
Riots and old friends

The first wave of the riots had calmed down a bit when I finally arrived at The Last Drop, but there was a palpable anticipation in the air that could nearly be tasted. A few squads of enforcers had buckled down by the elevators and were waiting for backup, while the rioting crowds just realized how fucked they were. If the groups of enforcers had been acting like police officers earlier, they were now transitioning into army mode. They brought in explosives, a lot more people, other advanced weaponry, and patience. I did not want to be on the other end of their assault, but I might be if I don't get out of dodge.

 When I got into the backdoor of The Last Drop, I immediately knew that VI and Vander were having another argument. "You don't know what this means, VI. It will be an all-out war if we don't give them someone to blame, and I will be that someone."

VI was so worked up that the first part of her words were inaudible, but the volume only increased, "….you can't be so selfish as to sacrifice yourself Vander. We need you. Powder needs you. The war is already happening, so why not fight? Fight for the lanes, for us. Vander, they won't take you as an answer when so many of their enforcers died. If they come down here, they're dead. We have the advantage, don't you see that?"

A heavy sigh could be heard before Vander continued, "You only see the surface. Without the resources flowing in from Piltover, we won't make it down here. We will starve VI. We will be responsible for the deaths of thousands, not to mention the destruction of buildings, people, and the left-over orphans. This war will make another pair of siblings like you and Powder. Could you accept that?"

I had already gotten close enough and now saw VI was red-faced. Dry tears could be seen on her cheeks, but she still screamed into Vander's face, "IT'S TOO LATE! Don't you see that Vander? The enforcers and topsiders make orphans out of more of us every week, so how is this any different? The only difference is that we're doing something about it and at least giving them a bloody nose when they RUIN THE LIVES OF OUR FELLOW MEN AND WOMEN!" Vander choked up for a moment, and looked around in a daze.

He saw me in the door-opening and beckoned me in, "Powder, come now. It's alright." Powder was always starved for love, and I didn't particularly mind either. I had always been a very physical person. A few skips and a jump, and I was in Vander's embrace.

 Vander's deep voice made my entire body vibrate, "So, I heard you killed a few enforcers?" It was a statement, accusation and question in one. I just nodded. "That was both very brave and very stupid, Powder. The whole undercity might blow up because of that."

"I know it was stupid, Vander, but I couldn't just watch the enforcers get their hands on any of us. Who knows if they would have framed us, or if someone tipped them off…? Still… I'm stupid, okay? I'm the stupidest girl in the whole undercity. Clumsy too. I guess Mylo was right." I couldn't tell where I ended and Powder began, but I got even more frustrated when I realized how I was becoming infantilized and far too emotional far too quickly. Was this Powder's mental illness rearing its head, or raw childish emotions?

VI moved a bit closer. It looked like she was about to restart the argument, but Vander's stern look stopped her. Her flushed cheeks calmed a bit as she realized that I was right between her and Vander. They had to cool their tempers in front of her. "Right about what, Powder?" Vander looked down at me with understanding in his gaze.

Before I could answer, the backdoor leading out of the basement of The Last Drop was knocked off its hinges. It crashed into the room and plunged halfway into the wall right beside me before it splintered and ended up as a broken heap of planks. Splinters from the crash struck VI's back, but she only staggered slightly from the impact. A few grazed my face, but I barely flinched because I was laser-focused on the hulking figure entering slowing before launching itself toward Vander. It towered over even the gigantic Vander, and it was fast as a cheetah. In a fraction of a second, I assessed the danger, repositioned, and pressed my laser. The auto-aiming feature locked in on the monster's face and then the laser zapped out. It carved through his head in an instant, but in comparison to the previous men, this was someone who was pumped full of shimmer. The beast screamed and made a final leap to take us down with him. Its body slumped mid-air, but the fraction of a second of extended life made its last attack possible. Before he could crash into VI, however, Vander had taken a large step forward and used his left elbow to smash the beast's head down into the ground. His reactions were no joke, as he had already tensed and started moving when I shot my laser. This was a man meant for war.

A few slow claps came from the now wide-open entrance before a pale, lanky man appeared in the doorway. His massive red jacket collar made him look a bit like a lion using its mane for intimidation and to look bigger. His deep purple and blue vest with golden edges, white tie, and tall shirt-collar that suited him perfectly. His slicked-back black hair with short sides and mismatched eyes made him look like a businessman with a penchant for violence, and in a sense that was what he was. "You still got it, old friend." He appeared to scan the room and become surprised as he noticed me and VI, but I saw in his eyes that he already knew about us, "And who is this? I heard you took in some runts, but I've never seen any of you before. I'm your uncle, Silco. It's lovely to meet you both."

