
Arifureta Shokugyou De Sekai Saikyou : No Wishes Just Dreams

An Arifureta fanfic: Everyone yearns for a chance to be isekai'd, which explains our fascination with these type anime. We revel in reading and writing fanfics where the main character (MC) is isekai'd into a specific anime story. These MCs typically possess overpowered abilities right from the start, making them ideal self-insert wish-fulfillment tales. But what if you were reincarnated into a fantasy anime world (filled with Magic and Swords ; Demons and Gods, where every organization becomes your enemy if you desire free will? "ARIFURETA : From Commonplace to World's Strongest") without any cheats. Devoid of any WISHES, what will you choose, whether to let the story unfold and live a normal life or struggle towards your DREAM and start a journey whose end is either supremacy or death. This is a story about our mc's choice and his journey.

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5 Chs


'It had been six months since my rebirth, and I found myself navigating the helplessness of infancy.' Babies truly are reliant on others during their initial years, unable to do much on their own. However, despite the limitations of my tiny form, he was growing and developing at a rapid pace.

In this world that resembled the modern era, devoid of any signs of magic or supernatural occurrences, I realized that this was not an isekai adventure but a reincarnation into a familiar setting. The surroundings I observed while being transferred from the hospital to my new home consisted of streets, cars zooming by, and a cityscape that was familiar with the world I knew just a bit retro.

Instead of focusing on physical training, which was not feasible in my current form, I directed my efforts towards mastering the Japanese language. With each passing day, my comprehension of the Japanese language improved. In just a few more months, I would have no trouble understanding Japanese. It seemed that my rebirth granted me the advantage of an early start in language acquisition. Although being bilingual as an Indian was already an advantage, now I had the opportunity to become proficient in three professional languages.

The year appeared to be 1998, I possessed knowledge of trends and cultural phenomena from my previous life. This gave me a distinct advantage in understanding and adapting to the world around me. While my physical abilities were limited, my wealth of knowledge and experiences could serve as stepping stones for future accomplishments.

Since I had witnessed the existence of dragons in my previous life, even in the modern world, I made it my mission this time to transcend the boundaries of humanity and strive for a transformation. But this time I had a place where I could find solace and rejuvenate my spirit. In the embrace of my loving family, I found the refuge I needed to recharge and gather strength for the challenges that lay ahead.

In this new life, I would not let my pursuit consume me entirely. Instead, I would approach it with a mindful understanding, cherishing the moments of respite and cherishing the support and love of my family. They would be my anchor, grounding me amidst the storm of self-discovery.

The dragons of my past had shown me the possibilities that lay beyond the ordinary, and now it was my responsibility to navigate this new existence, harnessing my wealth and knowledge to ascend to new heights while cherishing the home and the loved ones who provided me with a sense of belonging and peace.

"Oh, my little one, are you finding peace in your own world, away from Mom? Just look at that smile. You seem content all on your own," Lost in my thoughts, a playful and joking voice interrupted me. It was my loving mother, unaware that I could understand her. She lifted me up, her face beaming with a smile as she swayed and rocked me gently. At that moment, I laughed along with her, basking in the joy and warmth of our connection.

"As I thought, you're the happiest with me. Look at how you're laughing," she said playfully, spinning me around before placing me back down and lying beside me. Her gentle touch and presence filled me with comfort.

"Alright, little one, it seems like you've been quite busy exploring the world. Now it's time to rest and grow big," she whispered softly, patting me gently.

Well, babies typically start talking around the age of one, so I decided to give my mother a surprise. Although I could understand the world around me, speaking was still a challenge. My tiny body was not fully familiarized with the mechanics of speech. However, I could still speak basic words, maybe(?).

With a resolute spirit, I managed to utter the word "mom" amidst a soft breath. Overwhelmed by drowsiness, I closed my eyes, unaware of the shock and immense happiness that spread across my mother's face.

"He spoke just now, and he said 'mom'!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with pure delight. Unable to contain her excitement, she hurriedly reached for the landline, her mind solely focused on sharing the news with my father. In her excitement, she momentarily overlooked the fact that her child had spoken at a remarkably young age. The minor details faded into the background as she eagerly celebrated this precious milestone.

--- (Three Years Later) ---

The past three years have been a whirlwind of excitement and growth. After that first word, my mother soon realized that I possessed an early and extraordinary aptitude for language. As time passed, I continued to amaze my parents by speaking more words, leaving them in awe and showering me with praise. Although it felt somewhat unfair, as I had an advantage, I consoled myself by acknowledging that I still had to learn the language from the basics and life, after all, is filled with its own unfairness.

