
Arcane Algorithm

In a world where magic is as real as the air we breathe, a former programmer named Carl, a young reincarnated soul, stands out not for the purity of his power, but for his peculiarity. With a colorless magical core, a symbol of weakness in the eyes of the ignorant, Carl is the embodiment of a raw diamond. He finds his way to the Arcane Academy, a cradle of wizards and mysteries, where truths are as enigmatic as the spells taught. "Help? Sure! What do I get out of it? Nothing? Well then, goodbye," Carl said to a student. "WHAT? You want me to kneel? With a fart of mine, the heavens and the earth shall tremble! Get out of my sight!" Carl shouted at an emperor. "Do we need to travel a great distance to gather many resources for the territory? No problem, I'll conjure an airplane," Carl exclaimed to his friend.

CreativeCJ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

The Reflection of a New Beginning

"Agh... my whole body hurts," murmured Carl, his voice laden with exhaustion and palpable confusion. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking against the diffuse light that seeped almost timidly through cracks in the simple structure of the place where he found himself. Every muscle in his body seemed to vigorously protest, sending waves of discomfort and pain through his being as he tried to orient himself in the new and disconcerting reality that surrounded him. It felt like being transported to a completely strange world, where even the simple act of breathing seemed to require Herculean effort.

Slowly, his eyes began to adjust to the environment. He realized he was in a modest shack, a rudimentary construction that spoke of simplicity and scarcity. The bed on which he lay was an austere straw pallet, covered by a worn and thin fabric, so tattered that it barely concealed the rough stalks beneath. The air was impregnated with an earthy smell and old wood, creating an atmosphere of desolation and abandonment. The light entering through the cracks painted a mosaic of dancing shadows on the worn and time-marked walls, telling stories of past days and forgotten lives.

Suddenly, a sharp pain seized his head, an agony so intense it felt as if a thousand sharp needles were piercing his skull. "AGHHHH," Carl screamed, his voice echoing off the fragile walls of the shack, as vulnerable as he felt at that moment. Memories that weren't his began to invade his mind in a chaotic whirlwind, each bringing a flood of emotions and unknown images, a deluge of experiences and strange sensations. They were fragments of someone else's life, forcing him to confront a reality that transcended his own understanding, a challenge that pushed him to the threshold between sanity and madness.

"So your name is also Carl? Thank you for lending me your body," he murmured, his voice tinged with melancholic respect, almost as if speaking to an old friend who had departed. Although he knew that the original owner of that body had not chosen to lend him this mortal shell, Carl felt compelled to express his gratitude, a poignant feeling that crossed the veil between life and death. It was a strange symbiosis, where the end of one existence had given rise to another, intertwining their identities in an inexplicably complex and profound way, like two souls entwined in an eternal dance.

Still dazed, Carl sat on the edge of the rustic bed. The world seemed to spin around him, a vertiginous carousel of confused sensations and perceptions as he struggled to assimilate the torrent of information and memories that now flooded his mind. He took a deep breath, an effort to calm his racing heartbeat and turbulent mind, a desperate attempt to find some serenity in the chaos that assailed him. As he tried to piece together the fragments of what had happened until that moment, Carl felt like someone trying to assemble a complex puzzle, where each piece was a fragment of a life that was now his, but also belonged to another, a mosaic of existences intertwined in an intricate tapestry of realities.

"So this world is called Gaiaxys," Carl noted, his voice imbued with a mix of admiration and astonishment. He now had a rudimentary, yet essential understanding of the structure and mechanics of this world - an intricate fabric of fantastic realms, intricate sorcery, and mythical beings, elements that until then had only inhabited the most fertile corners of his imagination. It was as if he had been transported into an epic narrative, where every detail, previously fictional, now pulsed with a tangible reality.

"A medieval fantasy world, similar to those in stories and games in..." Carl's voice wavered, laden with a wave of melancholy intermingled with uncontrollable ecstasy. The longing for his world of origin mixed with the euphoria of being immersed in an adventure he had always desired. It was as if the boundaries between reality and fiction had dissolved, leaving him on a threshold between the past and the unimaginable.

Spotting a small basin of water, Carl got up, overcoming the resistance of a body not yet fully his own. Approaching it and looking at his reflection in the water, he saw a face that was simultaneously strange and familiar. It was a visual representation of the new identity he now assumed - a mirror not just revealing a new appearance, but a new destiny to be forged.

Facing this reflection, Carl said with a half-smile, "SUP BRO," in a tone that mixed jest with a kind of farewell to the former inhabitant of that body. It was an acknowledgment, a greeting to the life that ended to make space for his. His voice, imbued with respect and a light irony, seemed to seal a silent pact with his new self.

"At least I'm handsome," reflected Carl, an ironic smile forming on his lips as he observed his own features in the murky water reflection. His black hair and eyes had an undeniable magnetism, a promise of latent charm that even the current malnutrition couldn't completely hide. His face, despite being marked by the hardships of his new life, still retained traces of beauty that could, with proper nutrition and care, emerge in all its glory, worthy of a movie protagonist. It was a strange realization, finding a glimmer of vanity amid chaos.

Looking around the shack, Carl reflected, "Starting in the slums of Luminara, as a commoner... This is like starting a game on hard mode." This analogy with a video game brought a subtle smile to his lips. "Hehe, then let's begin. The goal is to dominate this server."