
Archer of Green

A god's whim, was it for entertainment, was it for some rare enjoyment in their immortal lives. Whatever it was mattered not, as in death there was life. An awakening towards a journey. To the end of the dungeon, an end of a path. Given a partner, all in the game of this god. Cruel, apathetic, angelic, I don't believe any of these fit the being, the god. After all, I was given a new life, a partner to call my own. And so, I believe whether this was cruel or not is up to me. But as Atalanta reached for my hand, broke through that darkness's hold over my mind. It was only then that it truly begun. This adventure, all on a god's whim.

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17 Chs

Green - 3

As I ascended through the stairs, circling the same position one by one. Hand in hand with dozens of crystals. 

I knew they had value, yet it was only because the girl had told me. Not even in detail. A mere pick these up, they have value, and that was it, I wasn't told anything else.

It wasn't a complaint, an observation though. That was what it was. As was our interactions, silent, so too were our talks.

And as we ascended through looping staircases, our faces and bodies covered in the blood and flesh of our most recent victims.

It was then that I found myself staring through the walls. Looking for that slight presence that I could feel.

Green eyes that seemed to peer further than I could have ever have thought.

It was too bad, at that moment, I had not found them. Maybe then I would have avoided such a punishment. But when I looked around and found nothing, a mere shrug of my shoulders to reassure my partner, I hurried myself.

Feeling the time that had been lost to bloodlust, as we both slaughtered our way through corridor after corridor.

A dark light was our only greeting, a teller that seemed to only be barely awake. And it was in that, that we made our escape.

Hurrying through the dark space and through the doors. A small smile on both of our faces.

"Tomorrow?" She asked, tilting her head and staring at me with those same golden eyes.

I nodded and with that she went the other direction, hurrying off with a purpose.

Seeing that she was gone I turned and hurried at my own pace, flying through streets as fast as I could. And when I saw the inn that Atalanta had raised funds for, I found myself sneaking through the top window. With all the grace my newly granted agility allowed me.

It took more tries than I was willing to admit but I was able to get through, opening the window with nary a squeak and hurrying through the dark night and into the bed I was assigned.

"Inari." The voice rang through the air, a cold shiver crossing my spine as I looked over to the side. Green eyes peering into my soul. A look of absolute disappointment on her face. 

But more than that. Atalanta could not hide the worry on her face, as she untucked my covers and nuzzled me close.

Noses touching and a breath of worry escaping her mouth as she brought me even further into her.

"I…" She started but trailed off soon after, almost afraid. Of what, I could not tell. But there was something in her tone that seemed to just carry eternal sadness.

She took the bow from where I had placed it and with her other hand placed me on the chair. Kneeling down to my level and staring me straight in the eyes.

"That god's whim." She spoke, bringing forth memories of the day I arrived, my only purpose, my only reason for living, all burned and replaced with one line.

To conquer the dungeon. To go further than any had gone and tackle a monster that had not been felled in the hundreds of years that it had stood.

"I knew that one day, you would fight beside me. But… so soon. I can't help but worry."

I reached out a hand, nuzzling it to her cheek as she sadly looked straight into my eyes.

She pulled back, turning to the bed where she laid and slept.

"I will not restrict you, and say that you are not allowed to go. As to deny that purpose would be cruel. But don't expect training to be as… lax as it was yesterday. If you are to brave the depths. Then you shall do it with strength."

With that I heard nothing from her again. Merely a soft breath as she slept, worries falling to the need of sleep.

"I will." I muttered, knowing that she wouldn't hear me, "I will train harder."

It was because of her, because of Atalanta that I could wield this bow, strike with such ferocity, and tame the inner beast within me.

Because of her calming presence that I was able to live to this day. It was all because of her, that gentle warmth she placed over me. Giving me all the hope and strength that she could.

So if she wanted me to train harder, then I would do so, I would stand beside her and brave the future with her.

Do do any less…

No, I couldn't even think of thoughts like that. I would… there was no if.

And as dawn found its foothold between the clouds, bringing the coming of day. I found myself woken by a push.

I fell down onto the ground. My head rang with pain as my tail caught between myself and the ground. Agony caused by a point I had never thought of. 

The tail was an extension of my will, with but a thought I was able to move it as if I was moving a finger. It was so dexterous, but beyond that it was an extension of my spine.

And when it hurt, it hurt. An agonizing pain only beaten by the breaking of one's spine.

That was why tears came to my eyes, rolling down as I looked up at Atalanta, her mouth set in an impassive line.

"You were warned." 

With that she left, towards the downstairs, not even bothering to fix her hair. Leaving it the untamed mess of fur that it always was.

I rubbed my tail once more, trying to rub the pain out of it. Only then did I turn towards the stairs, hurriedly placing my clothes on once more.

"Good. Eat, we depart in ten minutes."

I did so, following her every instruction as she tore me from my food. Dragging me further and further through the city. Until once again we stood at the gates.

The same guard that had let us in, letting us through to the plains that stood outside the great city. Was there a more filled place, with carriages and carts coming and going. Filled with the essentials of life that those within could not live with.

And outgoing merchants bringing the inventions and resources that the dungeon afforded towards those that they could sell it to. All in exchange for goods that would sell thrice that amount in the city.

A booming economy that could be seen nowhere else. But that was all it was, a surface, an economy, a place for adventurers to go and die.

It reminded me of the fragility of life, of the death of many at the hands of starvation for the simple reason that a crop had gone bad. Infecting the others and bringing forth a famine.

As I basked in the presence of life, of the hustle and bustle. An object was placed further into my hands. A sack of arrows strapped tightly to my side.

Atalanta tore through my defenses, knocking me to the ground with nary an effort. I was still, barely twitching a finger. Looking at the sky as it settled into an ominous glow.

'This is what it was going to be.' I thought to myself, craning my neck to look at the expressionless face of Atalanta, her hand outstretched to meet my own.

Arrow met arrow, as I dashed through the untamed wilds. The grass meeting my bare feet with a sort of ferocity that slowed my step.

I took the time that had been given to me, repositioning myself towards the end, dodging past the blunted arrow. And with it the pain it foretold. 

Once more I was knocked to the ground, yet before I could be, a warning. My senses stretched outwards, reaching towards the rapidly growing arrow.

And before it hit me there was a moment of panic, where my mind processed faster than my body could.

Where the tip of the arrow, so close to my face, found purchase in my mind. That no matter what I did, my body was not fast enough.

So I collapsed to the ground, bruises aching and forming. Feeling the cold wind and harsh winter ground push against my skin.

Pants of warmth sighing from my mouth like some sort of parched man, breathing every breath for that last bit of water. Only it wasn't water that I searched for but air.

To recover the lost stamina and the ache in my side.

"Did…?" I asked, my voice trailing off into the wind as I huffed and puffed. Trying to regain any of the air that I had lost with that one voice.

My body was spread out, tail pushed against my back, arms laid over the grass. All as Atalanta sat next to me, her own bow fading into specks of blue light. As if it was never there.

Day started to break, dark soon spreading through the air. I was lifted by the scruff and placed in her arms. I didn't even bother to struggle. Merely letting her play with my body as need be.

All until we reached the inn, where I was promptly thrown to the bed.

"Go to the dungeon. I care not." With that she turned her side, laying down onto the bed opposite mine. Closing her eyes and soon after, sleeping.