
Aranyani way of thinking and understanding all small gestures.

Veer went near megha to hug her but soon was interrupted by her five of her friends.........

They started teasing megha, happily........

Hey megha, what happened, why did your face became red like a ripen tomato?.........

Megha couldn't control her shyness and covered her face with her palms and ran away from everyone hurrily..........

soon, all her friends followed her............

Eco, who was observing aranyani keenly, saw some changes in aranyani's face , when her friends teased megha, she too smiled slightly and was happy seeing megha happy..........

After everyone left, eco and aranyani came out of the bushes, aranyani went near the tree, and stood where megha stood, thinking deeply..........

Eco leaned againt the tree, leisurely and watched her dotingly and didn't spoke a word , as he wanted to give her time to understand it well..........