
Arcenyx : Dreaded dawn

An unknown time ago, mana was introduced into the world it mutated some living things and created vile monsters that destroy everything in their wake. Years later, now the world is overrun by mana and divided by magic. The Monsters of pure mana called the Arcenyx run wild and with the nations placed under the iron fist of the council, a war is brewing. will the nations rip themselves apart or will the arcenyx destroy them first.

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12 Chs


Elissa stood there dumbfounded, "I, I wanted her to be happy," said Elissa.

Both his sons had come out to see what the commotion was at this point and standing behind them was Illira and the winged girl who was Vespers pet. They stood behind their masters watching from a safe distance

"Happy?" said Nikolai noticing the presence of his sons.

"I should kill you on the spot but I won't, what you did reminded me of someone," said Nikolai then he burst into laughter.

"The child looks like that because you couldn't offer her the one thing she needed," said Nikolai then he bit into his hand and pulled the shriveled up girl out of the carriage, and gave her his blood. She immediately looked revived and her snow-white eyes turned a faint shade of pink as if it was stained faintly, with blood.

He proceeded to let her go and she fell hard on the floor looking confused.

"Pure blooded Vampires feed on the blood of their mothers in the womb in order to gain their life force, of course, you were human so the child needed my blood.

You tried to make her escape me but you only made her suffer more," said Nikolai then he grabbed the girl who was still looking at him by the neck and said, "I will instead punish you by killing it."

but before he could do it, Vesper grabbed his hand and said "Father don't do this."

"Really, you want to be responsible for yet another child?" said Nickolai.

When Vesper didn't yield he dropped the girl and said, "Fine then, give her to Bernadette to take care of but remember if even one of your precious siblings goes rabid you have to kill them both."

Nikolai continued by saying, "When the boy wakes up, he is my new Coachman and do with the old woman as you please. Elissa, on no condition, will you relate with that child. Now come with me to discuss the rest of your punishment." He instantly regained his calm and cold, emotionless demeanor and walked into the castle with Elissa following close behind.

"Hey little one, you don't have a name do you?" said Vesper in a calm voice.

The girl shook her head then he said, "I've been naming things lately so, how about Noelle."

He looked towards the harpy girl and said, "Penelope, go ask the maids to give you some blood."

She then nodded and did as he said.

But while Vesper was distracted, the girl ran away with immense speed and ran up to Illira trying to attack her but Damien caught her on time and pinned her down.

"Looks like someone's inherited our father's love of elven blood," said Vesper as he walked over to them and picked the girl up.

"Can you not joke at a time like this, all vampires love elven blood," said Damien.

"Yes but some more than others," said Vesper.

"What did he mean by another sibling you want to be responsible for," said Damien.

"What do you think he meant," said Vesper.

Damien did not respond and instead grabbed Illira's arm and walked inside.

Penelope came back with a cup full of blood and gave it to Vesper.

Vesper then gave it to the little girl and said, "We don't attack people, most of the time anyway."

When Lady Bernadette had arrived, Vesper handed the girl over to her and said, "She is my father's daughter her name is Noelle Acelin. Teach her how to behave and the appropriate way to control her hunger, in a couple days she will be joining the Academy."

Bernadette wondered why she had to deal with all the brats and then calmly picked the girl up and walked away.

She disliked the Idea of raising Nikolai's bastard child, nonetheless the one he had with his pet especially since it was frowned upon in the vampire community but she welcomed the challenge of turning this feral creature into a mistress.

Vesper then proceeded to tell Lilian to join the kitchen staff and instructed the servants to show her to their quarters and he also instructed the guards to take the boy and teach him to be a vampire and to be his father's coachman.