from the creator of arifureta: from shield hero to demon king he creates another book called arifureta: the shield demon and the abyss. This isnt a continueation of the last fanfic but a new one. You the reader get killed by tank kun you got shot with an armor piercing round in a military parade because a drunk tank crew drove in a tank parade and drunkenly shot at you and chrushed your body you got reincarnated by god with 3 wishes. This is just a fanfic with a little konosuba like comedy and a romantic comedy
Atla: NO!!!!
She then looked the other way while fohl was with me helping me with her sister. He was struggling he always got beaten by atla i was starting to get a master slave fethish due to atla and ciel calling me master seductively for the past 20 days. Its almost time for the second wave naofumi,fohl,the slaves,raphtalia,keel,rifana,shizuku,atla,kaori and hajim have been training me,hajim and naofumi are now called by the melromarians the shield demons and the demon of the abyss. You must been asking why? Because there was rumor that we have been killing thousands of bandits. Yes we did that i just need 300 more before i can become a true demon lord! Mwaahhhahhahaahahahahhhaha!!
I then continued my killing spree.
5 days later of non stop killing of bandits.
Atla: What is that voice?
Fohl: I dont know.
Ciel: Yes!! He is finally evolving to demon slime!
OG Naofumi: Whats a demon slime?
Ciel: It is an evolution with more magicule capacity or life force and mana in turn he will become powerful.
Hajim: Wait so thats why he been asking us to kill to get an evolution!
Ciel: Ding ding ding!
Hajim: So he tricked us to kill bandits to have his evolution!
Ciel: Ding ding ding.
Then i evolved to true demon lord ciel evolved to wisdom king raphael manas: ciel, my gluttony evolve to gluttonous lord belzebuth multilayer barier and some risedue from the infinite imprisonment that veldora had but i dont have veldora in the soul corridor evolved into lord of vows uriel.
I then woke up and ciel analyzed if i can revive anyone from death due to my increase magicule count and she said yes. Yes finally i will not be able to see my loved ones die forever!
Atla: Thank god i thought you were dead!
She then snuggled me into her hair i called for fohl and hajim. It took them 30 minutes to get her off me i was reggreting that i havent left atla in a ditch.
Fohl: STOP IT!
She was pummling fohl because of him breaking me apart from her. I should had left her in a ditch.
Then 40 minutes later...
Then a anouncement was heard from the voice of world.
Then we got to the main wave i then used meggido i wiped half of the waves monsters. I then turned into a tempest star wolf and used Menace at the attacking me they pissed their pants literally. While me and OG naofumi defending the villagers the other heroes arrived then the manwhore seen atla and tried to add her to his harem but she said no she already loves me she doesnt want a man like him. Then after that raphtalia,keel and riffana was approach by man whore tried to add them to his harem and was disgusted and b*t*h slapped him. Me and Naofumi asked them what they want tomorow they all said a date me and naofumi were sweating bullets. After that we were called for a reward. After that they tried to kidnaped them and force them to add them to manwhore's harem. Me and the OG naofumi where disguted at how myne aka b*t*h acted she wasnt in jail like thrash promissed they were forcing us to fight the manwhore i accepted and turned into my tempest star wolf form. All of them thought i was the fenrir even ren and itsuki. I then bite motoyasu he bled and was trying to attack me and i just reflected it using mirror shield.
Man whore: Why are gay?
Y/N: Who's gay?
Man whore: You because your scared to fight me.
I was insulted i then shot a hell flare at him.
Y/N: Look who talking now!
I then transformed into my human form that isnt naofumi. Then OG naofumi burned him with rage shield i trained him about how to control the shield
Y/N: You will be skewered by those who you wronged Iron Mai....
Hajim,itsuki,ren: The shield heroes are the winner!
The crowed was shocked because of that.
Crowed: Why did you stop him!
Hajim,itsuki,ren: You really want to kill your so called beloved spear hero! If he got trapped in that shield prison he will get skewered to death. You really want the waves to get stronger you morons!
The crowed was shocked because of what they said.
Then after the night we were sweating because me and naofumi is getting a date i was lucky to have only one date due to shizuku was afraid of atla's profency of hangin muso style while ciel was giving atla a chance to date me meanwhile naofumi was the unlucky one due to him getting looked at by the heroes specially motoyasu because he had a harem of lollies meanwhile i was with a little girl that was 12 that looked like beautif 19 year old the other heroes tolorated it because the slaves wanted it hajime was laughing. Kaori then asked hajim to a date that he could not refuse if had he would be killed by kaori. I tried to not laugh because he was threathend by kaori because she was jealouse of atla, raphtalia,keel and rifana.
We then got to the date atla was hugging my robotic gilgamesh prostitic arm while kaori was hugging hajims metal prostitic arm. Then we saw naofumi stuggling to get his arm off the three maidens that pulled him to the restaurant. Hajim was trying not to laugh i thought it wasnt funny i already tried it while i off powered of all my skills except for micmic and ciel.
Then we ordered spags and was waiting. After we almost finnished our spags our noodles were stuck and tried to eat it and accidentally kissed they then grinned after we kissed them. Damnit ciel i shouldnt let you near them! You thought them this when i got home i will use portal shield to go to siltvelt after sleep! I thought to myself.
We then got home after they all falled asleep i then got to siltvelt i was staying at a residence i bought for myself incase atla and ciel gone yandere at me.
To be continued..