
Arcana × Tech

Technology and magic. These are the sides that divide a futuristic world. On one side: evolved human beings, who can manipulate technology with their own will. On the other: Wizards: a race that manipulates the laws of this world using a mysterious process called magic. Keyner Blake is a 17-year-old human who does not have the ability to manipulate technology, but who does not let this be a excuse to go in search to the great secrets of this world.

Willam_Quest · Fantasi
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23 Chs

Chapter 14: Marino Sasaki II

   Perspective: Marino Sasaki 



   I wasn't sure how much time had passed.


   But my injuries and my body fatigue prove that I fought Keyner.


   And now, I am standing before Morello and Yurion, who apparently took care of my injuries.


   But of course they were going to do that. After all, they wanted answers.


   -Look, I have nothing to explain to you. If you stand in my way, I will finish you off before I do that to Keyner.


   -You can stop now, Marino. The theater might have been fun before, but it's over.


   The one who answered me in a debauched way was the almost blond boy wearing black clothes, Yurion Raven. 


   -I get...


   I bow my head in agreement.


   Yes, the theater is over.


   But something I wanted to know was...


   While I was lost in my thoughts, a convulsion attacked my body. It was as if there was something inside me that rejected my existence. For a few moments, I felt as if I was dying with my heart being crushed inside my body.

   -What have you... done to me?


   I had a slight difficulty in speaking, given the horrible feeling I had just felt. Luckily I managed to keep my consciousness.


   -That wasn't me. It was Keyner.




   -Yurion, I think you can handle it. I'm going to rest.


   The one who was leaving the room was the grown man with closed features and wearing a blue leather jacket, Morello Uria. 


   He looked a bit pale, as well as somewhat exhausted and wounded.


   -Keyner has a mana that is poison to both humans and Wizards. I don't know how he releases it, but his will to survive the last fight allowed him to use it.


   -So he is alive. 


   -He woke up a day before you did. You were unconscious for two days. Know that I had to force the creation of a Joker to try to cure you. And I even had to use most of Morello's mana for two days straight. I guess he won't be able to fight for a week. 


   -Are you sure you should be saying this to me?


   Yurion lets out a sigh upon hearing my answer. He wipes the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and speaks again.


   -You were the one who was trying to kill yourself two days ago. Why I don't know, but you didn't betray us.


   It was like he said. I hadn't betrayed anyone. Just bluffing.


   But it wasn't Yurion I had to get right with.


   -To start with, if you hadn't been holding out against Keyner from the beginning, he would have been a dead man. You just let the fight go on so that he would have some confidence under himself, until you turned his own blood into swords to destroy some of his internal organs, since his body hadn't assimilated enough mana to become immune to a HighArk.


   -Did you analyze all this according to what he must have told you, or did you read my mind with a letter?


   -As I said, I had to force the creation of a Joker card to heal you. And I am not a tarot card psychic or anything like that. 


   Yurion Raven. The Joker Wizard. Even though his style is preferably geared towards quick assassinations, he manages to extend the combats with his cards. The "Joker" he refers to are special cards that are periodically added to his arsenal that can replicate the powers of another Wizard.


   -I assumed that was it not only from what he told me of the combat, but also of the micro-bombs that were destroyed with his attacks. 


   -I assumed that since the captain of the eighth unit was involved in the last combat Keyner had in Techmetriun, this could be in his body.


   The captain of the eighth platoon of the AWA possessed an ArcanaTech geared toward creating explosives. I've seen him creating devastating explosives with nano-sized structures, so I assumed something like that would be in Keyner's body.

I get up from my bed with my body still numb and my head missing part of its sense of direction. I didn't realize that the only thing Keyner lacked to be a threat was a body on par with humans and a little mana.


   If I had to face him again, even if I gave it my all and was at 100% health, I don't know if I would survive.


   Analyzing my body, I noticed something that should be questioned, and that involved my injuries.


   -Those bandages... Who put them on?

   - Keyner.


   Yurion answers, being taken by surprise by the question, given the silence in the room since I mentioned the captain of the eighth unit.


   -He said that if someone was to take care of your injuries, he should do it. I think he wanted to give you more reason to go and reason with him.


   Well, I feel more comfortable with him tending to my injuries anyway.


   Not because Yurion or Morello are of questionable character, but because he is just Keyner.


   -Where is he?

   -Given the length of your fight, your mana should be stabilizing by now. So it won't be long before you find him.


   Indeed. It was only when Yurion spoke that I could again feel pulses of mana, revealing the location of nearby Wizards who were not hiding their presence. 


   I could feel the mana of Yurion who was in the same room as me. I felt the mana of Morello who was in a nearby room, as well as the mana of the child wizards they were harboring. The last one I felt...


