
cold and aloof price eco grenville

In Grenville palace

oliver grenville known about the miracle happened in the garden and gave order to whole kingdom that the squirrel will be treated and will be respected royally.....

eco's birth brought joy and good luck to Grenville dynasty and the kingdom cherished with increase in the crop yield.....

Oliver grenville ordered a golden cradle for eco grenville and his feeding bowl was made of silver and gold all the things belong to eco grenville were exceptionally good and expensive........

A huge banquet was held on his first birthday and eco grenville received huge gifts from different kingdoms .....

From the day of the birth to present the squirrel never use to leave eco, queen olivia use to get annoyed and always use to say,'hey you pluffy

squirrel get away from my son........

Listening to her mother eco started calling the squirrel pluffy yes our prince eco first words were not mom or dad but pluffy he pronounced pluffy fluently not like other normal kids who blabber and pronounce wrongly.....

At first mother Olivia was were happy listening his son first word later felt sad that her son haven't called her mom yet and felt jealous toward pluffy....

yes from the day eco grenville called squirrel pluffy the squirrel was called by the name pluffy and was treated with lots of nuts and due to tremendous food it received from maids it even gained huge weight and seems like a baby rabbit......

eco grenville resembled his father very aloof and cold he use to never cry a lot like other children whenever he felt hungry don't know how pluffy use to know , it is to be back of olivia scratching her veil.....

At beginning olivia mother haven't understood the signal as time passed it got habituated to its signal.......

once olivia planned to make her son cry with a thought that crying once in a while is healthy for the babies but to her surprise eco waited till noon but haven't cried ......

Olivia planned for waiting for an hour but pluffy made it impossible making huge ruckus wherever queen use to go it use to make horrible sound as if it was very angry with queen .....

olivia spoke to pluffy in queen tone 'hey pluffy crying once in a while is good for health say eco to cry than I will be feeding him milk......

As if it understood queen request pluffy made puppy eyes and started showing fake tears in it......

Visualizing such a adorable scence olivia no longer had an heart to make pluffy disappointed and her motherly love forced her to feed eco with milk.....

It was very rare for eco grenville to smile olivia wondered is his father oliver grenville use to be this cold in his childhood too....

olivia planned to get the answer from his father itself at night when king was by her side she begin to ask....

'Dear majesty shall I ask you a question '

oliver grenville seeing dotingly his cute wife gave a small grin when she was keeping her head low and said a single word 'ask'......

'our prince eco rarely cries and it's really hard when he smiles and he always look cold and aloof as if we have taken his treasure'

'I was thinking that that I....I....

oliver grenville noticing her hesitation again said 'speak'.......

Without taking a breath olivia asked ' your majesty you have been like this in your childhood'......

oliver grenville listening to her question asked in domeering way' you mean that iam cold and aloof and expressionless......

Listening to his tone olivia said no no your majesty before she gave her explanation her lips were sealed with his lips after that he spoke seductively near her ear that let's make a daughter who is lively and lovely just like you......

Olivia's started blushing while her face turned into red tomato with shyness.......

In teasing tone she asked the king, ' so my dear husband do you agree that you were cold and aloof from childhood.....

Oliver grenville with serious face said ' He is my son ofcourse he will be like me and don't worry he will be lovely and lively with her future wife just like me '.........

olivia started shaking her head helplessly thinking like father like son.....

They continued there love making session in order to give eco grenville a cute little sister.......