One day, feeling inspired by their unwavering support, I composed a heartfelt verse dedicated to my parents. Though a twinge of guilt lingered within me, the reward of hearing their praise and seeing their smiles made it all worthwhile.

Despite the significant age difference—me being 28 in my previous life, older than my mother's current age of 27, and only two years younger than my father at 30—I felt no embarrassment in acting playfully in front of them. Our bond transcended age, allowing me to freely express my inner child and experience the simple joys of innocence.

From that point on, I was praised as a precocious and intelligent child. This recognition granted me certain privileges, including the fulfillment of my various wishes, such as acquiring books from higher grades. I completed the preschool curriculum in just one week, delayed due to my parents' initial reluctance. As a result, I was able to avoid attending regular school, knowing that I was already familiar with everything they would teach. While I held no animosity towards other children, I preferred not to spend my time surrounded three-year-olds and waste my time in school, instead learn something at home.

Around the age of 2.5 years, I noticed a remarkable improvement in my physical abilities, I did not suddenly gain strength, but I could do complex moments easily. With newfound dexterity, I began basic training to regain the strength and form of my previous life. Accompanied by meditation, my martial arts skills flourished, surpassing even my achievements in my previous life, although I couldn't fully implement them at such a young age, the mere breakthrough in theory brought a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

"Ah, it's been a year since I started training. Although at this rate, I may become much stronger than my previous self, I can't help but wonder where and how I will embark on the path of myths. Well, one step at a time," I contemplated, the weight of my ambitions pressing upon me.

"Yuki-chan, what are you doing there, standing and mumbling? Come here, we've got your uniform," my father called out, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes, I'm coming," I replied, shaking off my musings and hurrying to join him.

Avoiding school, I tried, yet despite my advanced knowledge it seems, I could only manage to delay its inevitable arrival.

"Although you're smart, you need to interact more with kids your age. You don't have any friends, and it's essential for your growth. You should visit parks and engage with others," my father expressed, concerned for my well-being.

All my arguments were met with resistance, and it seemed my words fell on deaf ears. But to my surprise, my mother was mumbling something entirely different.

"Yeah, if you don't go to school, you won't have any friends. If you don't have friends, you won't have a girlfriend. If you don't have a girlfriend, you won't have a wife. And if you don't have a wife, I won't have any grandchildren to play with. Oh, I'm so troubled," my mother expressed, her worries flowing freely.

I couldn't help but internally do a straight man retort at her comment. 'Eh, what about raising me properly first? I'm only three years old, Mother'.

It seemed that my parents had concerns about how to raise a child who grew up so quickly and didn't follow a conventional path. Perhaps they wanted to experience the joys and challenges of parenting as I developed into adulthood. Or maybe it was simply my mother's unique perspective.

Regardless, my focus shifted to the fact that I would be attending preschool starting tomorrow, six months later than others. I knew that I would attract attention from day one, but in the end, they were just children. I would consider myself a babysitter and navigate the experience with patience and understanding.

"Well, okay, okay, I'll go and behave properly now. I'm going to sleep; I'm tired from training," I declared, making my way towards my room.

"Yeah, yeah, a 3-year-old training in martial arts and meditating. Why don't I know more children like you?" my father retorted, a slight twitch on his face as he struggled to hide his pride.

"Well, of course, because my child is a genius," my mother chimed in, her emotions on full display. She is usually level-headed, and from what I've heard, she commands great respect in her professional life. However, I still remain unaware of the specifics regarding my parents' occupations. I should ask them tomorrow.

"You hear her, Dad? I'm special hahaha... Good night," I said, voicing a sentence that even I found hard to believe, before making my exit.

In the serenity of their private conversation, my parents exchanged heartfelt words,"It's both scary and relieving that he still considers himself normal and isn't arrogant. It's clear that we haven't been the ones to teach him humility." my father confessed, his voice filled with a mix of emotions.

A soft, understanding tone graced my mother's reply, carrying her unconditional love. "For me, all that matters is that he's happy. We may not fully understand his depth and uniqueness, but his genuine nature and love is real. And most importantly he is our child"

My father's voice held a sense of affirmation. "The same goes for me. We'll continue supporting him. As he walks his unique path, we'll be there every step of the way."


The next day at kindergarten, a three-year-old boy stood with his face turned upward, a single tear streaming down his cheek. "Thank you, God. Thank you, Father, for not listening to me and sending me to school," he whispered gratefully.

