
Aquamarine Isles: May's Adventure

A young guard finds out her kingdom has been taken over after her short vacation. She then proceeds to meet new people. She even finds out more about herself and how she can save the kingdom from utter Chaos from a dictator killing millions of mermaids.

Believe_Jellyfish · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Part 1: Partners, saving the world?

This bastard. I can't wait to leave him. "Please tell me your name! You've helped me, and I would like to help you sometime in the future as well." He says.

I keep facing away from him and say, "May." And after that, I silently walk away from him. Why did I tell him my damn name? EH? He'll probably forget it after a while. I head to the tavern to get a few drinks and chill while I'm here. As I walk in, the smell of alcohol raises to my nose, and I scrunch up my face in disgust. 'Why do people need to drink alcoholic drinks when you can get a mission and drink some orange juice.' I walk up to the bartender and ask for orange juice. Once I got my orange juice, I looked at the type of missions there were to go on. Once I found one, I headed back to the bartender to hand him the mission I wish to partake in.

Once he checked out the mission, I left the tavern with a few orange juices for home. Yawning, I headed to the castle, but something didn't feel right. I brushed it off for now and headed to my room in the castle. I checked in through the gate, but once I got to the castle's front doors, I was shoved away by guards that I didn't recognize. I know every guard in the castle because I trained them. I got to know each one of them. I even became the appointed knight to the Queen. I've gotten close to the queen; she's my best friend, that I have given her a nickname. But since I didn't know this guy and he didn't know who I was from uniform, he must be someone I need to discuss the rules.

"Who are you, and who sent you here to guard the gates?" I face him with a stern glare, ready to hear the culprit.

"My dear, who are you? My King has put me in charge here."

'what the Queen hasn't had a love interest, and neither did she want one. So what is going on.' "There is no King in this Kingdom, just the Queen?" he looks at me as I'm some stupid piece of meat and puts his saber in front of me, ready to fight.

"And there is no Queen. Only My king, Todd!" His grin is sickening, with his pointy teeth and pale yellow skin. He has bright yellow eyes with a hint of green in the center. His figure is lean and tall. The guards' uniform in Azure Empire is blue with white trimming and hues of gold in the fabric to signify the Azure Royal guard. And this particular guard did not have that. Instead, he wore a baby blue with black trimming with silver hues in the fabric. After taking in his uniform, I drew my sword and had it ready to fight the 'place guard.'

"You, ready little bird?" the man questions staring at my small form. I don't answer as I try to find the weak points in his stance. Finally, I started to say something after a while, but a particular stranger happened to cut me off.

"She's not. Because you're fighting me." said a brown curly-haired man as he popped into the guards' vision, and she stepped back in surprise. She was capable of protecting herself, but apparently, this brown Curly man couldn't stand watching this woman fight this guard.

"Excuse me; I can defend myself and an idiot."

"Well, I'm sorry beautiful. I'm going to help you."

"Stop talking and fight!"

The male guard blocking the gate charged at May; they blocked each other's attacks, left and right. May observed how his attacks were slow in comparison to how she trained her guards. And once the guard, who guarded the gate into the castle, swung his sword over his head, she stabbed him near the heart before he could dodge the attack. He stumbled backward into the gate, clutching his chest.

A gasp was heard, and EKO ran up to May, picked her up, and booked it to the other side of town. Once he made a good distance away from the castle, he checked her for injuries. She shook him off of her."Don't touch me."

"Fine, I won't help you if you're in trouble."

"Fine with me."

'This beautiful idiot.' he thought.