
Arc Instinct One-Shot

This story is non profitable work. Dragon Ball and RWBY is owned by Akria Toriyama and Monty Oum.


*Takes place during Season 1 Episode 7*

It was an ordinary day at Beacon Academy, typically on days like this, the students were either studying or goofing off, while the teacher was teaching their respective classes. One such instructor was observing the sparring match between two students inside the amphitheater. The teacher along the building was obscured in the darkness. The only light source is the spotlight that shines on the stage and the two men wielding different weapons, clashing against one another.

One has short orange hair with indigo eyes sporting silver armor with yellow trimming. It has a yellow bird emblem on its breastplate. Also having a red sash wrapped around his waist. He wields a mace with fire dust inside of it, also known as the Executioner. This man is known as Wattpad's punching bag, Cardin Winchester.

The other has scraggly blond hair with blue eyes. He wears a black and orange hoodie with two different belts that wraps around his waist, and black with white trimming shoes. A piece of his clothes is covered with silver armor pieces. He wields a sword and shield known as Crocea Mors. He's known as fanfiction's favorite main character, Jaune Arc.

The two contrast to one another when it comes to experience. The former stands tall with confidence, hardly fazed while the latter panting harshly due to his inexperience in fighting.

"AIEEE!" Jaune battle cried as he charged, lifting his sword high before striking down, only for his opponent to sidestep and then quickly turn around to use his mace to strike him in the chest, causing him to drop the shield. He gets up, charging blindly once more to perform the same maneuver. Cardin effortlessly blocks it with a shaft of his mace, overpowering the blonde boy.

"This is the part where you lose," Cardin said.

"Over my dead bo-ah!" Jaune tries to retort but is interrupted by a knee to his stomach, dropping his sword. As he kneeled, trying to regain his breath, Cardin decided to finish him off with a quick strike with his weapon. Usually in the main timeline, Cardin would win the match thus normally leading to the events of Jaunedice...












... Not in this timeline, instead he would hit the bare floor of the arena, creating a web of cracks. He looked to see that he had vanished, much to the shock of everyone in the room.

"What the hell!?" Cardin exclaimed as he looked around to see where his adversary had gone. He turns around to see Jaune standing with his head down. Shadows covering his face. Unlike earlier, he stands oddly calm and quiet. He was confused for a moment before uttering a grunt as he walked towards him until he was about a few inches away.

"I don't know how you did that, but it doesn't matter because you're finished, Jauney boy!" He exclaimed as he mirrored his finishing blow once more; the same thing happened again as he hit nothing. Now feeling both annoyed and angry, he turned around to see a glowing blue aura with streaks of white and purple.

His aura lighten the whole Amphitheatre with a glowing blue hue. His hair flows up like it's defying gravity. Jaune opens his eyes to reveal silver eyes instead of the usual blue. His face once filled with emotions, now looking at his combatant with an expressionless face.

"It's over, Cardin," Jaune states with a monotone, echoed voice. That passing statement pissed him off even more.

"Don't get full of yourself! Not too long ago, I was kicking your ass! This will be no different!" Cardin yelled as goes for a strike toward his chest, but he effortlessly dodged the attack, making his eyes widen.

"Wahhh!!!" He wails as he goes for various attacks trying to get a single hit on his opponent, but it is for naught as he keeps dodging in different ways. He goes for an overhead strike, and Jaune backflips, landing elegantly.

Cardin panting with exhaustion as he looks flabbergasted with the whole development.

'What the hell is going on?! He wasn't this strong and fast the entire time; hell I was about to deliver the final blow!' He shouted in his head as the dust inside of his mace began a fierce glow.

"Try dodging this!" Cardin shouted as he went for a wide attack with intensity. The dust flares up even further.

In the blink of an eye, he didn't feel the heat anymore. It took a few seconds to register that he didn't have his weapon anymore. Panicking he looked for it to see it lying outside of the arena. He looked to Jaune to see him lowering his legs. He lifts his arms.


Releasing a loud, echoed roar, he delivered a kick to his stomach, taking his breath away. It sends him rocketing towards the wall. Upon impact, a loud noise can be heard.


