
Aquamarine Isles: May's Adventure

A young guard finds out her kingdom has been taken over after her short vacation. She then proceeds to meet new people. She even finds out more about herself and how she can save the kingdom from utter Chaos from a dictator killing millions of mermaids.

Believe_Jellyfish · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Part 3: Partners, saving the world?

'This woman will be the death of me,' I grabbed her by her forearm and yanked her close to me so she was outside of her hotel room. I stared at her for a while before speaking. She was wearing a light gray tank top with words in bold print that I can't seem to read and it was form-fitting. And she was wearing these form-fitting leggings that look like they have waves on them, not like ocean waves just the texture of lines on her legs. Gosh her petite form is so cute.

"The old hag at the front wouldn't let me through so I had to take some precautions." I say proudly," This should win her over.

"You--!" she roughly pushes me to the side running away from me in a hurry. 'Why is she running away?' I quickly run after her, once I finally catch up she's all over the guy I roughly pushed away to find her.

"Taz! Are you OK?" she waited for him to answer her.

"I'm fine Miss. May. Just a rough push onto the floor won't harm this old man of yours I promise," he reassured her.

"Now, who's the one being formal?" They look at each other and laugh wholeheartedly. They both calmed down and she looked at me with distaste. She walked up to me and yanked the collar of my shirt so I was eye level with her height.

"You touch my best friend again and I swear I'll beat you up and you'll have no arm-," she got pulled back by her friend Taz.

"No need my dear, I'll handle it," he said sweetly but his aura said differently. I didn't understand what was going on with him but I did know one thing I needed to get out of here. I started running out of this place but it was so confusing 'I ran into a door? It looked like a wall! Eh? Whatever I just need to run!' I kept running through the hallway and realized the door was the other way. "Shit!" whisper yelling. "Ah!" stairs, maybe I'll jump from a window and get out of here! I reached the second floor and realized there are no windows to jump out of. I ran to the end of the hallway and waited for gramps to get over here so I could jump over him and run for it. So once I saw him I got ready to jump but someone grabbed my waist and hoisted me up then threw me to the ground.

"Now you can't run away," with labored breathing she pinned me down on the ground Gamps also kept me in place, once May got off of me gramps hit me hard on the head. I got dizzy and shook my head and got even dizzier! I couldn't tell what was going on. Not to mention I can't see what's going on. I then passed out. I couldn't tell where I was, but I surely knew that I was on a soft bed. "Good morning, Curly." a very familiar voice called out. May, my sweet May. Her strict voice is so soothing.


This idiot. I can't stand him. And Taz wants me to travel with him!? I need spiked orange juice or something! Wait-ew-that actually wouldn't taste great never mind. But traveling with this Idiot who flirts with me every 20 seconds he gets is not good for my health. He can't keep his distance! "Good morning, beautiful~," a voice called to me. Ah, he heard me. "What do you want nitwit?" Looking over to EKO. He was still tied up with ropes tied behind his back.

"I just want to know why I am tied up like this?" his face scrunched up and then made an 'o' face. "I'm tied up because you have finally realized how much you love me~?" now he's making a suggestive looking smirk.

This Nimwit! "No. You're tied up because I don't need you to be manhandling anyone else here at this establishment. And stop flirting. I don't like you, so stop, you first see first love shit," I turn around to get a knife to cut his ropes.

"That's not how you say it, Love. It's love at first glance~" He purrs as I turn around disgusted.

"I don't think it's that either," I get up to him and I show him the cleaver I have in my hands to cut the rope.

"AH! DON'T KILL ME!" This nitwit! I walk behind the chair he's in and cut the ropes with ease. Not caring about his plea, I walk away and put the knife back where I found it. He then proceeds to process the information and falls out of the chair in exasperation. This fool.

Comment, rate and review! I would like to know what y’all’s thoughts are! I wouldn’t mind criticism! I would love to improve my writing!

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