen bee of the school but because she is one of those toy of the bullies.

She just let a deep sigh and don't kind what they are talking about.

"Ahh.The scared cat."That is how they call Armia.She just don't like the idea making a scene and fight with the others.

"She is so funny yesterday."Funny for them but so embarrassing for her. She can't forget it.Putting a dead rat in her bag.That was really gross.She is walking in the middle of school path way with a bad smell.

"I pity her."

"Nah.She is just a weak shit."

"Weak shit scared cat."

"Can she be worsen than that?"

"Genuis but idiot.What a perfect combination."

She let a deep sigh.This people.They don't even bother their selves to whisper it but say it in front of her face.She is still affected even she already heard it more than a million times.She is still a person,can also feel the pain in every bad words throwing to her.But what should she expect? People are so judgemental that you would wish that you are a deaf so you can't hear them.

"Armia!"She slightly jump because of Zachi familiar voice.Her best friend,her armour.She is just a year older than her and they quite different in attitude department.The girl is so hyper and bubbly while on the other hand she is always silent and demure.

"You shock the hell out of me."She said with a low voice.

Zachi make a loud laugh causing to catch everyone's attention.She is pretty embarrassed having a friend like this.

"Zachi!Lower your voice."She yelp that makes Zachi to laugh more.She gave him a death glare making her stop laughing loud and hard but still.

"Okay,okay.To formal Mia.It is not even a time yet."

"But still.This is a school,okay?You are older than me but seems you got a grade school brain."The girl laugh even more at what Armia said.

"Zachi shouldn't have a friend like that scared cat."

"I agree.She is pretty but that girl just ruined her name."

That make Zachi stop laughing and glare at girl who is taken a back.They are scared of her.

She is now maybe strangling the girls neck if Armia didn't stop her.

"It's fine.Lets continue walking."She glare at the girls again before start walking as she pull Armia's wrist.

"How can you take it?"Zachi said while gritting her teeth. She creased her forehead.

"Take what."

"All they say.Damn it,Mia!Can you fight even once?"Zachi said irritation is visible in her voice.

She laugh humorlessly

"You think they will damn stop?"

"You don't try it and start concluding things.You are stupid for a genuis."Coming from the other people is bearable.But coming from a friend?She couldn't explain.

She pull Zachi's hand in her wrist and face her.

"I should go to my room now." She said inappetent voice.The girl didn't call for her bame again making her breath loose.

She stop herself from crying.Zachi didn't really deliber it.Yes it's right.

The lunch time comes and she was alone.She choose to go in a fast-food chain near there school than to her usual spot in the cafeteria.To avoid Zachi and the abjudge eyes at the same time.

She eat silently with her mind talking to the air molecules.She snap back in her reverie and just found herself already finished with her foods.Too much for the day.Too many school works and other emotional problem.What a badluck she should endure everyday.

As she walk back to school she is reading her books.'You are stupid for a genuis'.Zachi's voice echoed again in her mind.

'Scared cat'


'I pity her'

'Zachi shouldn't have a friend like that scared cat'

She emphatically shut her eyes and calm herself.No she wouldn't let herself to be bad.

Maybe Zachi is feeling hurt for her to say those things.She always there for her and defend her for everyone.Yes, that's it.

"You looks like a fucking idiot."She glare at the owner of the voice but make her eyes emotionless when she realized where she glare.A man just taller than her.She stand 5'8,maybe he is 6'1.He have this disheveled hair,deep gray eyes,thick-long eye lashes,thick eyebrow, straight nose and a pink lips.Too much for an information.

She know the bastard is not good.So yeah,it is not a good idea giving him a death glare.

"Sorry."She said and ready to left him when he spoke.

"Oh.You do have a power?Reading while your eyes close."Damn it.

"Whatever make you sleep tight at night."She said shrug her shoulder and start walking away.

They already have a distance but stil she heard what he said.

"Not a scared cat at all."

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