
Her instinct proved right.......

Aranyani felt uneasy, she kept pacing in her room her bulged belly made it difficult to walk but aranyani felt anxious and had some unknown anxiety filling her heart continuously........

She caressed her stomach , my cutiepies father will be alright ,right.........

She sent more and more of her natural army to eco due to her uneasiness..........

However ,her instint proved right...........

On the war ground.........

When elowen saw the deathly scence his blood turned cold, and he hands were shaking, his legs were trembling in fear.........

yes, the golden mask king of yash dynasty had slashed eco's back with his swords and what was more teriffying is that more and more tree men came forward and in a blink of an eye ,the ghost army of grenville dyansty i order to protect eco sokn reached but they were all lying on the ground..........

It's not because they are weak, it was because of the deadly poison which made them all helpless and numb.........