Vander froze for a moment. He hadn't expected his old friend to come into power, and much less be a threat. He had heard about some mysterious player that was growing in recent times, but he hadn't had the opportunity to investigate yet. Before he could respond, a few of Vander's men rushed down the stairs to check out the noise. Vander waved them off before turning to Silco again. "Silco. You come into my house, use a beast to attack us, and still dare to call yourself my brother? We were brothers once, but that was years ago."

Silco smirked, "Not that many years. Your daughter has a point, Vander. You are holding back the undercity and the lanes. You call my minion a beast, but I call him a tool. With a little bit of this," he brought out a vial of shimmer and shook it gently, "he became even stronger than you. Sure, he might not be a tactical genius, but you saw his speed, power and durability. Even after getting shot through the head, he still managed a last-ditch attack. Nice weapon, by the way." Both of his eyes were focused a bit too much on me, but I simply stared back.

"I like the fire in the blue-haired one. What's your name, darling?"

I was a bit unsure of what exactly was happening because I wasn't personally familiar with Silco, but the most likely options were that he was using the shimmered-up Deckard as both a test and an attack. If we died, then we wouldn't be worth it, but if we survived then he would negotiate with us. Vander nodded, so I spoke up, "I'm Powder."

I didn't give him more and let Vander do the talking instead. No matter what I said, it would be taken poorly when said by a little girl. Vander knew him personally and knew better how to talk to him. I would learn in time, but I still had a lot of learning to do.

Silco nodded and smiled, "It's good to finally meet the smartest girl in all of Piltover and Zaun put together. My informants told me that you managed to not only managed to take out seven enforcers in quick succession, but that you used some unique weapon you likely made yourself. Is that true?"

I could feel the genuine interest radiating from him. He desperately wanted it to be true. He wouldn't even care if he wasn't the one in charge during the revolution, only that we got free from the yoke of Piltover. Before Vander could give me some signal, however, I couldn't help but correct him, "It was eight, actually."

Silco's eyes widened. "The last one was a sniper I took out from a few hundred feet away."

"Wow, that is amazing. And you're what? Ten, eleven years old?"

I knew he was goading me. He knew exactly how old I was, and he was playing on my pride to get me to admit that I was even younger to give him more of a reason to praise me and for me to feel comfortable around him. I saw the genuine praise in his eyes, but I knew it was also a manipulation tactic.

Before I could respond again, however, Vander cut in. "Cut the crap, Silco. You come here, attack us, and then try to sweet-talk my daughter. If we are going to have a real discussion about what is going to happen going forward, at least arrange a proper meeting. How about we meet in the warehouse district in the south in a couple of hours?"

"Our old meeting place… You truly are sentimental, Vander. Very well. I've shown one of my cards, and you've shown one of yours. We can lay our cards on the table at the old place and try to find a… mutually beneficial solution to our problems." Vander's jaw was still tense, but he moved forward and shook Silco's hand before Silco walked up into The Last Drop and left without a further word. We walked up to see him off and saw twelve heavily armed men in The Last Drop moved in behind him as he exited.

 The first thing Vander did when Silco's men were gone was sigh and look at us with steel in his eyes, "None of you are coming, so don't get any ideas."

VI was in his face in a second, "What do you mean we're not coming? We already fought against the enforcers and won, not to mention that Powder made a weapon far outstripping the enforcers. We can help, Vander."

He pressed a huge hand down on her shoulder, "No, VI. You might be growing fast, but your temper gets the best of you. Powder is far too young, and she would make an easy target if she was out in the open. I would have let you, and only you VI, come if I knew you could stay quiet and listen, but you are too hotheaded. I'll bring Benzo, Sevika, Renni, Smeech and Finn, as well as some muscle. I need you to listen to me on this one, VI."

He grabbed the back of her head and brought her into an unwilling hug. It looked like he was trying to hold a cat that desperately wanted to be free, but didn't want to claw his eyes out either. VI pulled her head back, but when Vander whispered something in her ear, she perked up and relaxed into his arms.

A few seconds later she nodded, "Alright, you go ahead. Good luck with your meeting Vander."

 A lot of Vander's regulars were a part of his gang, but it was more like a union with him as the union rep. He represented the interests of the undercity, whether that was through violence, peace, or whatever else. In order to keep his position, he needed to keep the chem-barons in check and thus needed manpower. A lot of the manpower were people he had helped throughout the years, and thus were very loyal in comparison to those who turned to Silco for a few immediate benefits. Benzo might be a shop owner, but he wasn't simple. He was also the one who dealt with a lot of the smuggling in the undercity, got the citizens what they needed, and acted as an eye and ear among merchants. Especially merchants in Piltover. Because of that – and his friendship with Vander – he was Vander's second in command.

 Vander decided to take center stage and explain what was going on to everyone in the bar. It was practically overflowing with people due to the conflict in the street. At least 150 people were all watching Vander's hulking form attentively as he climbed on top of the bar, "I know a lot you may be worried about what is going on. The truth is that… the topside is scared. We have a secret weapon they got wind of, and to continue crushing your necks and noses into the dirt they want to take it for themselves."

