
Arkana: War of the Seven Dragons

Wynan, a boy who is already used to his antisocial life, leader and top rank of most online games, marked his presence in the virtual world in such a way that he wanted to leave his reality. Some say to be careful what you wish for... well, sometimes they do come true and it seems Wynan was never warned about that. What he didn't expect is: the world he would wake up to was far and away virtual and it was in fact the World he had created when he was younger, a world of RPG in the most classic style and full of adventures. What happens when the creator of a world comes to live in it? About the rules he himself created? That's what we're going to find out. If you enjoy RPG or just enjoy the Fantasy and Fiction genre, I invite you to "play", oops, read this story. Many times you will be questioned by Wynan himself, after all, he broke the fourth wall a long time ago.

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What World is This?

The last thing I remember?

Good question, but I don't know the exact answer.

The memories are confused and the memories fragmented, it's as if there were several lives intersecting in a sea of ​​oblivion.

Hang on. There is something, something that I can vaguely remember and... I believe it will guide me through this madness and regain my sanity.

You want to hear the whole story, don't you? Yes? Well, I thought you just wanted the summary... I see you're curious. Okay, so... From the beginning, right?...


I was facing a colossal dragon.

The battlefield was nothing more than a large destroyed area that extended his view for miles in all directions.

It was impossible to distinguish, at the time, who had done it. But it was just me and the dragon left, wasn't that obvious?

A battle that not even Gods would dare to interfere.

I remember the armor I wore. Red as blood it exuded an aura of power unrecognizable to me at any time.

But where was I? Was it a game? A VMMORPG?

I smiled, even though I was hurt and exhausted.

He spat out the iron-tasting blood that filled my mouth, and started running toward the dragon.

The last thing I saw was a flash that came from hitting him with my sword, and the feeling of having my body crushed by his jaw. It was almost a fatal blow, on both sides... my last blow... my last breath.

And what is right to say? That, in all my jollity, this would be the best way to die? Fighting a dragon.

Being the hero of the world and the legend that would live for all eternity?

Maybe... my real life - the one outside the games - wasn't as exciting... but... Was this all a dream?

After dying... this is when I go back to my bed, alone, clutching one of those giant pillows to make myself feel better...

Well Wynan, wake up and go back to living your life normally like any other!


Wake up Wynan! Live your life normally like any other!

I opened my eyes and I could see, right away, that I wasn't in my room, it wasn't even dark.

And I remember well that I hate the light and the sun, even more so when you become an antisocial vampire — and to make matters worse, the birds chirp outside like there's no tomorrow.

Cars, horns, sounds of construction... where were they? Anything.

Just the insane birds outside, the sun and now an empty wooden room, humble, with walls in thick beams with little finish and a small table in the corner, next to the door.

I tried to get up, ouch! That it? I lifted a little of the blanket that covered me, were they bands all over my body?

He was all bandaged up, dressed only in what looked like trousers, torn and of poor quality.

My body was sore and I couldn't do more than make pained noises and scowl as I tried to figure out what had happened.

What is all this? It's obviously not my room—or is it? "Unless of course I've moved to the middle of nowhere.

I lay back down, put my head on what felt like a pillow, and tried madly to remember what had happened.

The images of the battle with that dragon were all I could remember, and of course, my previous life.

I took a deep breath, waiting for the silence of the birds to allow me to find the answers inside my mind, "like a Shaolin monk in Buddhist temples", I thought.

Again, breathe, inhale, think, free your soul... it wasn't working.

It was on the third breath that the door opened. It creaked grotesquely, like a horror movie, but to my surprise, there was no monster coming through the door.

A woman entered backwards.

He used his body to push open the door while he carried a tray with him, probably with cold water, as I could see the droplets of water and he brought towels.

Her clothes were dowdy, very simple, but she was beautiful.

I thought she was a mature woman from her clothes and body, but when she turned around, I could see her face: a young girl, younger than me, no doubt, and what a body in?

Oh fuck, why did I think of that?