   ...was the mana of a single person, who was at the weir near the camp.


   -I'm going there. 




   I was already at the door to the room when Yurion caught my attention. He had a serious expression, his eyes slightly frowning. It must be tiredness. 


   -What are you looking for now?


   -As I said. If I have to answer something, Keyner should be the first to listen.

   Reluctantly, Yurion just nods in agreement and gives a sigh. I finally leave the room, but I still feel the effects of Keyner's mana as I almost fall to the ground with the first steps I take out of the room. 


   I arrive at the weir about 20 minutes after I left my room. The ground was sloping, with the weir surrounded by trees and bushes, with only the path I walked down the only part that was quiet to walk on.


   The place was bumpy, with some trees destroyed and small evidence of fire, which was ash, the remains of burnt trees and the unpleasant smell of soot.


   However, it only took a little vision and the ability to sense mana to discover the cause of the irregularities in the landscape.


   There were traces of mana almost everywhere, with the source of that mana present there.


   A boy with dark skin that looked like the result of a strong tan, who also had a round face and smooth facial features, making him look a little younger than he was. His hair was black, but flashy like a piece of mica. 


   He was on the ground, lying down and using a rock as a pillow. His hands held two swords with abnormal bars, which instead of being simple and horizontal, were parts of the Yin and Yang symbol. The gunblade in his right hand was blacker than asphalt, which seemed to absorb all the light around it. The gunblade in the left hand was whiter than an iceberg, and shinier than a diamond.


   Keyner Blake. The Wizard who was fooled all his life by his parents until a while ago. 


   Seeing his gunblades reminded me of his old ones that I destroyed myself. 


   And seeing his black sweatshirt with subtle white stripes full of holes and rips reminded me of our fight.


   It was a great fight. Even though I held back at first, I must say that I taught this boy well. The teacher here is proud. 


   Fighting with him made me understand better who Keyner was, but in the same way it made me have more doubts about his nature. 


   He fought gracefully like an angel, but ferociously like a demon.

Wizard of Dualism. I don't think there is a better term to define what he was now.


   I sit down on the floor, and take a piece of his coat that was lying next to him.


   The coat that those three had chosen for him three years ago, the year before his first test for the AWA.


   -It looks like I took a lot of things from you. 


   I lay there on the floor, reflecting on everything that had happened.


   From the moment I allowed your parents to die, to be precise. 


Two weeks ago...

Keyner took the exam with code core. I didn't know that he was able to detect mana from Wizards, let alone why he had such an ability.


   But it was while visiting Keyner in the hospital that I began to understand.


   He was exhausted because his body had been forced to absorb an absurd amount of mana, as he was also releasing pulses of mana that were pickable from anywhere in Techmetriun.


   I was in front of his bed in the medical wing of the AWA research center, preparing myself for the worst.


   Quill was in Code Core. It was the only explanation for Keyner having his mana in his body.


   Thinking things couldn't get any worse, the door to the medical wing opens, with a single person arriving.


   -Ketley? I didn't know you were here. 


   -This is irrelevant at the moment. Give me some room!

   I had to hold all the tension in my body and my will to intervene desperately when I saw Naila carrying one of her scarlet-bladed cutlass swords. I took a step forward, but already preparing myself for combat.


   -What is going on???


   -I guess you're the only one who doesn't know yet. But the code core has proven useful in detecting Wizards. And Keyner is one of them.


   She spoke with a cold stare. Her tone of voice did justice to her posture as if she were about to commit a murder. Anyway, that was exactly what she had come to do.

   -And what's with the sword???


   -He's a Wizard! Nothing more sensible than to rip his head off. Or are you taking it personally??


   I bite my tongue so as not to say anything unnecessary. At this point, I had to get Keyner out of here as fast as possible. 


   -If he's a Wizard, his parents most certainly are. 


   -What are you getting at?


   -Keyner is a Wizard. Then all his blood relations are Wizard. Do I need to tell you who your brother's best friend was?


   -Killian Blake-


   Naila quickly dematerialized her sword into several red pixels. Giving a few touches to the symbol on his left breast. Her body was covered by several black pixels, which as they disappeared, gave way to a black suit and helmet. The stealth uniform of the AWA.


   I did the same, and started to follow Naila, who ran off when my costume was complete.


   -Do you know when they will arrive in Tecmetriun?


   -In about an hour and a half. We'll intercept them.


   -But where?


   -I vaguely remember a passage that Killian and my brother used years ago. It is underground, near the south airport.


   This was the place where Keyner's parents, when needed, entered and left Techmetriun clandestinely. Not only that, but it was also where wizards entered the city from time to time. Like for example, half of my platoon of third-class soldiers.


