
Chapter 8

Now that he had held her and touched the skin of her face, he could not bear to be apart from her. He knew that he would not be able to complete his mission without her within eyesight, without him being able to protect her.

Brax did not know how Earthlings mated, how they liked to be touched, how an Earth female wanted to be pleasured. Damn, he should have paid more attention during the Repopulation briefings, but he knew he had a new mission. He was going to work around the warrior gene and learn everything about how to pleasure an Earth female, his Earthling female. She was his.

Landrix looked over at Brax, his friend of many years. They had been in the same command group for years. Landrix knew Brax did not believe he would get a mate with the Repopulation Program. He knew that Brax’s haze had progressively gotten worse. Landrix had discussed his concerns with HelixI. He felt that his old friend had been taking more chances, putting his life in danger on the battlefield. All the warriors had all been worried about him, seeing his haze increasing.

Landrix felt relief. Now that this female was here, triggering his mating instinct, he would do everything to save his friend.

“I’ll reprogram the cyborg. I will inform no one that she is female. PW001’s armor and cloak conceal her physical attributes and her scent. You will have to curb your instinct to touch her. You must allow her to fight during this battle as a sniper. The men will know something is different if you continually touch her or do not allow PW001 to go on this mission.”

Both men look over as Parker makes a gasping noise, her eyes open.

“Her eyes!” Landrix can not help but exclaim his surprise at seeing the vibrant blue of her eyes. Arcturians’ eyes were deep black. He had not seen a species with this blue color of eyes, with white surrounding the blue.

Brax moves to stand between Landrix and Parker, blocking Landrix’s view of her.

“Mine.” Brax growls. His instincts are scrapping at his insides to gather the female to him and keep her from everyone.

Landrix holds up his hands in supplication. “She is the first compatible female I’ve seen in two hundred years. I’m leaving, but you’re correct in keeping her a secret. None of us could focus, knowing she was on the battlefield. I’m lucky to be at the back. You have fifteen minutes before we land; pull yourself together. This mission is important. You can claim your female when the mission is complete. I need to ensure my name is on the list for a candidate. After seeing her, I can not wait.”

“Here, have her drink this. It will calm her after transport and help her system adjust.” Landrix leaves a cylinder on the table and leaves to go program the cyborg, a longing inside his chest for a female like he had just seen.

“General Brax?” Brax closed his eyes as a voice spoke his name called to him like a voice from the past. It almost sounded like his mother. He had not heard his name from a female voice in so long that it touched him inside.

Brax felt her sit up as he still held onto her arm. He only let go when he felt her arms reach up, and then he turned and saw she was taking off her helmet.

Her black hair fell out of her helmet, falling in waves down her back. Her blue eyes looked wide as she looked up at Brax. Carnal waves of desire crashed through her as her eyes met Brax’s black ones, which started glowing purple as soon as he looked at her face and breathed in her fresh scent.

“Name?” Brax could barely speak. She was beautiful. Perfect. His.

He handed her the cylinder. “Drink.” He was relegated to one-word communications. What was wrong with him?

Brax’s eyes hungrily roamed her face. She had a heart-shaped face with pink, pouty lips. Her cheeks flushed as his gaze locked onto her mouth as she drank from the cylinder. She set down the drink and looked at Brax. Her breath hitched when she saw how intense his gaze was on her. He looked like he was drinking her in, from head to toe. This was intense. She felt this electric connection as his eyes memorized every feature.

“Parker.” She huskily gasped out. She was overwhelmed with coming out of transport and waking up with this colossal male that had been the prime feature in her fantasies for the past two years. Parker reached out her hand to touch him. Is he real?

She reaches up to try to take off her gaming system headset. The nauseous feeling in her stomach felt real, although it was starting to settle. The table under her butt felt real. This considerable male, breathing heavily, felt real standing before her. There was no gaming headset, only her hair.

Parker's finger poked into the hard muscle of his arm. He was real!

Then she felt herself being lifted and set up against the wall. This exquisite male pins her body heavily up against his. She quickly learns that Arcturian males have similar equipment to Earth males as she feels his hips set up against hers. His erection pulsed against her groin through their armor. He was huge! The bulges were real.

Brax buries his head into her neck. He breathes in the scent of her hair, her skin. Brax places his lips on the spot just below her ear, on her neck, and glides his lips down her neck.

“Parker.” Brax’s lips tickle her neck as he speaks her name like a prayer. His tongue flicks out, gently gliding along her neck, sending delicious zings of pleasure where his tongue touches her skin.

“Mine.” Brax lifts his head to look into Parker’s eyes, willing her to accept him, to feel their connection.