

What happens when, a sleep deprived, caffeine high teen decides to sent an application for adoption to a rich, but kind man with a serious adoption problem, after reading a post titled "APPLY NOW FOR FREE ADOPTION", made as a joke by some unrelated person? Will the sleep deprived. not so good plan end well... Set before Ladybug... I have no rights to the characters in this story, and they belong to their respective creators..

Ray_9195 · Lainnya
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5 Chs


As the morning sun gently filtered into the room, Marinette stirred from her sleep, her mind feeling clearer after a night of peaceful rest. Thinking about what happened the day before, she understood the weight of her sudden action. Filling out the adoption form without thinking had been a risky move, a quick decision in the midst of Lila's endless lies.

Sitting up in bed, Marinette let out a sigh, fully understanding the danger she had put herself in. Tikki emerged from her purse, sounding worried. "How are you feeling this morning, Marinette?"

"Tikki, what did I do?" Marinette's voice shook with both fear and regret. "I shared so much. What if it falls into the wrong hands? What if it helps bad people or, even worse, makes it easier for kidnappers to find me? What if it's used against me or my family? And Lila, always scheming, isn't she? What if this was her plan all along, to leave me vulnerable and alone? Oh, Tikki, what if I've messed everything up?" Her hands trembled as she held onto the tiny Kwami, seeking comfort amid the storm of her fears.

Tikki enveloped Marinette with reassurance, promising to help find a solution. "We'll work through this together, Marinette. Keeping you safe is the most important thing."

"Tikki, it's... everything's just falling apart," Marinette whispered, her voice laden with emotion. "Lila's lies are spreading like wildfire, and no one seems to trust me. My parents, my friends... they all see me as the bad person. And now this, piling onto the chaos.."

Tikki's gaze softened with empathy as she fluttered nearer, her tiny hand finding solace atop Marinette's. "Oh, my dear Marinette, I understand the struggle, but don't lose hope. Even in the darkest moments, your kindness and brilliance shine through. Remember, your spirit is strong, your strength unwavering."

Marinette nodded, determined to fix her mistake and be more careful in the future. "I need to be more careful, Tikki. I can't allow my desperation to cloud my judgment again."

Tikki reassured her, "You've learned from this, Marinette. Your resilience goes beyond what you know. We'll navigate this challenge together, with a clear mind and a careful approach."

Overwhelmed, Marinette eased back onto her bed, her mind swamped with worries and anxieties.

"Marinette, take a deep breath. You're not alone. We, your Kwamis, stand beside you, ready to support you through this tough time."

"Marinette, trust your heart. Your strength is powerful. We believe in you."

"You have the courage, Marinette. Remember your resourcefulness and determination. You can overcome any obstacle."

"Marinette, your wisdom will guide your path. Trust in yourself, and we'll guide you through."

"Embrace the love that surrounds you, Marinette. Lean on us, and we'll help you find your way forward."

The Kwamis' voices intertwined, a harmonious symphony of unwavering support enveloping Marinette, infusing her with a renewed sense of courage.

As Marinette pondered her situation, Wayzz materialized before her, his ancient eyes filled with wisdom.

"Marinette, in times like this, it's essential to remain composed. Let's consider all the options before us and proceed with caution."

Marinette nodded, taking solace in Wayzz's advice. "You're right, Wayzz. I'll be careful and think things through before making any more decisions."

Beside her, Trixx twinkled mischievously, injecting a hint of optimism into the tense atmosphere. "Marinette, don't forget, we've got some tricks up our sleeves. Let's use our wits to outsmart any trouble that comes our way."

Marinette managed a small smile, appreciating Trixx's perspective. "Ok.. I know I will be fine as long as all of you are there with me.. You always help me out, Trixx.."

Ziggy offered a calming presence, reminding Marinette to take things one step at a time. "Marinette, remember that time is on our side. We can consider our options carefully and not rush into anything."

Marinette nodded, feeling reassured by Ziggy's steady guidance. "You're right, Ziggy. I'll take my time and think things through. Rushing won't do anyone any good."

Tikki smiled, they were helping her holder in all ways possible.. They were saying everything she wanted to say, it made her happy that they all cared for her little ladybug..

Mullo fluttered nearby, his gentle voice offering solace. "Marinette, seeking wisdom from those you trust can guide you through this storm. Lean on the people who care about you."

Marinette nodded, appreciating Mullo's words. "Don't worry, I will ask help whenever I need it."

Pollen emphasized the importance of self-care. "Marinette, take care of yourself amidst the chaos. Nourishing your body and mind will give you the resilience to overcome. You always have to be pretty.."

Marinette couldnt help but smile. "Of course, Pollen.. Being pretty is also important.. "

Marinette was happy that with her Kwamis she can do anything...