← The girl had long hair that reached just above her waist and was black as the darkest night.

Her somewhat pale skin, quite enigmatic, made a huge contrast due to her avid appearance and an outstanding beauty.

Her eyes were an ominous color, unusual for the said royal, were they almost a crimson red, or a surreal rose?

It didn't matter, she was human, I believe, but to really believe, what will it take?

In addition, unlike the simple clothes, he wore an imposing tiara, with sapphire blue stones, rare stones, obviously. →

There was an age-old technique of the ancient gods of the "game of the hunt": seeing with closed eyes, and that's what I was doing. With only the slightest opening to see, I was watching her approach with the tray and place it on a small countertop next to my bed.

I didn't move my face, I didn't want to have to talk now, in a state of extreme confusion — but, of course not, I just wanted to spend as much time as possible seeing her without looking like a brainless idiot, after all, I was still a virgin without any kind of social experience and even though this was a game, it felt very real.

She then approached, had she noticed me, awake?

What am I going to say now... Wait, no, just checking my temperature?

Her breasts almost touched me. Why not just use your hands? Forehead to forehead? But... was it me? If it was real me, she would have bled from the nose just by her approach, and now she leaned over me and almost kissed me and still I held back.

The girl then turned around, prepared to leave the room after bringing the tray and stuff... It was for me, right? If I had a fever I would use the water to stabilize myself. Correct?

I sighed.

I can't miss the opportunity, now even more confused than ever. What is this place and who is she? If I leave now, I won't be able to know what's going on and how I ended up here.

I tried to move before and the sharp pain stopped me, so I'm stuck anyway. For a moment, seconds obviously, I thought: "Is it safe?", and in another moment: "It's my only chance".

The girl was halfway to the door already preparing to open it when I believed it was the right thing to do, I used the little of my energy to get up and shouted:

- Hey you! I spoke in such a harsh tone, I believe.

- And me? Oh, you're awake!

With a leap she went into a defensive state, backing up until she hit one of the walls of the room.

I saw the fear on her face.

Was I that scary? I mean, this body, was it ugly and terrifying? Anyway, I tried to calm her down, it was the first person I had seen after waking up in this state, in which I couldn't even move properly.

I tried to sit up in bed, but it was like freight trucks were going over my body, over and over again. I even let out a howl of pain that, wow, was embarrassing.

She then stopped being defensive and ran over to the bed, gently pulling me back down.

"Don't get up. You still haven't fully recovered...' Her voice was serene and delicate like divine music.

- All good. It hurts, no doubt. but, soon it passes... I don't know how, but, it passes.

In fact, during my little "How to Check My Pain" tests, the pain was excruciating, preventing me from doing anything but just feeling pain. He also made faces and mouths, and sometimes some strange moans, however, seconds later it was as if there was nothing.

She, on the other hand, didn't seem to believe what I was saying and even so, after checking my sudden improvement, she left the bed running towards the door.

"Just don't get up... I... I'll call the Master."

- Teacher? I asked, a little distressed.

"Just stay there.

I saw her face, it wasn't fear, well it was, but it was also as red as a bell pepper. Was I the first man she'd seen that way?

I was only eighteen in the real world, I doubt it would be any different now. However, master, she said. Who would this be? It's not like I wanted to wait and see what would happen, it was just because I couldn't move.

Remembering that pain in my whole body made me stop, move nothing at all, not even a finger, just my eyes from side to side, seeing that ceiling and trying to understand where I was.

And time passed.


My distress only increased with each passing moment.

And by the time she got to exhaust me — at least mentally — I was already falling asleep. The silence outside was also unsettling, and not knowing how and why I was there drove me even crazier.

Then the door opened, it made all that noise, even louder, because the person who came in was an old man who didn't make a point of trying not to wake me up — after all, the girl should have warned him, right?

← The old man had a funny appearance. He was somewhat bald and had a large white beard. He was also wearing a much more crafted outfit.