He pointed directly at the crowd's faces and tapped his foot to emphasize the dirt before continuing. The pregnant pause increased tension, but also ignited hope in this crowd. This is the Vander that took control over the undercity. "They come into our streets. Kill our people. Your families, children, friends, lovers, partners, neighbors, wives, husbands. Only by uniting together and showing the topside that we aren't pushovers can we truly become free. This won't be like five years ago. That time, we were trying to protest peacefully before they started shooting us down. Now, however, they come into our streets and expect to be invulnerable. Already a dozen enforcers or more are dead, and more will follow. It's inevitable when they come down here in such numbers. Now, it's up to every. Single. One. Of. You. To take up arms and defend your homes. Not only will this earn us the respect we deserve, but it will allow us to bite back against the topsiders."

He paused, looking into every pair of eyes he could see, "Now. I'm only going to ask this once. Who's with me?" The pause stretched for half a second more before the silence erupted into loud cheers, howls, applause, and excited monkey noises from a race Powder had never heard of before.

 It soon became clear that Vander had been dead serious about us not joining in on the meeting, but I wasn't too miffed about it. It wasn't as though I expected to be taken seriously as a nine-year-old despite my obvious genius. Still, we did get a job that pacified VI and made me feel useful. That was likely the point, but instead of being Vander's overwatch I desperately wanted to continue building my inventions. Milo's sudden death, however, and the pang that still echoed in my chest at the thought of the idiot dying, made me realize that I really enjoy having friends and family around me.

In my past life, I had been a solitary existence that lived only for myself and my projects. Instead of mechanical engineering, I had been obsessed with biology because I wanted to become immortal. I had desperately tried to study anything biological and make myself into a superhuman in any way possible. I viewed immortality as the pinnacle of that path of research. In this world, it might be possible. When products like shimmer can make a normal human into a hulking beast that is far more durable and fast compared to normal humans, I don't doubt that there are real methods to turn people into living gods. Still, anything that had to do with advanced biological research would require the mechanical revolution I was hoping to start.

 A gentle slap brought me out of my daydreaming, "Powder, you were zoned out, drooling and looking at nothing. Are you okay?" VI leant down and took my cheeks in her hands. Her warmth and smell was so familiar to me despite only having been Powder for a few days. The callouses on her hands felt reassuring, and the gentle concern on her face made me nearly melt. For a moment, I felt like breaking free and running away from everyone Powder knew. The emotions hurt. I think it might have to do with Powder's psyche already showing cracks. I had to shore up against her potential madness.

It didn't help that I had never been a people-person and didn't really know how to navigate any of Powder's relationships or even relationships in general. For one, I'm definitely not into men. That's an immediate strike for any potential romances with a lot of people. On the other hand, VI was pretty much the only girl I knew and she was my sister. I wasn't into incest either. Neither would I betray my people by working together with Caitlyn Kiramman. She was pretty, sure, but I wasn't into enforcers or nepotism. Unless it was me doing the nepotizing. There were a lot of pretty women in the League of Legends canon, but I had no clue when I could meet any of them. Or even if I would make it that long. Not that they would go for me when I was in the body of a pre-teen. It would all have to come a lot later.

 When it came to Powder's personal relationships, I decided to just try to be myself with a flavor of Powder's original personality. I already naturally used some of her mannerisms, her manner of speech, and had a lot of the same emotional reactions, so I just had to add a more childish and impulsive viewpoint to anything I did. Except my science, of course. I didn't realize it in the heat of the moment, but Powder's instincts definitely pushed me to be aggressive against the enforcers and take the first shots. Not that I blamed myself or minded it, but I had to remember that my body affected my decision making and made me more impulsive than my previous middle-aged body.

 While we walked over to our designated spot, a rooftop a bit away from the meeting that could overlook any additional threats coming from the outside, we occasionally heard others sharing information about the movements of the enforcers. It sounded like most of them had gathered around the main elevators. They were either waiting for reinforcements or orders, but I was betting on both. I think the main point that differentiated how Vander reacted in this reality and in the show Arcane is how much more aggressive the enforcers were in addition to the fact that I shot a few of the enforcers and a lot of people would have to not only be imprisoned, but more likely be executed. Added to this was the fact that the enforcers were worse in reality compared to the idealized show.

If he had tried to make a new deal, the undercity would likely have rebelled far worse than the few betrayals that happened when Vander was viewed as weak for not using violence against the topside's overextension into the undercity. He saw the writing on the wall: If he didn't rally the people and worked together with Silco, the undercity might suffer far worse than we did last time. I'm glad I forced his hand, because the conflict was inevitable. After Silco got his hands of shimmer, the only question was when the conflict would break out and what we would get out of it.

