
Applying Logic to the Unknown

When Caspian wanders out into the forest to meet with his friends, things take a dark turn and he ends up in a race for survival against the unknown. Follow Caspian as he lies, steals and plans his way into a less frightening life, as long as he does not get eaten first. All rights to the picture go to the original artist.

MrRereader · Fantasi
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60 Chs


As I regain consciousness my eyes open and I see an unfamiliar ceiling, then I made the first mistake of the day, I tried to move, pain assaulted me as I let out a loud groan. I guess the noise attracted someone over as I could see the man called Thomas, the healer, walking towards me.

He then says to me ''Merchant Caspian Season I believe, Georg told me you encountered the famed beast in the forests and came back alive, well, barely alive, you are quite fortunate for we have looked through your belongings and decided you can pay for my services so I provided healing for you'' He said so with a smile while in my mind I thought about one thing, I just got robbed, great.

''Thank you very much for your help mister Thomas and while I do not know the extent of my injuries, could you tell me which of my items you acquired in exchange for my treatment?'' I wanted to know what he took, while there is nothing of true value id still like to keep some items.

''Haha a merchant at heart I see mister Season, the first thing you ask as soon as you wake up is the cost of your life, very merchant like indeed'' Is he making fun of me, whatever, I would have probably been fine anyway, I just wanted to know what this sp called healer took from me in exchange for a bed and the so-called healing.

So I tell him.''You misunderstand me mister Thomas, the items I carry on me are of meager value. I do not currently own anything that I could give in exchange for your services'' Take these let's see what's your excuse now.

''Then mister Season let me tell you the extent of your injuries and the price you paid for my treatment'' then with a cough he brings out a piece of paper, yes, paper not perfectly white but paper nonetheless, interesting.

''It seems you suffered from a strong impact that heavily bruised your chest area and inhibited your breathing, that in itself was quite deadly, not only that but you were covered in a myriad of cuts and bruises, and the most deadly injury of all was caused by the beast, it was your head mister Season there was a great cut going from your lower ribcage to the base of your head, quite deadly and it was a miracle you survived long enough to be brought over to me'

I have a what on my back, with a confused expression I ask him. ''Mister Thomas while I do agree with most of the injuries I never remember being harmed by the beast, and I never felt any injury on my back''

To my statement, he nods and informs me of terrifying truth. ''That is how the beast hunts mister Season, its claws are covered in a poison that clots the blood and makes one feel no pain, it is confirmed to prefer its victims alive so it injures them then pursues them through the forest and stalks them until they become unable to move, you mister Season got lucky as the beast has just recently completed a hunt so it probably had no reason to look for further sustenance for a while. It is quite simpleminded you see''

He just made that statement with a straight face and I was horrified, this man just told me that I did not manage a heroic escape but the beast marked me god knows when without me even noticing then just trotted behind me waiting for me to drop dead, and it didn't finish the hunt because it already had food so I wasn't worth the effort.

''Mister Thomas may I ask you some questions related to the beast?''

''Ask away, I will answer any questions you may have related to both the beast and your treatment'' I nodded and said.

''Where does the beast live?'' I hoped I was wrong, truly.

''It lives deep inside the forest in one of the old watchtowers belonging to Westerngrad, why do you ask that mister Season''

My mouth was dry and my fingernails were itchy so I stuck them in the wooden bed underneath me. If what Thomas says is true then I slept in its lair, no, I made a fire in its lair and just stood there, like an idiot, but how, there was nothing but the wooden chairs inside the keep, wait, the chairs, not two of them were the same, does the beast just gather chairs for some reason, I need to know.

''Thomas does the beast steal chairs?'' I dropped all honorifics they were not needed right now.

''Chairs, I do not think it steals them mister Season, the villagers do use chairs to tie the animals so they cannot escape, and be easily captured by the beast. Mister Season what's wrong?''

I couldn't think straight, what is this, the sounds of the hooves in the night right outside, did it come back and figured someone is inside its lair so it waited outside, then it probably came in when I fell asleep and injured me without me even noticing it and left me for later, for the hunt.

It probably didn't expect me to just run away as soon as day broke, thinking about it I pretty much collapsed moments after reaching the village and I was carried by Georg most of the way if I even stayed to look for food or water I would have died.

What is this, just what is this.

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Have a good day.

MrRereadercreators' thoughts