Typical robes of a fantasy world wizard and to tell the truth, it brought the old man an aura of respect and supremacy, and much more seriousness.

It was a blue overcoat with a lot of stitching and detail. There were a few symbols I couldn't tell what they were and a prominent embroidered line separating a coat of arms. →

- Are you awake? she asked directly and with a menacing look.

"Yes—since I'm awake, of course, she didn't warn you?

No, she didn't.

And that's when he flashed a sinister smile. He raised his hands to scratch his chin or stroke his beard — who knows what? — and approached.

He looked at me anyway with that dead fish look. He confirmed with himself for a moment, probably talking to himself mentally and when he realized that I was there, awake and staring at him, he said something that would mark me forever:

"Oh, you really are different from the others. A unique example of its kind.

- What? How is that a copy? — that was so out of context that it took me by surprise and it wasn't like everything there was normal, however, "exemplary"?

I mean, that's not the best way to start a conversation with someone. And he probably realized what he had done and motioned for me to calm down and continued:

- I'm sorry, I thought aloud for a few moments. I'm not going to suggest that you get up, as you're not fully healed, but I have a few questions for you.

And again, his somewhat crooked conversation made me question whether it was a friend or an enemy that was in front of me. I couldn't hold back the words that burned through my mind. It was an uncontrollable force that made me talk even if I didn't want to.

- Questions? I thought I'd ask you the questions and not be interrogated.

"Well then, what do you want to know?" — the old man spoke in such a sinister way that it scared me a little, and what did I want? I couldn't even protect myself if he decided to kill me and I still answered him in an arrogant way.

I have to apologize. It would be stupid to make enemies now.

— I'm sorry for the way I look, it's just that I don't know where I am — and with a pause I looked around, once again at that room and now at this "witch" — What place is this? Who are you?

He crossed his arms and paced back and forth nodding, again talking to himself? And then he came back to approach the bed and look at me, but now with a less aggressive tone, even if uncertain.

"Oh, that's normal, considering what you've suffered, it's a miracle you didn't die.

— ... — after those words images appeared like a slideshow with no time between slides. Many things appeared and disappeared. I put my hand under my head trying to ease the pain a little — What I went through... — My head seemed to explode, anyway, because it was like remembering and not remembering anything.

— When you're better, we can talk about this in more detail..., but I'll answer the previous questions. We are in Sonnen, and this is the Arkana Army Disciplinary Academy. My name is Arx Gregorir, but everyone uses to call me Master Arx. Do you remember the name?

— My name is Wynan [u-í-nan]...

And I was amazed to hear those words and names. Not from the old man himself as it wasn't familiar... anyway... no, it wasn't possible... I'd heard those words before: Sonnen and Arkana.

Was it possible...was it possible this was the world I created when I was just fourteen? I find it hard to believe this is happening, but I need to keep going.


- Yes. Arcana. Our Kingdom, or that's what it should be after all.

He glanced at me from the corner of his face, perhaps expecting me to say something, but seeing that he was lost in my reverie, he walked over to the small table and observed the tray with towels and water.

— Right, Mr. Gregorir...

"You can call me Arx, you don't have to worry about formalities," he interrupted.

"Well, Arx, you referred to me as a paragon. That sounds a bit rude, am I any different from you? — I needed to know if I was an ally or not, and maybe explaining to me why I said that would be a great start.

"Oh, that was a loud thought, sorry if you heard. It wouldn't be an offence. It's just that, even with the appearance of a Human...

"Human Appearance?" I interrupted. Was he, in fact, trying to apologize or offend me further?

- Well, yes. Are you human.

— If so, why would I be unique then?

"Continuing, you have amazing regenerative levels and a perfect reaction to magic…

- Magic? Are you saying "magic" magic? Like Monster Caverns?

— I don't know what that would be, and it also depends on what kind of magic you're talking about — he sighed, maybe my intrusions were wearing out his old man's patience — In short, Mister Wynan, you arrived here with difficulties and we had to resort to magic to help you out. And, what could I say, even though it's magic, it doesn't work miracles... — he looked at me, reviewing what he had said for a few seconds before correcting himself — At least, it's the first time I've seen something like this happen.

