
Are you afraid to love me? She's so attractive after her rebirth

In the past, she had been pampered like a princess. Her beautiful face and excellent grades had made her doted on by thousands of people. However, she believed her stepsister easily, trusted scum wrongly, and was set up by someone. That led her into a murder case... She kept running until she died... ! ... when Caroline awoke from her rebirth, there was only one thing left in her life -- Revenge! Tear the angelic bitch, beat the bastard man, break the rumor, she will slowly find their pride.

DaoistSEftGZ · perkotaan
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16 Chs

Chapter-7: Fairy fall to the world

Darrion's behavior left grandma helpless. Grandma wanted Darrion and Caroline to divorce because she thought Caroline was treating Darrion badly. Grandma pulled Darrion aside and whispered, "I'm going to give Caroline one last chance. If she does the same embarrassing things tonight, I'm going to force you to divorce her."


"I've discussed it with your grandfather. They'll ask for the divorce first, and we'll compensate them accordingly."

"Have you all agreed?"

Darrion closed his eyes and tried to suppress his anger. He knew that his grandparents were for his own good, but Caroline's behaviour these days gives him hope. He hoped that no accidents would happen tonight.

"Oh, my God, is this a fairy? So beautiful!"

At this time, do not know who shouted, everyone looked at the entrance.

"I thought I knew her, but I just couldn't remember."

"You know all the pretty girls, don't you?"

"No, I think it's Caroline! ?"

"How is that possible?"

Caroline had a smile on her beautiful face. Caroline was wearing a long royal blue velvet dress. The skirt also had a faint luster under the illumination of the lamp. The dress combines elements of a square neck, nicely retouching her collarbone and showing off the elegant lines of her upper body to a great extent. Her hair was all tied up to make Caroline look more energetic, and then she used red lips to make her look powerful. The slit of the skirt accentuated Caroline's perfect curves. The back of the skirt combined with a large area of backless, more able to expose her sexy figure out. With graceful steps, she calmly accepted everyone's amazement.

At the moment of her appearance, Darrion's eyes only her amazing figure.

Grandma hurriedly from the hands of the servants came over to wear reading glasses. She stared at Caroline for a long time until Caroline came closer, she still couldn't believe it was the Caroline she knew.


"Grandma!!" Caroline says kindly.

Grandpa came over with a straight face and looked at Caroline with a reluctant nod. Then he walked away on crutches and continued to talk to his old friend. But Grandpa's face was full of pride as his old friend praised Caroline.

Grandma looked at Caroline and liked her more and more, but she was a little worried.

But habits die hard.

So Grandma still couldn't decide too soon. Wait and see for a while.

Meanwhile, Sabella stared in the corner in Caroline's direction, trembling with anger.

How did this happen? Caroline, this bitch is so beautiful!

Sabella was jealous of all the attention that Caroline was getting.

Jealousy had turned her into a monster!

"What are you waiting for? Get on the stage." Aurora Roland pushed Sabella down and lowered her voice. "This is the opening act that I've worked so hard to get for you. Don't mess it up!"

Sabella came to her senses when she heard Aurora's voice. She took out the mirror and made herself up. Looking in the mirror at her well-made-up self, Sabella quickly regained her confidence and went on the stage, saying softly, "Hello, everyone. I'm Sabella, and I'm honored to be here tonight to perform my own piano music. But in order to give everyone a better impression, I hope my sister can also come on stage and dance for me."

Caroline was surprised to be called by Sabella.

Just as Granny tried to stop her, Caroline nodded in agreement.

Granny whispered to Darrion, "Does Caroline dance? I've never heard of her." Even Grandpa was nervous. Darrion just smiled and said nothing, the faint light shining over him. Darrion gazed quietly at Caroline below the stage. His eyes were like lighted stars in the night sky, filled with the most brilliant stars in the world.

Caroline looked at Sabella with a smile and said, "I can't wait to hear my sister's original piano piece."

"Yeah? I'm really looking forward to my sister's dance, too." Sabella smiled sweetly.

Sabella knew Caroline didn't know how to dance. So she's gonna go on stage and embarrass herself? What a fool!

Sabella glanced at Caroline and went to sit down at the piano. Sabella looked up and found Caroline still standing, completely covering her!

That upset Sabella. You know, Caroline's just a backup dancer! ?

Aurora saw it. Remind Caroline to stand aside! As if in shock, Caroline walked straight to the edge of the stage.

The cautious look on Caroline's face suggested that she was bullied by Aurora and Sabella on a regular basis.

"Why are Aurora's daughters, and Caroline seems so weak?"

"Don't you know? This is a stepmother, who would be nice to her first-wife daughter!"

"Wow, stepmother! No wonder!"

Damn Little Bitch! That was on purpose! Aurora pretended not to hear and suppressed her anger.

But Darrion heard the whispers too, and his handsome face darkened!

And then he went right up on stage, and he took a firm step towards Caroline!

Caroline stared at Darrion, surprised by his behavior.

Is this about taking her away?