   I didn't want to involve Keyner. And since I know his parents - No. Because I don't know them, it's hard to know if this wasn't planned.


   But to happen just when that jerk finally manages to give me an answer... I could kill anyone right now, just out of anger.

   Once we reached the tunnel, all we had to do was wait. Naila was communicating with the rest of her platoon. 


   -By the way, Sasaki...


   -Hm... What is it?


   We were already alone, just waiting for reinforcements to arrive. But I didn't imagine that soon Ketley would strike up a conversation.


   -It's been a while since I've seen your brother. How is he?


   -He's... fine. 


   It was a question that made me uncomfortable, given the circumstances. Although it was impossible that she knew what I was, watching my language was the best thing to do.

-When do you think he will show up?






   -Ah! So even if he shows up, you might not recognize him, but when he does, we'll meet up. 


   -I see...


   Him not showing up could be a case even with Keyner's brother or Naila.


   But the reason for this is the thing that makes me hate this world the most. Well, if the Keyner parents didn't exist, of course.


   At least until today.


   I don't know how far this was Shun and Iris Blake's plan, but it would end here.


   I was going to help Naila kill them both.


   I said I was going to put an end to the lies, sooner or later.


   I was going to put an end to everyone who manipulates Keyner.


   Even if... the last one on the list was me.


   I gather myself from my thoughts when I see reinforcement arriving. But only two soldiers. 


   By the symbol, it was a second class soldier and a first class soldier. A boy about my age, with a slightly built body, green eyes, white hair, and a somewhat cheeky look. And a tall guy, with intimidating red eyes and curly hair.


   Jack Eldryn and Caius Fort.


   -We are here! What's going on anyway? We were informed by surprise that Wizards were in Tecmetriun. 


   The one who was talking while trying to catch his breath from the race was Jack. Caius was quiet, for he was with a flying board.


   -I'll be direct. Keyner is a Wizard. And we are here to intercept and execute his family.




   -You're kidding!


   Both of them were perplexed.


   But that would be obvious. A day ago both were playing and eating together, and now they are in a kind of undeclared war.


   Caius stepped forward, while making the most indignant face I have ever seen.


   -And where is Keyner?


   -In the medical wing of the AWA research base. 


   -I'll go there then. 


   Without a second thought, Caius turned his back to all of us, trying to orient himself in space. 


   -Caius Fort! Where do you think you're going?

   Who interrupted Caius was Naila. She was not at all pleased by her subordinate's reaction. 


   Naila then explained about the code core and Keyner's reactions to it. But not to mention a Mastrea that is being used as a battery for the whole city.


   -Well, I know that the situation is critical, that we are in the middle of a blackout and all. But to just want to put a sword through Keyner's neck because he's a Wizard?


   -It's precisely because he's a Wizard! We don't know the moment he can just kill someone or do something worse to one of us. 


   -Reality is not summed up in your experiences, Naila.


   Caius' last comment managed to stir Naila. This could be told thanks to her face of hatred mixed with impatience. 


   -Independent of what you or the other captains say, I'm going to take Keyner to task. Naila, Sasaki...


   I turn my gaze to Caius, who was taken aback to see him taking off his AWA blazer, and placing it folded on the floor. 


   -You should know that that guy was always trying to put himself on the same footing as us. Everything he's been through is unlikely to be such a farce that he deserves a separate death sentence. If he really wanted to do something against humidity, he would have done it by now, because he didn't lack motives.


   This reminded me of the way Caius met Keyner. Keyner had gotten into a fight with some kids at school, and Caius had a conversation with him soon after. I think he was on the Student Council or something like that. 


   Naila, the instant Caius finished taking a position on the situation, hinted by his face that a verdict was going to happen.


   -You are leaving the AWA to defend a Wizard?


   -I will bear the consequences, but only when my own senses outside of hearing understand this story. 


   -I understand. 


   Caius turned his back on us, and was looking in the direction of the path to the AWA research base. 


   -However, your senses will be of no use anymore.

Jack and I didn't understand what Naila meant at that moment. Caius did too, which made him look back. 


   But unfortunately, he didn't see Naila.


   That girl was no longer where she was.


   But a shiver took over every nerve stimulus in my body, making me turn my attention to Caius.


   I must say that the scene I saw did justice to the chill down my spine.


   One moment.


   That was all it took for Naila to move in front of Caius and stab him in the throat.


   She positioned herself so that the jet of blood would not reach her, so that her blow was upward.


   Without the slightest doubt, Caius died instantly.


   He fell to the ground with his head connected to his body by a thin layer of skin, this being the layer that was beyond the reach of Naila's scarlet blades.


