
Arcenyx : Dreaded dawn

An unknown time ago, mana was introduced into the world it mutated some living things and created vile monsters that destroy everything in their wake. Years later, now the world is overrun by mana and divided by magic. The Monsters of pure mana called the Arcenyx run wild and with the nations placed under the iron fist of the council, a war is brewing. will the nations rip themselves apart or will the arcenyx destroy them first.

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12 Chs


The day after the blood moon, The orphanage kids slept past the time that they were supposed to wake, because they had stayed up to watch the moon turn red from their tiny window. The blood moon was a beautiful celestial event that occurred every third century especially in Grimborne so, its people enjoyed watching it.

The door flung open with lady Elissa and Eleanor on the other side.

The kids woke up and started scrambling to get ready thinking the two women were there to scold them for waking up so late.

"Good morning children", said Elissa.

"Sorry we were asleep so late", said Amethyst.

"Oh it's fine", said Eleanor which confused the kids as they had started to notice Eleanor and Elissa have been acting strangely for a while now.

Elissa went out of the room for a couple of minutes and brought in two children "meet your new siblings Derick and Qing" said Elissa as she gestured towards a boy and a girl.

"Help them get adjusted and the bring them to the kitchen they are to be assigned to Illira and Felix's previous chores", said Eleanor.

After all that was said they both left as quickly as they came almost as if they were in a hurry to do something.

Amethyst pulled Trevour aside and said, "don't you think it's weird that they have basically replaced both Illira and Felix".

"As the ones who were the first to have been adopted by lady Elissa, we have watched her adopt all the kids, the last pair she brought was. Illira and Naomi", said Felix as he shrugged it off.

"Yeah but that was like three years ago", said Amethyst.

"Your probably just sad because you miss Illira and Felix", said Gerald who had been listening in.

"You know what you guys a probably right. come on let's go start on our chores", said Amethyst.

A couple of hours later Illira wakes up in a small room that looked similar to Elissa's room. she stood up looked around the room it was filled with basic looking furniture but a large old looking book that had 'Noble etiquette' written on It stood out .After looking at the book, she went to open the door and it was locked from the outside.

She then went to the bed sat down and tried to remember all that happened yesterday after they were set on the alter but she could only remember being in pain.

After a couple minutes the door cracked open and a maid said follow me.

She quickly followed as she remembered what Elissa said to her.

The young woman escorted Illira through a part of the castle that was well decorated in gothic designs and eventually approached what looked like a small conference room.

In the room stood a tall slender woman. Once the maid reached the room, she grabbed a knife sliced her rist and poured her blood into a fancy wine cup gave it to do the woman and left.

After watching. Illira flintch and the maid cut her had, the woman took a sip from her drink then looked at Illira and said "your not much of a looker are you little elf?"

It was a strange comet to Illira as she was used to the people in the village telling her how pretty she was, she didn't respond though, not knowing how to even answer that question.

"Good your not chatty let's keep it that way", said the woman.

"I am mistress Bernadette, you shall address me as Mistress. I am here to teach you about your new life as noble's pet", said the woman.

Illira wondered if she were a small animal that she would be called a pet but kept her opinion to herself.

"your job is to act as a magical deterrent to a true vampire's destructive nature fortunately for you this is a job you accomplish simply by existing but you have a second job and that is to represent your noble house in public events and try to prevent your master from doing anything stupid. I have already spoken to the winged one. You both shall work hand in hand with that worthless Elissa to see to it that you all don't embarrass this family. just follow the rules In your guidebook correctly and strictly", said Bernadette.

After looking at her hand clock briefly she continued by saying "That's all for today, leave my presence at once".

with no time to comprehend the contents of the woman's rant, Illira walked out of the room and into the corridors which she didn't recognize hoping to come across her room eventually, even with no idea where her 'chambers' even really are.

After walking for along time , she came across to a door Identical to the one she came from opened it and found Elissa sitting on her bed reading a book.

She quickly realized that this must be Elissa's room. Illira was angry with Elissa over the whole situation so she didn't want to speak to her. As Elissa stood up to meet her she banged the door and left eventually she bumped into the maid from earlier and She helped her to her room.

The next day she was asked give master Damien his food because he hadn't been eating and she took the tray and walked into the giant room next to her tiny one to find him clutched up a ball staring at a picture of a woman.

She dropped the food on a table and said, "She is very pretty" and he looked at her puzzled and a little bit irritated then after a pause he said "she is my mother, Today is the anniversary of the day she died".

"Sorry, I can't say I know how you feel I guess I never had a mom", said Illira.

"isn't Elissa ur mother", said Damien.

"Not really at least not anymore", said Illira.

"What of your dad" said Illira.

Damien laughed and said "Has only said ten words to me my whole life he mostly just nods and shakes his head", said Damien.

"Well master Damien how about we be each other's parents", said Illira jokingly.

"Why are you so cheerful you have been forced to be a royal man servant", said Damien.

"My life has been much worse, I guess I'm just optimistic like that", said illira.

"your a masochist", said Damien.

"we are gonna be stuck together we might as well be friends, my name is Illira", said illira.

He looked at her for a while and said "My name, well my real name the name she gave me is Henrick".

"They said I have to convince you to eat just try not eat me, Hen", said Illira.

"What did you just call me" said Damien

"it's a short form Henrick is too long a name to say", said Illira as she giggled.

" Thanks for cheering me up", said Damien.

"No problem aren't you gonna ear", said Illira.

"I'm not hungry", said Damien.

"I wonder why they don't give you blood, do you need to eat human food", said I'lllira.

"No not really, but real food helps with the blood cravings and my father said I can't have blood for a week after the festival incident", said Damien.

"Hmmm, does it have to be human blood", said Illira.

"Human blood is better but no, why do you ask", said Damien.

without replying lira ran out of the room and came back forty-five minutes later with a rabbit she had caught, both her attire and clothing were covered in mud.

"Here you can eat this just find a way to get rid of it and the food before the maids come to clean up", said illiria as she passed the rabbit to him.

He looked at her and said "Don't call me Henrick if my father hears that name he'll punish us both", said Damien.

"It'll be our little secret", said Illira as she left and closed his door.

Damien sat there thinking about how Illira didn't remember that attack when he brought it up 'her memory must have been wiped', he thought to himself.