As he observed the scene before him, he understood the reason for this change of heart. A girl of the same age, surrounded by other children, caught his attention. There was something peculiar about her—her vibrant red eyes and black hair. Though it may not seem unusual, there was a strangely familiar aura about her. The name badge on her uniform read 'Yaegashi Shizuku,' a character from an anime he had watched in his previous life.

Yaegashi Shizuku, a character from the anime 'Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest.' It was a guilty pleasure anime that didn't receive much acclaim initially, but he had immersed himself in the light novels when no new season was announced. It had become one of his favorites. Though not the best, but his chuu... ahem his inner fantasy enthusiast spirit eagerly absorbed anything that the story had to offer.

But the reason for his tears became clear. In the anime, Yaegashi Shizuku and her class were summoned to another world of swords and magic gaining various powers/potentials, then its the journey of the main character, Nagumo Hajime. Seeing her here opened a path before him, igniting a general idea of what he needed to do.

He devised a rough plan: continue his strength and martial arts training, avoiding school as much as possible to save time. He would enroll in the same school as her, unsure of which institution they studied at.

By his second year of high school, he would attend school only on Mondays, as they were summoned on Monday but exactly which day he does not know. Then there, he would dive into dungeons and focus on increasing his strength. As to retain their free will in that world you had to fight the god himself.

While not getting involved was indeed an option, he couldn't ignore the fact that magic was introduced later in the story, even on Earth. Despite this world being different from his past life where dragons existed, he understood that magic would eventually become a part of his journey. Thus, the need to develop his magical strength became apparent.

Apart from that the most important reason, even though having a family had brought a sense of calmness to his adventurous spirit, after three years, he had come to terms with the fact that this inherent drive to grow and discover would never fade away. If a path presented itself before him, he would undoubtedly seize the opportunity and embark upon it with unwavering determination.

With a smile, Yuki approached the group of kids, introducing himself smoothly and effortlessly. This left a positive impression on both the teachers and students, instantly earning their respect. As the day went on, instead of playing with children, he actively engaged with the children, carefully observing and watching over them like a big brother. In doing so, he unintentionally lightened Shizuku's burden, as fewer children now pestered her for attention.

'It appears that Shizuku's "Onee-sama" character had been with her since childhood.'

As the break approached, Shizuku mustered the courage to approach Yuki. "Hello, Yuki-kun. I'm Shizuku. Let's be friends."

It seemed that Shizuku saw a kindred spirit in Yukitoshi, someone who, like her, chose to care for others instead of simply playing.

Yukitoshi responded with a warm smile, "Hi, Shizuku-chan. Yes, sure.", 'Children are truly innocent, making friendships so effortlessly'

Although Yukitoshi hesitated to get involved with the main cast, fearing potential butterfly effects and unpredictable outcomes, he couldn't bear to break a child's heart, especially one with such pure eyes. 'This is a pathetic reason to deny a child's heartfelt request. I'll face the challenges when the time comes. Future me, all the best.'

As they broke from their initial conversation, Shizuku's eyes sparkled with pure joy. She had made a friend for the first time outside of her dojo, and it filled her with a sense of excitement and anticipation. With a small, contented "hmm" in response, she eagerly awaited their next interaction.

Soon enough, the sound of the bell signaled the start of the break. Shizuku cheerfully called out, "Yuki-kun, it's break time. Let's go eat."

Her words were met with a nod from Yukitoshi. "Yeah, let's go," he replied, his warm smile never leaving his face.

And so, with the simple act of sharing a meal together, a small but meaningful friendship began to take shape. In the midst of their innocent interactions, Yukitoshi couldn't help but reflect on the nature of childhood friendships. He marveled at the ease with which children connected, unburdened by the complexities of the world.

As he enjoyed his lunch, Yukitoshi's thoughts drifted to Shizuku's extraordinary dojo. 'I remembered vividly that it offered more than just kenjutsu—it held the secrets of ninjutsu, a mysterious art hidden from the eyes of the outside world, and even from Shizuku herself. The intrigue and fascination surrounding these concealed techniques stirred something within me, igniting a desire to delve deeper and master them. I firmly believed that unlocking the power of ninjutsu would greatly enhance my chances of survival in the unfamiliar world of Tortus.'

With the memories of the dojo still fresh in my mind, I engaged in lively conversations with Shizuku and the other children, hoping to uncover more about the enigmatic secrets that lay within its walls.

Thanks for reading! I appreciate any feedback or reviews you may have. I hope you enjoyed this chapter .

With that, take care and I will see you in the next chapter!

LAIDBACK_IMMORTALcreators' thoughts