   A pool of blood was forming from what was left of Caius' blood, since his blood had first been eliminated in the form of a stream.


   -Naila, what are you...




   A curtain of black smoke had taken over.


   Obviously, I wasn't going to miss this opportunity.


   -Jack, let's go out-


   But sometimes I don't notice the simplest things that happen.


   The one who threw the smoke grenade, which was also poisonous, was Jack.


   I had a certain resistance to poison, so getting out of there before Naila was easy. But Jack took a big risk with this tactic. 


   I knew that he would be heading towards the research base. And it didn't take long for me to catch up with him. 


   -Jack! Jack!! Wait! 

   When I got closer to Jack, who was running as fast as his legs could take him, he turned his gaze sharply to me.


   -Fenrir's Roar!


   Cobalt blue armor resembling a wolf covered Jack's entire body. From his spiky tail, dark energy shots came in my direction. 


   I managed to intercept the shots using the technological swords that I always carry to keep up appearances. Technology or not, any sword in this world is my sword. 


   -Jack, I'm not here to fight!


   -Cut that out. I'm not going to waste my time with you while the other soldiers get here.


   He stormed off in the direction of the research base. That retard would draw less attention with his ArcanaTech off.


   I started to run, but imbuing my body with mana to keep up with Jack's speed. I had no idea that within the second-class soldiers there was someone so skilled.


   -Jack! I'm on your damn side. I also want to help Keyner.


   -How do you expect me to believe you? Caius is dead and you haven't moved a hair to stop Naila!


   He shouted. Even with his ArcanaTech covering his entire face, you could tell by his diction and sobs that he was crying.


   If I don't stop this guy, it's all over.


   Jack kept running, but had to stop to destroy the energy swords I had created in front of him. When he thought it was over, I conjured new swords, but this time creating a cage.


   I walk to the front of the sword cage. Jack dematerializes his ArcanaTech helmet, and all there is is a face of fear and doubt greater than the moment of Caius' death.


   -Can you hear me now?


   I have told you everything.


   From the moment I was adopted to the present day.


   Shun and Iris Blake, Killian, and the Wizards.


   I had to tell the shortest version possible, because time was limited.


   Once the story was finished, I dematerialized the sword cage, with Jack also dematerializing his ArcanaTech. 


   -Now that you listened to me, let's g-


   I am interrupted by a gaining right hand that Jack lands on me. From the face I saw him make in that instant, it must have been not only the strongest blow he has dealt to a girl, but to anyone who has passed through his life so far.




   It was obvious that he was angry.

   I wanted to apologize. But this was neither the time nor the place.

-I'll let you spank me until I'm satisfied, but another time. Now we have-


   -You have to go to hell! I don't trust you, and I shouldn't trust Keyner with you at this point.


   -Listen, Jack. The only person who can increase Keyner's chances of getting out of this, besides you, is me. Either you help me, or you will die knowing that you have compromised your best friend's chances of survival.


   Ouch. If there is one thing I have unfortunately learned, it is personal manipulation. Thank you, Shun and Iris. At least you did one thing.


   -I'm still going to make you pay for that comment. 


   Jack calmed down, but still didn't trust me. I don't blame him.


   -I'll serve as a distraction for any more powerful AWA members who show up. The only captain who is in Techmetriun is Naila. The others will take a few hours to get here. 



   Jack just listened to me, but without looking me in the eye. I tried to shake his shoulder to make sure he was listening, only to get a slap on my hand. 


   -Get this. This bracelet is the key to a clandestine aircraft that I built. You go to the hospital, get Keyner, and leave town through the south airport.




   He took the bracelet, which seemed to be broken and could not be put on someone's arm. 


   -Jack, one last thing. Don't tell Keyner about me yet. I'll take it up with him.


   -Okay. Although I'd rather you were bait until I die and don't meet him again.

   He runs back toward the research base. As Techmetriun was going through a blackout, it was not possible to maintain stable communications. So, the next time we meet, it will be outside this hell.


   But... I guess it didn't go as planned. 



   I heard some noises. My vision blurred, and when it came back to normal, I could only see a starry sky.


   Lying on a sloping ground. It seemed that I had ended up sleeping. 


   I was feeling warm, even though normally I would feel cold.


   Over me, Keyner's coat. A black sweatshirt, with subtle white stripes. It was torn, from his last fight with me.


   In front, a campfire, with a child from the camp taking a bowl from someone and leaving.


   Someone was cooking something on the fire. From the smell, what was inside the pot being heated by the fire was boiled meat and potatoes.


   -Now that you are awake, can you explain to me what has happened in the last few days?


   The person in front of the fire was the one who spoke. Keyner Blake.


   -Can I have something to eat first?


   -Only if you're going to prepare it. This is mine.