
Chapter 1

(This novel is based on a third person view)

In a dimly lit room,a young man with wide rimmed glasses at a desk was typing vigorously on his laptop.He seemed so intent and focused on whatever he was doing on his computer. You could occasionally hear snorts and chuckles from him echoing around the room.

This young man was none other than Altaire Cairo,owner and founder of SP-G, one of the greatest gaming companies in Asia. No one could've ever imagined that the brains behind the success of SP-G,the idol every gamer worshipped was currently hacking into one of his rivals main database,searching for failed game protocols and from his expressions,it was clearly not in vain.

Allaire relaxed back on his chair and gave out a deep sigh. He couldn't find 🐜 juicy enough, enough to take away his anger.

He was passed at the rejection he got from RA.com earlier in the afternoon. What gave them the nerve to diss him like that? Because he was being polite? He'd brought his pride down to the earth and made a proposal with his rival, a very powerful one at that. But what did they do? Turned them down like people begging for a job interview.

He wished he had been there,oh how much he would have loved to give them a piece of his mind, perhaps create a ruckus even. And he doesn't give a darn if he'd end up on tomorrow's news headline.

"Ugh!" he groaned as he stood from his desk and sauntered towards the window.

"Rune Rowanoski" he muttered in anger.

Well of course a stupid person would have a stupid name. Who names their child Rune? But he didn't want to delve into that subject since he had a pretty ridiculous name as well.

"I anticipate our meet in the future Miss Rune "he mumbled, unaware he was talking to himself.

With another deep sigh, he walked sulking back to his desk. Putting his headphones back on, looking like the unorthodox nerd he is, he once more hacked into Pro-gamers database, searching through the files for anything worth noticing (ahem, that is anything to laugh and cry about).

"lame,lame,worthless,lame,blah blah blah " he continued on until he found a treasure---ahem files.

"ooh " he cooed as he unashamedly clicked on 'hidden files'.

His eyes widened in amusement as he stared at all the contents.

"7's is my lucky number " he pronounced and then clicked on the 7th file.

Confusion,shock,horror,amusement ran a marathon on his face as he nearly dropped to the floor in laughter.

"What the hell!!" were they given a dumb pill to take when making 'this game ' this was the worst game fail he had seen.

His laughter grew more loud and even turned into coughs as he continued on with the game video.

All of a sudden he paused the video abruptly. 'This isn't right ' he thought to himself. What he was doing was very wrong, unacceptable and utterly disgusting.

How could he enjoy this to himself? the company has been tense for a while, they need a little entertainment.

Uploading the video on the company's private website, he was about to relax and then snapping his fingers, he nearly smacked his head.

"Seriously Altaire, what are you thinking " he said. Why should his company only enjoy this? Every living being worth intelligence has a right to enjoy so why would he be selfish enough to share it just with his employees.

Knowing that in less than thirty seconds James and Corden will prevent him from allowing the citizens to enjoy their rights, he quickly uploaded the 'fantastic video' into an unknown social media account.

"Altaire!!" a person's voice bellowed as two middle aged men towards him.

Staring at the funny pair, he lazily relaxed on his seat.

"Do forgive me, 'pro-gamer' "he mocked with a cynical smile.