
Who is She?

I ran through the halls praying I would get to class on time.

I hadn't kept track of time and now I am on the brink of being late. My name is Lipisia Hardware it's a weird name but I love it. When I got to where my class is, when a group of kids were standing at the entrance of the class. I squeezed in through the crowed. When I saw the weirdest thing ever. It was like looking in a mirror. Except maybe that she didn't mimic my moves. She looked at me with excitement in her eyes. If I would've seen myself I knew I wouldn't have had the same glint of excitement in my eyes.

" Hi, you must be my sis, Lipisia Hardware." she exclaimed.

Maybe it was shock or maybe it was anger but what I know was that it hurt. I shake my head, " No, you must have gotten the wrong person." I turned around and left. I went to the office to calm down. I didn't have a sister. How could I have a sister? Was she my sister? I shake my head. It had to be a mean and cruel joke. A prank. It had to. I had to go talk to the girl I had seen this morning. Later in the day I went in search for her. I saw her but she was acting like she was hiding something. She went to the janitor's closet. I followed close behind by trying not to get caught. I got to the door, I closed my distance from my ear and the door. I heard her voice then somebody else's, " Does she know we used her blood or DNA to create you?" a deep voice asked. She answered. I was shocked she was me. A clone.