 VI and Claggor walked silently beside me until I couldn't hold it any longer, "I avenged Milo."

The pair stopped and looked down at me, making me instinctively squirm beneath their gazes. Freaking insecure instincts. They would be the death of me one day. VI simply raised her brow before I continued speaking. "The eight I took out included the three that chased after us and a sniper on a rooftop a few roofs across. I knew I could take them, so I turned back on the roof and took them out. The ones on the ground was easy enough, one even climbed right after me and got his head cut in two. The sniper was the scariest. I dodged his bullet before returning fire."

"You did what!? I thought the eight you mentioned in the basement included some enforcers that tried to stop you along the way. I told you to run, Powder." She bent down and grabbed the back of my head. I tried to shake free, but her hand was as strong as an iron clamp.

"Next time you gotta listen, Powder. You almost died…" Silent tears streamed down her face, and I couldn't help but lunge into her and put my arms around her neck.

"But I didn't. I took them out and avenged Milo! And avenged whatever other people they killed and trampled on."

"Yeah, you're a brave girl Powder. Perhaps a bit too brave." Claggor smiled for the first time since Milo's death.

"At least he went down before he could talk our ears off." I couldn't help but chuckle, and soon we all broke out in a small laugh.

 Twenty minutes later, we were positioned on a rooftop across from the warehouse the Vander in Arcane died in. It was one of the taller rooftops, so we didn't have to worry too much about being sniped. The smog above us made very sure of that.

 "So what did Vander tell you, VI?"

 She shifted a bit before turning to me and Claggor. "He told me that we needed to shoot a hole right there," she pointed into a window, "if the enforcers show up. Then we need to hunker down and wait for the people inside to set up. If we are going to attack, we were told to only focus on the snipers or the enforcers at the periphery so as to not bring attention to ourselves. That's pretty much it."

 "Oh, well that sounds alright. I guess…" I was at war with myself. One part of me wanted nothing to do with this war, while the other part of me wanted to tear out a few enforcers' throats with my own teeth. I jumped from leg to leg with a jitter before jumping up on Claggor's back and resting my head against his neck. "I'm tiiired, guys. Can I just rest here? The meeting is probably going to take hours."

 Claggor shook as he laughed, "Sure, Powpow." VI nodded as well.

 "Alright, just wake me if I'm needed then. If I struggle with waking up, this button is the safety. If you need to use it, just point and click. If you hold, you get a long beam to cut, but if you click you get a short one to pierce."

 I startled awake and pointed my laser around. My hair had fallen over my eyes, while I'm sure my eyes were bloodshot. "What?! Who am I shooting?"

 "Shh, Powpow, you're not shooting anyone. Just relax." I was carried on VI's back, not Claggor's. "I shook you awake because we're heading back. Meeting's over."

"Aw, and no action?"

 VI ruffled my hair, "No, no action. Now scoot down."

 I jumped down and followed behind her down from the rooftops and back to The Last Drop. We wouldn't exactly be hiding from the enforcers, and the entirety of Zaun needed someone to rally behind. If Vander hid away, he wouldn't get any support. We might, but the safest place would be the place with the most amount of Vander's people. And that was The Last Drop.

 As we got back to TLD, Vander brought us down into the basement and sat us down. "I'll be going around to recruit and make sure our perimeters are set, as well as to boost morale, so I won't be around as much as I'd like. Benzo will handle logistics from here, so go to him if there is anything. He also brought Littleman with him, so bring him along, okay?"

 We nodded, before he continued, "VI, you're in charge of general matters but Powder of course you're in charge when it comes to your tech. I've allocated a forge for you and good protection around it, as well as a lot of materials. Silco is also supplying you. We both agreed that we need as many weapons as possible if they are anything like what you showcased. We will keep all of the weapons in our possession, so make sure that they're given to one of my trusted guys. Silco already has shimmer, so this will create an equilibrium. Shimmer hasn't been mass-produced to the point that we can use a lot of it, but a few of our guys will have an injection for emergency use. Most of his, however, will have it as well. Here." He handed me a piece of paper and a pencil. "Write down anything you need and give it to Benzo. He will find it for you."

 I just nodded and started jotting down materials. I mostly needed mirrors, some good metal-working tools, molds, copper, steel, glass, and especially some copper, silver, and gold wires, some triggers, a few pre-made small propellors or fans, and some metal shells of various sizes. I paused for a moment before I wrote down shimmer, silica, and a few other chem-tech solutions. Most chem-tech wasn't actually named, but was instead referred to based on its color.

Making individual lasers would be too costly because each one would require its own hex orb, and the laser couldn't fully utilize the power of the hex orb. However, I had a few thoughts about how to unleash enough devastation to kick the enforcers out of Zaun.

Hope you enjoy!

Daoist_windfall_69creators' thoughts