
Arcandria Online : The Best Summoner Online (English Version)

A new VRMMORPG online game has been released in Indonesia, it is "Arcandria Online". Everyone around the world plays this popular game. one of them was Ling Ran. Ling Ran played the game with his friends. however, a surprise occurred in the selection of the Jobs he used. Ling Ran chose to use Summoner jobs which were rarely heard compared to other powerful jobs such as Archer, Magé, or Warrior. How does Ling Ran's adventure become the best with summoner jobs? it will be very stressful. follow Ling Ran's journey in proving that Summoner is not a bad job in the AO game And become the best in the world.

Fallen_Angelss · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
183 Chs

The New Era has arrived

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

Ling Ran jolted awake as the cacophony of his alarm disrupted the tranquility of his room. His eyes snapped open, pupils dilating as he wrestled with consciousness. The shrill sound reverberated through his skull, matching the relentless pounding of his heart. With a groan, he reached out, his hand fumbling over the bedside table until he managed to silence the infernal device.

"What's wrong? Ugh, that alarm is a nightmare," he muttered, his voice husky with sleep, as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

Groggily, Ling Ran swung his legs out of bed, the cool touch of the hardwood floor jolting him into wakefulness. He parted the curtains, allowing the first rays of dawn to filter into his room, chasing away the remnants of the night's darkness. Squinting against the sudden brightness, he glanced at the digital clock: 07:35 AM, Jakarta time. Panic surged through him like a tidal wave as he realized the lateness of the hour.

With the speed of a seasoned sprinter, Ling Ran hurriedly shed his pajamas, swapping them for fresh clothes in a whirlwind of motion. He snatched up four slices of bread and a bottle of nutrient shake from the table, his breakfast a hurried affair as he wolfed down the sustenance in record time. With a last-minute glance at his reflection in the mirror, he dashed downstairs, his heart pounding in time with his footsteps.

Mounting his trusty bicycle, Ling Ran pedaled like a man possessed, each rotation of the pedals a testament to his determination to defy the relentless march of time. The wind whipped at his face, carrying with it the promise of a new day, and he leaned into the momentum, his muscles burning with exertion.

Arriving at the imposing gates of the school, he secured his bicycle with practiced ease, his movements fluid despite the urgency of his mission. Ignoring the curious glances of passersby, he sprinted towards the classroom, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridors.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally reached his destination, the classroom looming before him like a fortress. With a sense of relief bordering on euphoria, he located his seat, the number emblazoned on the desk a beacon of hope in a sea of uncertainty.

A tap on his shoulder shattered his reverie, and he turned to find Kim Jae, his childhood friend and constant companion, grinning at him like a mischievous imp.

"Ling, you were this close to becoming a legend — 'The Guy Who Admired His Pillow' on exam day! Hahaha!" Kim Jae chuckled, his laughter echoing off the walls.

Despite the lingering fatigue that clung to his bones, Ling Ran couldn't help but smile at the familiar sight of his friend's antics.

"Hey, Kim Jae, cut me some slack. If the alarm hadn't screamed, I might have set a record for lateness."

Kim Jae was the epitome of academic excellence, his every move was calculated and precise. He was the shining star of the student body, his name synonymous with success and achievement. In contrast, Ling Ran was content to drift through life with the easy grace of a leaf on the wind, his ambitions tempered by a healthy dose of pragmatism.

Yet despite their differences, the bond between them remained unbreakable, forged in the crucible of childhood adventures and shared triumphs. As they faced the daunting challenges of the day ahead, Ling Ran knew that no matter what trials awaited them, they would face them together, as they always had.

As the tension mounted in the examination hall, Ling Ran and Kim Jae exchanged nervous glances, their apprehension palpable in the air. The weight of the impending test bore down on them as they prepared to confront the challenges ahead. With solemn determination, they affixed their signatures to the examination papers, a silent oath to do their best.

Ling Ran's brow furrowed as he glanced over the instructions, a subtle twist of fate ensuring that he and Kim Jae would be separated by a mere number, denying them the comfort of each other's presence in the exam room.

The questions proved to be formidable adversaries, each one a test of intellect and knowledge. Ling Ran wrestled with doubts, second-guessing his answers as he navigated through the maze of inquiries. Yet, he pressed on, his resolve unyielding even in the face of uncertainty.

Finally, the moment arrived for the practical exam—a trial that would put their skills to the ultimate test. Stepping out onto the school field, Ling Ran braced himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

The Jump Test awaited, a seemingly simple task of leaping over a series of hurdles. Ling Ran approached it with a confidence bordering on arrogance, his self-assured demeanor belying the gravity of the task at hand.

With a cocksure grin, Ling Ran launched himself into the air, his athleticism on full display as he soared over the first few hurdles with ease. But his overconfidence proved to be his downfall, as he misjudged the height of one of the obstacles and collided headfirst into it.

The sound of splintering wood echoed across the field as the hurdle collapsed beneath Ling Ran's weight, sending him tumbling to the ground in a heap of foam and embarrassment. Amidst the scattered debris, he couldn't help but rue his misplaced confidence, a humbling reminder of the perils of hubris.

The aquatic evaluation at the school was a grand affair, the echo of splashing water blending with the excited chatter of students. It was a melding of regular gym class routines with the rigorous standards of the sports school entrance exams. For Kim Jae, who had excelled in the earlier tests, this final challenge proved unexpectedly daunting.

As he propelled himself through the water, each stroke a testament to his determination, a sudden pain shot through his ankle, sending ripples of discomfort up his leg. Yet, Kim Jae pressed on, his eyes fixed on the distant end of the pool. But as he reached the final stretch, his body faltered, his muscles protesting against the strain. With a silent gasp, he found himself sinking, the weight of exhaustion dragging him down into the depths below