

As Kade hooks up a tank with blue liquid Daria takes Mark's head cradling it in her arm

"Hey Mark earlier today when the news about your escape was broadcast," Daria said "What did you do exactly?"

"Huh, what do you mean?" 

"I mean like why are they afraid?"

"Maybe because I gave their princes a fruit from a tree "

"What?" Daria said bursting out laughing "Just because of a fruit" 

"Yeah apparently it's a sacred rite and it is as bad as having intercourse with her before she is wed"

"That is the dumbest reason"

"Yeah it is" 

"Hey Daria the tank's ready," Kade calls out "Bring him in" 

Daria brings marks head to the med-bay gives it to Kade and leaves heading for the lounge Kade puts it into the tank slowly and then seals it Mark floats in the fluid as Kade attaches the canister the fluid inside it flows into the tank turning the clear fluid to blue as Mark's body slowly forms as the time on the tank displays an hour for the body to complete forming Kade walks over to Daria and takes a seat next to her as she turns the holo-tv on and switches to the news channel before getting up and heading to the kitchen to get a drink

"Greetings to all our wonderful viewers from all over the Andromeda galaxy," an alien with four forward-facing eyes says as he is seated on a chair "Joining me today is the retired elite guardsmen commander," the anchor says as the camera pans away from him showing an elderly Delino male with aged violet eyes" as always I'm your anchor Cnuksle,'' he says then turns to the Delino "hey so Mr Nokrt how was it like being a commander of the elite guardsmen,"

"To be honest, it wasn't as hectic as most people would think. It was mostly paperwork, so nothing exciting ever happened."

"What do you think about Mark Trono's escape?" 

"I don't have anything to say about it since I don't have enough information to make an opinion."

just the guest says that Mark walks out of the med bay heading to the lounge while staggering he reaches the lounge he has long hair that covers his face and athletic build the door moves sideways Daria looks at him before turning beetroot red and covering her eyes with her palms

"go put some pants on you pervert!" Daria shouts while throwing a pillow at Mark 

meanwhile, in a luxurious building, a wolf-like alien with a scar running across his torso is seated on a couch with attractive females from different races on either side of him in revealing clothes, a waiter brings him a drink he places it on a table before scurrying away in fear behind a kitchen as the other two are on their knees looking down at the floor the wolf on chair sits up and takes a sip of his drink savoring it before putting it down and looking at the two 

"care to tell me where you're brother is?" he asks menacingly 

"Sorry, boss he is dead," one says as tears fall

the wolf leans back on the couch before standing and walking to a window he clutches his fist then sighs before taking his plasma gun and pointing it at a bird-like alien with a long neck that was bent it was a miracle that he wasn't dead because, to most of his species, it would be fatal it had bruises all over its body it was tied to a metal pole a wiring sound files the room before dispersing and the bird alien's head was replaced with nothing as blood flowed out its neck as the wolf holsters his weapon before snapping his fingers his coat was brought while looking as the body is removed 

"get up boys let's go get this bastard"

thanks for reading

Achilies_healcreators' thoughts