
Oliver Grenville terms and conditions to his beloved son eco grenville.....

Oliver grenville was highly disappointed with eco grenville behaviour, he was not attracted to anyone among many princesses and his plan to have a daughter in law has failed.......

He wanted his son to get married and have a lively life how can he see his son cold and expressionless, he feels like his son is very lonely and need a companion......

Ofcourse he also had the same attitude when he was young but olivia had attracted him and he fell in love with her and his total world had changed he was happy inspite of lot of struggles and scheming and politics he had a happy life his whole life has changed due to olivia , his life was filled with different colors due to his cheerful daughter Aria grenville, his struggles and burden was lessened with talented eco his beloved son.......

He feels bad for his son as he have taken more burden compare to his age as per oliver grenville he become the king at the age of 21 and had a stressful life but his stress use to completely vanish when he use to be with his wife olivia , he wanted him to enjoy his life before becoming a king of Greenville dynasty........

After the party ended oliver grenville visited his son in his room but he didn't find him and he know where exactly his son can be there and he immediately send the guard to inform eco grenville who might be in any one of the garden to visit oliver grenville to come and visit him in his room......

As expected eco grenville was in the garden sitting peacefully under bloomed mogras the fragrance was making him relax .....

The guard entered the garden and bowed to eco grenville and informed him that his father was waiting for him in his room.......

He just shakes his head and the guards left him and he went to his room......

Pluffy slowly went into his sleeves and hidden there as pluffy was afraid of king oliver grenville and never shows its presence to the king......

As soon as eco grenville enter into his room he saw his father waiting for him and he bow down his head in greeting seeing this he signalled his son to sit opposite to him.....

Without a word he sat opposite to his father and no one took the initiative to talk first they stared each other for long time....

Meanwhile pluffy become restless as it continuously started taking peeks from eco grenville sleeve seeing oliver greenville at once again seeing eco greenville at once with the two cold faces and there staring contest pluffy was restless as in 18 years of its presence they both talked the business and solved every problem with ease and even though both treated there words as Pearl's as if they talk too much many Pearl's will come out of there mouth so every time they use to have short conversation and the understanding between both of them was outstanding with one word they both use to know the intentions of each other and tactically agreed with each other.....

Today it was different as both of them were aware that both disagree with each other as a reason they started staring contest......

Finally oliver grenville admitted defeat in front of his son and spoke.....

"You haven't find any of the princesses attractive" ???

eco simply said,"no"......

"So now you have given me a chance than I will take the responsibility to choose my daughter in law".......

Eco said "No need"......

I got married at the age of 16 you have turned into 18 now it's high time for you get married I already gave you two years time to decide......

eco was about to say something but oliver grenville stopped him by showing his hand and spoke outrageously.......

Eco iam giving you one year of time, you no need of taking burden of the affairs of the dynasty and go wherever you wanted to and which ever identity you want but after one year if you have not chosen a girl for yourself iam the one to choose and you have no say in my decision and will obey me.....

eco was speechless as he never witness his father in such authoritative tone to him he was little helpless and couldn't speak anything for a while and simply said one word.....

"Any Negotiations "........

Now oliver grenville answered with one word "No"......

Seeing the stubbornness of his father he had no choice but to agree to his terms and conditions as he cannot go against his father's words...........

Eco grenville answered with one word "fine father" without and expression ..........

Oliver grenville not knowing what his son was thinking he doubted that is he planning any strategies but nevertheless he was clueless what his son was thinking as his son has cold and Expressionless face........

He said to his son well which ever girl you choose is your choice I believe relationships should be bond with hearts and iam willing to accept any girl even it's a farmer daughter is okay for me as long as you have a bond with her and iam not forcing you in any political marriages or so to make our dynasty strong.....

eco said," hmmmmm"......

well after your return will be have a swayamwar for our Aria with it he went away from eco greenville room.........

Pluffy who was restless had a sign of relief and jumped out of eco sleeves jumping and moving its tail continuously.....

Seeing the excitement of pluffy eco said ,"hey pluffy let's visit Ru dynasty!!!!.............

Note:swayamvar is a process where many kings attend an event where they are tested in their abilities by the father and brother of the bride and finalize few kings and bride has a choice to choose her fiancee by keeping garland around the neck of the person.......

yes in ancient time in few dynasties the bride had a choice to choose her future husband isn't it great........

Hey reader I have posted mogra flower pictures in community page if you have never heard of that kind of flower you can see it......