
After all she was an angel girl protected by nature, very unique.

Before zywie and other women can share the good news to all others, they saw hundreds of birds rushing towards them......

Before they could do anything, aranyani melodious silvery bell voice rang all over the palace.......

Let the birds bless the kids, they don't intend any harm.......

Everyone was dumbfounded seeing aranyani running carefree, she lookes too gorgeous and pretty and was full of spirit and energy.....

She didn't seem like a woman who just gave birth to three kids........

All the women present kept there fingers on there nose in amusement......

The one who was tired and pale and went unconsious unable to bear the loss of strength and lost her stamina was standing still she was looking as if she had just turned eighteen years old and was beautiful gorgeous ....

All present were having same expressions on there faces........

Iris ru"_"

rocher ru"-"

olivia grenville "-"

oliver greenville "-"

elowen "-"

Zywie "-"