"Am I some sort of superman?" I asked a little distressed.

"Super... Yeah, something like that, though I don't necessarily know about that term."

This conversation only confuses me more, because it doesn't seem like old Arx is lying or even creating this whole bluff to get me here... as his test subject. Anyway, I won't be able to move anytime soon.

"Well, is there another question?" I would like to do mine.

- Not for the time being. I mean, I have a lot more, but let me get better. And yes. You can do them. If I can answer.

- Right. Mister Wynan. What's the last thing you remember? The question was a bit vague, at least for me.

Of this life or the other? Yeah, because if you're talking about the dragon, what can I say? Claiming things that to me is just a bizarre dream?

Anyway, the old man was interested in this answer so much that he didn't even look away.

"It depends… it depends on what you want.

- Yes. Yes, I'll be more specific then: what's the last thing you remember before waking up in this room? He looked around and then back at me.

"Where do I start? The last thing I remember was leaving an MMORPG, after many hours straight in PVP — yes, that's right, I was playing Cave of Monsters and maintaining my great reputation as a top-rank on the Chaos server.

And even though that was an amazing effect, when I looked at the old man, he didn't even show a reaction. Well, it even showed, however, it was from someone completely removed from the subject, albeit curious.

— MMORPG? PVP? Never heard anything of the sort.

- No? — what the fuck am I talking about, obviously not, this shit is a shack in the middle of nowhere where birds are chirping every morning and there are no lamps or electric lights, how would there be video games?

— I'm sorry, maybe my memories are confused and until I can understand, the most I'm going to remember is things that are different for you — that was the best answer I could come up with given the circumstances of the moment.

He just nodded his head and said:

"Good, then share this information. I wouldn't be surprised if you come from some other continent.

"Errr. Of course, then... - of course I said some superficial things, not least because I wasn't interested in my world that much to retain information like a museum guide.

I was thinking about the best terms to pass on to the old man and I avoided saying too much that would make me stand out in this way... of living, and when that conversation went on, it dawned on me.

— Arx, how do you speak Portuguese? I mean, as I understand you.

- Portuguese? Are you referring to Common Tongue? — again, another world term created by me in my RPG.

"Common Tongue" was not my own, obviously, but hearing it right after so many similar words just made me believe that I was really in the Arkana.

— Is the "Common Tongue" spoken by all? I asked to bring up the subject. If I started asking direct questions about the Arkana just to be sure, he would probably find it strange... even more so.

"Not necessarily, but most humans speak Arkana. Including the other races, even though they have their own cultures and languages ​​— he gave a smile — Curious that you should ask me that if you're speaking the Common Tongue that well.

"Ah, just to be sure, it's always good to confirm..."

- Confirm? he asked even more curious about my answer.

- Yes. In this realm where I come from we speak this language. A little less formal of course, but, it's the same... I guess.

- Interesting. Tell me more, please, Mr. Wynan.

"Just call me Wynan. And we call it Portuguese or Portuguese language. And it was only now that I realized this.

— There are many reports that the Common Tongue originated from the Lost Kingdom and for years became the most spoken in all of Thedas due to the amount of words left in the ancient scriptures and because it was easy to understand among the races — then the old man crossed his arms thoughtfully and asked — Is your kingdom part of the Lost Kingdom?

"You can say yes, right?"

"That would be awesome, Wynan. You know, anyone could claim to come from somewhere other than the Arkana, but, you... you're different. There's a lot to say about a place I've never heard of and it doesn't seem to be making anything up.

- To invent? No. I'm telling the truth — and yet it all seems a little out of line, doesn't it?

"I'm not doubting it, just confirming it.

"Arkana... are there really races other than humans?" — even though I asked, I believe it was a loud thought that I didn't want to share, yet, I watched the old man's reaction after I asked.