A plume of dust covered the small epicenter. Once the wall of dust dissipated, it revealed a series of web of cracks on the walls, being more pronounced within the epicenter. In the center was an unconscious Cardin with a torn breastplate, a major bruise on his chin, and a line of blood coming out of his mouth.

The lights came on to see an architect of the room designed with a mixture of Victorian and futuristic styles. A giant LED screen sitting in the center of the room. The screen shows Jaune's aura bar being in red while Cardin's shows nothing.

Everyone was shell-shocked at the event they'd just witnessed just now. Then with a fake cough.

"Our winner is Jaune Arc." Glynda declared as the spotlight was turned off, replaced with the normal lightning.

Jaune still stands before suddenly passing out, reverting to base form. Phyrra panicked, rushing towards him, with the rest of his team and team RWBY following along.

The events that just transpired, will forever change the fate of Remnant...


Somewhere far away from Remnant, outside of the realms of the universe, a lone huge planet stands with the other small multi-colored planets surrounding it. Most of the planet is covered in deep woods. Trees about as tall as Redwood trees, the ground painted with grass, moss, boulders, dead leaves, and plenty of lakes scattered throughout this world. All colored with an orange-red hue from a sky that looks to be dusk.

In the center stands a gigantic ten-story, traditional-looking, Japanese shrine with a red torii gate at the front along with two statues of foxes placed next to both sides of the gate. The shrine itself has red roofs along with pillars of the same color with accents of gold, the rest of the building has different shades of brown.

At the back of the shrine is a huge garden surrounded by decorative walls. The garden is filled with neatly trimmed bushes, paths that are made of pebbles, Sakura trees, and a rock formation at the very back with waterfalls crashing into a sizable lake.

In the center of that lake, a humanoid orange fox with three tails; wearing a red and black uniform with gold jewelry, floating over the water, meditating.

Standing at the edge of the water, a blue-skinned man with slicked-back white hair. He wears a brown uniform tied with a green sash along with a black cuirass outlined with yellow. Notable features are his blue ring that hovers around his neck and his long scepter with a gem that floats above it. They're both known as the God of Destruction, Liquiir, and his angel attendant, Korn.

The attendant was suddenly alerted when he sensed the familiar energy from far away. As he was about to turn his head, he heard a splash from behind. The fox quickly jumped out of the water, soaking wet, but he didn't care at the moment, looking at him with a face of surprise.

"Did you sense what I'm sensing?" Liquiir questions with a loud tone. It was hard to surprise the fox since he lived millions of years.

"The mortal named Jaune Arc from a planet known as Remnant has unlocked Ultra Instinct," Korn answered with a neutral tone.

"What?!" Liquiir shouted as he quickly turned to Korn. That's why the energy felt so familiar.

"While it isn't perfected, it is still impressive nonetheless." Korn complimented before continuing, "It's been quite a long time since a mortal obtained the technique." Korn said as both thought back to the time of the Tournament of Power, witnessing another mortal named Son Goku from Universe 7 obtaining the technique, even mastering it.

"Korn! We're going to Remnant immediately!" Liquiir states with authority as he holds his hand to touch Korn's back. Both were engulfed by a bright light and then taken off into space, thus the beginning of their journey to meet Jaune Arc.


A/N: Well, well, well. Guess who's back. 

Yeah it's been awhile since I posted anything. Main reason for that is the writer's block and self-doubt. 

I started working on this a month and a half ago. I was on and off with this project. This one-shot is self explanatory. I'm aware that this scenario is not realistic as Jaune is pretty weak compared to the average Dragon Ball warrior. What would've happened if the canon Jaune got the godly technique, he will die instantly as the power would be too much for his body to handle. 

Yes. This takes place in Universe 8. This story takes place years after the events of Dragon Ball Super. 

I've been cooking up an idea for a two-shot story involving Sora from Kingdom Hearts being trained by Goku. That may come out sometime soon. 

I hope you enjoy this story. Have a great Memorial Day. 

P.S. Beta Readers are needed. If you're interested, PM me.