
Archive: Rise of the Kept Souls

January 1, 2030, a date that will forever be remembered by Earthlings. It was celebrated just like any other new year in a lot of different countries, but when 00:00 UTC hit, the world changed forever. Earth finally entered the Akashic Records of the Universe, linking it to other planets with life. The skies distorted, revealing all sorts of scenarios that turned out to be Pathways. It connected earth to all kinds of civilizations on other planets. By then, various creatures (Elves, Dwarves, Vampires, Sirens, Titans, Humans, etc.) rushed out and dispersed. However, they did not attack humans; instead, they searched for their heirs and masters. It turns out that Earth is the haven of kept souls. In order to protect the souls of genius heirs of rising clans of grand planets that died, they sent their souls to Earth, waiting for rebirth. Grand figures of the universe also sent their souls to Earth in preparation for reincarnation. All mighty figures of the universe waited for this moment. The time when Earth enters the Akashic Records, giving them access to the planet. However, just as the allies search for their kins, enemies also searched to slay the souls that hid. A war is breaking out. What will be the fate of the world and the universe as the kept souls rise? *** There will be no romance or harem in this novel. I should also note that the MC will not be a hero who will give his all to save the people. That aside, I hope you enjoy the novel.

Aethernanos · Fantasi
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2 Chs


An intangible dome covered the entire house as Aezir opened the door. He was shocked by what happened, but he quickly came back to reality as the gentleman before him knelt and spoke.

"Sire!" the gentleman with long black hair and a black coat that covered his entire body greeted Aezir. He stared at the 17-year-old kid as if the latter was the mightiest being in his eyes. Reverence can be seen in his mysterious black eyes as he looks at Aezir with amazement and admiration.

"Sorry?" Aezir responded in confusion. 'Who is this guy? He is well-dressed, but why is he bowing?' Aelius thought as he tried to decipher the man before him.

"I am sorry for my late introduction, Sire. Please receive this," the gentleman said before raising both of his hands that were holding a misty pearl. The pearl was misty, but it exuded a pure aura. It seemed to be untouched by the world.

Aezir could not think straight. For some reason, he was drawn to the pearl. He felt a connection to it that he could not resist. Unknowingly, he touched the pearl, causing it to glow so bright that it blinded the vicinity around Aezir.

'What the hell is this?!' Aezir exclaimed in his thoughts. 'Agh!' it was followed by a desperate cry as he tried to resist the pain permeating his brain. A surge of memories soon surfaced in Aezir's mind, all from his birth to the day he died.

The light had already faded, but Aezir was still in a daze. The gentleman, on the other hand, was just quietly kneeling before Aezir, not daring to make a single sound. After a few moments, Aezir finally snapped back to reality.

"Whoo, it felt like an eternity. How long was I gone?" Aezir asked. Only moments passed, but he seemed to not resemble his past self already. His demeanor completely changed. A sense of might, confidence, and invincibility can be perceived in him.

Without wasting any second, the gentleman quickly answered, "You were gone for three eras, Sire." [1]

"Three eras, huh?" Aezir said while looking at the horizon in nostalgia. A surge of happiness can be seen in his pitch-black eyes as he reminisced about the past. Then, it turned into sorrow before ending in anger. 'All debts shall be settled in the future. Alas, I need to get power first,' Aezir thought.

"What is your name? How come I don't know you?" Aezir asked. Even though he was powerless, his question struck fear in the gentleman.

"I am Helio, Sire. I am one of Lady Luna's subordinates. It is my greatest honor to finally be before you," Helio said before bowing once again.

A sense of sadness can be seen in Aezir's eyes after hearing the name of Helio's master. "How are they?" he asked.

"They are still sealed, Sire. All of their locations were classified as Death Domains already," Helio answered. He said it without a tinge of emotion, but he was tormented deep inside.

"I guess we succeeded," Aezir said with a forced smile. It was indeed their success, but he was not satisfied. "What is the situation on Earth? What forces are here?"

"Virtually every well-known force has people here, right now. Even the Unshakable Seven sent their troops," Helio briefly answered. "I have no concrete information about the Hidden Nine, but there is a possibility that they also have troops here."

"What about Aeternals? Aside from you, who are still active in the universe?"

"I am unable to answer the question, Sire. Forgive me. I was not given much information by Lady Luna," Helio said. 'Sire's not going to kill me, right?' Helio thought in fear. He heard a lot about the person before him from his master, so he has nothing but fear and respect for the man.

"I figured just as much. Now, tell me, had the universe forgotten about me?" Aezir asked while looking at the horizon.

"Your name and Aeternals were removed from the annals of history. The statement from The Judiciary stated that your soul was destroyed by that final fight. This prompted all of Aeternals' enemies to come out, then they removed everything Aeternals did from history," Helio said with anger and resentment in his heart while still showing no reaction outside.

"That is good for us. We will not be troubled by the past for a while," Aezir said. "Do some errands for me first. Seal this house for protection before you leave. Then, fetch me the best Arcane Crystals you can get. Get me a decent weapon as well, one that is suited for an Arcane Master. Get one that has the most Law Affinity. You should be here before 4:00 am tomorrow. Oh, also, schedule a tailor to come here in 5 months. Lastly, even with this irritatingly dull sense of smell of mine, I still get the stink of blood. This area should be peaceful, kill that vampire," Aezir ordered before heading inside and closing the door, not even waiting for Helio to respond.

"Yes, Sire!" Helio said while kneeling in front of the door. He waited for five seconds before leaving and sealing the house.

'A day, huh? What am I, a lightning steed?' Helio thought, but instead of a frown, an excited smile could be seen on his face. 'I cannot believe I just met Aezir: The Monarch. He swept the lands and dominated the universe for over 10 Periods! He forced entire galaxies to hide with his words, and most impressively of all, he went down together with one of the Unshakable Eight! Who would have thought that it would only be the Unshakable Seven now!? Damn!' Helio fanboyed in his mind.

He could not continue his thoughts since a vampire showed up before him. The woman was glaring at Helio with her crimson eyes while her silver hair danced with the wind. She looked just like a human, aside from her elongated fangs that are baring against Helio.

"So you're the stinky one."


Eon: 1 billion years

Era: 100 million years

Period: 1 million years

Epoch: 100 thousand years

Age: 1 thousand years

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