
Arc of Olympus

Me:Oh no jaune gets abandoned again but what's the twist this time hmm, I wonder what would happen if became a God

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3 Chs

Chapter 2

During the previous episode of the Arc of Olympus, we were fortunate enough to witness some truly remarkable events. Specifically, we observed the interactions between Ozpin, Ms. Good Witch, and Blake. Their conversation was nothing short of captivating, and it left us eagerly anticipating the next installment of this epic saga.

Shall we pick up our account right where we left it, esteemed colleague?

"Ms. Belladonna," spoke Ozpin with a serious tone, "it seems that your colleagues are presently facing a substantial predicament."

"I'm not sure what you're referring to, Professor," responded Blake, addressing both her headmaster and headmistress, "surely you don't believe that man's claims about the gods?"

Ozpin strategizes on the most effective approach to disclose to her the veracity of the existence of the deities. For a team to collaborate effectively, it is crucial to maintain clear communication and reinforce the same message multiple times. This ensures that all team members are aligned and working towards the same objective.

"Ms.Belladonna gather the rest of your friends so that do not have to say about what I'm saying twice," said Ozpin

"Sir," responded Blake with a courteous tone and a hint of eagerness to assist. His demeanor reflected his commitment to providing exceptional service to his esteemed client.

Meanwhile, the teams were wondering if their leader would abandon them to their fate. "You don't think he will leave us to die..right?" Ruby asked, her voice tinged with worry.

Silence fills the room until Ren breaks it with a hesitant confession, "I think we may have gone too far this time.

Nora's voice trembled as she asked Renny, "What's that supposed to mean?" Her heart sank as she realized what she had done. "What I meant is that we all pushed him over the edge," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the irreversible damage they had caused. The sadness in Nora's eyes was palpable as she struggled to come to terms with the gravity of their actions.

As soon as Ruby and Pyrrha spoke up, both of them asked in unison if Jaune would forgive them for their actions. Despite their fear of the consequences, Ren remained silent and did not respond to their question.

Weiss and Yang displayed a complete lack of concern for Jaune's well-being, even laughing at the consequences of their actions.

As the professors and Blake enter the room, they are taken aback by the tense atmosphere and decide to stay silent. They listen in on the entire conversation between the students and what they hear appalls them. The students' words and actions are highly inappropriate and disrespectful towards each other. The professors are deeply concerned about Weiss and Yang's behavior and believe that they are in dire need of disciplinary action and counseling to address the underlying issues that are fueling their inappropriate conduct. The professors feel a strong sense of responsibility to address this situation and help the students get back on the right track.

Ozpin and Glenda exchange a silent glance, their expressions conveying concern. The behavior exhibited by these individuals under discussion suggests a possible psychological disorder. We must provide them with immediate and appropriate care.

The three finally revealed themselves, much to the students' surprise. However, their looks of concern and disgust towards a fellow student, or former student, were anything but friendly. In particular, Ms. Xiao Long and Ms. Schnee looked even more surprised and hurt by the cold, angry expressions on the faces of the three.

As the students quiet down, Ozpin addresses the class, informing them that they will be required to attend detention and undergo psychological evaluations. The tone of his voice is stern, and he makes it clear that this is not an optional request. He warns the students that any backtalk or refusal to comply will result in immediate expulsion from the academy. Ozpin further emphasizes the importance of this requirement by informing the students that they will be blacklisted from all other academies, effectively nullifying their future career prospects.

After a moment of silence, Ozpin demands confirmation of understanding, his voice laced with the full weight of his authority. The students are left with no choice but to comply with his instructions.

When they all said understood, he and Glenda turned to leave but before they did, he stopped and said one last thing. From now on, none of you are allowed to leave Beacon grounds unless you are in your third or fourth year. Any disregard for this rule will result in immediate expulsion. This is a serious matter and I expect you all to obey these instructions without any excuses.