
Are villains really the evil ones

My life is pretty normal until that one day everything and everyone around me changed maybe I was just crazy after everything happens but let me tell you my story......

Otaku4life_346 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Am I really going crazy

I was a normal boy with a pretty fucked up life High-school was going pretty shitty and I wasn't the best student or maybe I wasn't good enough for my parents.

We lived in a city named New Orleans or home wasn't the biggest or the coolest thing we had or I was just being picky.

My parents let's say they weren't the best parents you could have.

I don't know I've hitting you're kid is the best method to let you child grow into a responsible adult.I was just you know just being a teenager like hell maybe I wasn't the prefect A child or a prefect child in general.

But that dosen't give my parents any rights to hit me everytime they get mad at me or my father is a slight drunker and my mom dosen't give a fuck about me.

So I was so mad someday I just killed my parents you think I am a monster do you.Now let me tell you one thing I don't give a fuck my father gave me the worst beating in my life and I nearly died he tried to do kill me a lot of times.

So I did what I had to school wasn't even better my class always hated me and they always picked at me I hadn't ever had a friend yet.

The only friend I ever had left me and he told me he never liked me and just was being with me because he lost a bet.

Now to my parents again I hide their lifeless body behind in the bedroom as you can think their body's began to stink.

Someday the police came to my house and you can guess what happened.

,,Yes I did get coughed''!

The police sent me away to a mental hospital

ok maybe I was just being insane they had to chain me to my bed a lot I loved how white my room was.

I didn't now how long I was in here but it didn't matter anymore.

This little pills they gave me always made me feel a little bit better.

And I felt a change over me or maybe I was just imagine things my teeth began too get sharp and I had dog like ears when I told my Psychologe about this he only said I was just imagining things because of the side effect of the pills.

I killed a employee one day it felt so good the dark blood ran down his neck I stabbed the knife in his neck and chest over and over again until he didn't breath there was his lifeless body.

And me who just stood there and watched it like it wasn't anything everywhere was the blood.

So I didn't do anything to hide it I felt my eyes changed a little bit to they began to look reddish on the mirror with a slight than of orange I felt like an animal not only didn't look like one.

I began to broke the window and jumped out of it I just wanted to go away I just wanted to be free.

Maybe this was the stupidest thing I did I run into the forest it was pretty dark and a bit scary I run for 20 minutes until I saw two mans with pretty sharp teeth I taught I was dreaming two armes were packing me from the back and then everything went black...