

The world has crumbled to rubble but just when humans were finding peace the world fought back. This is a tale of how a human boy fights nature with nothing but determination and skill.

Hiro_Volpez · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Your up first

While the two are talking on the brink of finishing their soup the schools speakers start to announce, "All combatants who were capable of achieving one of the three goals go towards the principles office." Then a silence fell over the room as everyone grew wary of why they were sent to the principal's office instead of the stadium for the final round.

People across the crowd then stood up and walked towards the gyms exit. Four of these people happened to be Shan, Heather, Trinity, and Noir. While walking down the empty halls the only sound in the school was the foot steps falling like raindrops. Usually you would never notice the sounds of these raindrops but against the silence that surrounded them they could have been confused for a performing marching band.

The reason for this scare was no student would ever be permitted in the principal's office unless one of two things happened. You graduate and obtain you ARK inside of the office which only applies to the top five students of every class. The other reason would be if all of your family was killed and you became an orphan. The principal prefers to have a tough talk like that in his office.

The reason the dodgeball game was so important was because they knew the top five would be allowed inside which is a prestigious honor.

The small horde of students was now outside of the office all brimming with curiosity of what was inside, and most importantly why all of them were called into the office. No one was making a move for the door until Shan took a step forward turned around and said, "Is it okay if I knock on behalf of us all."

You could see how happy the crowd was that Shan was willing to take initiative. The only problem was Noir never really liked theatrics so while Shan was talking Noir took a small step forward and nocked two strong knocks.

"Come in," was called from beyond the large engraved wooden doors. A door was a sort of symbol of wealth or power, because most people now had everything made of inorganic substances.

Noir calmly opens the left door while Shan opened the right one almost in tandem. No one moves for a second as they took in the beauty of the principals office. The room was just a big box but it was all lined with woods such as pine, oak, spruce and more. Noir stood staring for a second not expecting something so spectacular. Quickly he comes to his senses and takes a step up too the principals desk which was in the middle of the room with two chairs in front of it.

The Office was grander then any of them had expected but Noir was quick to notice the three doors almost identical to the one they entered. There was a door in the middle of every wall."

"Everyone in please you have an important decision to make." The principal said this urging everyone to come inside. Noir sat in one of the chairs in front of the desk. To his surprise a someone took the other chair before Shan could, and it was a girl from his class if he remembered correctly her name was Anat. Noir always thought she was an obnoxious girl with more bark then bite.

"I would like to apologize for the secrecy but this matter may be new to you all but this has been plan we have worked on for months if that offers any rest to your minds." as the principal said this he stood up and opened the door directly behind him. A group of ten men came out and halfheartedly formed a line behind the desk.

"These men are all talented naturalist that are planning on starting a second city outside of pangaea. The part that concerns you is decided on your ARKs." After the principal said this everyone was overwhelmed with confusion. A second city has been attempted before but so far non have succeeded become the monsters typically attack before people could set deep enough roots in the place. The most shocking thing though was the part about how their future Is depended on the ARKs none of them even have.

"May I go first then," Noir said this calmly which surprised everyone exponentially even the naturalist and principal. Noir had figured that they would be getting their ARKs early from the way they were talking and he didn't want to wait for others to get theirs.

"Well aren't you a bright one, but let's not get ahead of are selves." The principal said with a hint of joy under his voice.

"First if any of you want to get your ARKs earlier then normal you have to agree to two terms. First nobody outside this room can know about what will happen in here. Second if one of these naturalist find you worthy you will leave to create a new city with them tommorow, and may not come back for three years."The principal says this all slowly and makes sure every word has much clarity so they all understand.

"What happens if we take are ARK early but they don't don't choose to mentor us." A voice from behind Noir proclaims.

"You will then be allowed to leave and start you adventure just as you have planned." The principal proclaims then with a smile says. "Does anyone refuse."

A few people raised their hands and then were allowed to leave. the principal points to Noir and says," I guess your up first."