
Applecider 2

RedBeeSAndAmber2's Real Name is Treasure Marie Denise Jackson and I am her, I collaborated with GOD A.K.A. Jesus Christ To help me write this book. If I say [movie - 2D/3D animation] it means this should be done in either 2D or 3D animation while projected from a projector onto a closed curtain or whatever can show it. If the Script says [play] that means it can be done in a play with no harm done, [movie - 2D/3D animation] is also for situations where it would make the play too long because it would require breaks to set up scenes, so the scene may be longer in the video than it should be considering you don't need it anymore. It's to keep actors from going through acting out the serious issues the characters go through. Put an acrylic plastic or glass block in front of the stage make it so big it separates the actors from the audience so the audience doesn't hurt them if they don't like them. I trust any transparent plastic but Acrylic is very strong. I did this because I cared about the children actors and adults, too. If 2D, it's for fun scenes and like a Proud Family Disney thing because the story will contain elements of comedy, if 3D, I'd suggest a Detroit: Become Human game look. _________________________________________________________________________ This story is copyrighted. (Copr. ©) The copyright symbol, or copyright sign, ©, is the symbol used in copyright notices for works other than sound recordings. The use of the symbol is described by the Universal Copyright Convention. Copyright refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property. ... This means that the original creators of products and anyone they give authorization to are the only ones with the exclusive right to reproduce the work.

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Applecider 2 - Episode 6 Season 1

Applecider 2 - Episode 6 Season 1


A series called Applecider 2 that is the prequel of Applecider.



Name: Molly

Last Name: Quin

Race: Italian-American

Age: 13

Gender: Girl


Name: Canfield

Last name: Applecider

Age: 13

Gender: Male


Name: Toy

Last name: Killer

Age: 14

Gender: boy

Race: Mexican-American


Name: Tonya

Age: 13

Gender: Girl

Race: Greek-American

Last name: Lia


Name: Croak

Last name: Please

Gender: Girl

Race: Spanish-American

Age: 12


Name: Kick the Bucket

Last name: Butt

Age: 11

Race: Hmong-American

Gender Girl


Name: Josh

Race: Afghanistan-American

Age: 14

Gender Girl

Last name: Johnny

Now, her parents used to be Muslim but they converted to Christianity, so mom has long hair, dad has short hair, the girls in their home has long hair while boys hair is short, they don't wear hijabs due to their religion. Josh wears a Christian Cross Necklace.


Name: Pricey

Last name: Cash

Age: 13

Gender: boy

Race: Vietnamese-American


Name: Lillie

Last name: Illegal

Race: Immigrant from North Korea, she is North Korean. They ran away from North Korea.

Age: 12

Gender: She's a Girl


Lillie and Josh are older looking, meaning they look older than they are.


Lillie is an illegal immigrant from North Korea who had escaped North Korean prison of which she was wrongfully put in as a baby by law because her father killed a woman and he did it alone.


Narrator and captions: "Based on a true story"


They are watching this --> https://youtu.be/DHBgTFHjPXI <-- on the news, the whole video won't be shown but still, they're watching it at a store window in a mall sad.


All the words spoken are also captioned.


Josh: "Really sad." :(

Canfield: "May God have mercy on all the lost souls and their families."

Molly: "Never believe when a doctor says that someone on a ventilator won't live."


Canfield is holding his newborn son saying "A year ago, the doctors told us that my grandmother had brain damage and they pressured us to take her off the ventilator, which would have killed her."


Georgia: "We refused and, lo and behold, she opened her eyes 2 months later, then slowly recovered from her illness until she regained full consciousness."

Canfield: "A year later, her memory has been completely restored, thank God, and she's able to enjoy life without a ventilator at all."

Lillie: "The same thing happened to my cousin - he was stuck on a ventilator for 4 months bc he had coronavirus, and the doctors pressured us to take him off of it bc he would "never recover.��

Lillie wipes tears from her eyes, then says "We refused and he woke up on his own."

Canfield cuddles his son saying "I grieve for all of the families who have pulled the plug bc they've been pressured to do so."

Lillie: "No one has the right to decide when and how you will die - only God does."


Molly: "As long as they are breathing on a ventilator, God has kept them alive and they can wake up."


Georgia: "The moment someone pulls the plug, they have killed that person."


Croak: "Something we heard from a lot of these doctors was how they always hope for the miracles, but that the miracles are very rare."


Georgia: "When the miracle doesn't come you don't often hear about it and yet they're still there trying to make it the best death they possibly can."


Canfield: "Over and over again they said the most painful thing to witness is a family holding onto a 'miracle' while their dying family member suffers longer than they need to."


Croak: "What do you mean?"


Kick the Bucket: "Considering my name means to die, can we talk about something happy?"


Molly: "They told us how they've seen the miracle but they've also seen the families who won't give up on a 'miracle' even at the expense of their loved one because we're so refusing of death."


Kick the bucket: "My family wanted me to die, so, to be honest, I'm happy people are willing to hold out hope and willing to try to keep their loved one alive and try their best to make them better. I'm not saying the ones that pulled the plug are evil or want them to die, but it's true when you say they killed the person. So many people are pressured to off their family when their family may come back to life, and in so many situations where the person in life support may not have wanted to die when conscious."


Canfield: "I don't want to be the cynical guy but, I think the best way to help these families is to give them universal healthcare, they not only have to grieve their loss, but they also have to think how are they going to pay the bills."


Canfield is poor.


Kick the Bucket: "They already suffered a lot and you cannot keep them suffering by charging them with overcharged prices that only benefit huge insurance companies."


Molly: "Capitalism is their second reason to grieve."


Canfield's mom and dad walked to them asking "What is happening?" In concern.


Canfield says "We're talking about death." His dad says "why..." In a concerned tone of voice. Canfield says "Well, there was a news thing where a doctor was trying to humanize death."


Canfield's dad says "I'm sorry son, but that sounds like a way to bring this culture into hell by making us like death to the point where we'd openly kill ourselves." Kick the Bucket says "The documentary was in Detroit, 75% of people in Detroit are black."


Canfield's dad: "So, they're trying to normalize black people dying? That's disturbing."


Canfield's mom: "I want to real with you, it likely is."


Canfield's dad: "Honestly. Doctors told my wife and I many times that our daughter, Georgia, wasn't going to make it since birth. Although she gets sick at times, She's now 7-years-old."


Canfield's mom: "Until this day, it's hard for me to put my child's life, trust, and expectations into the hands of a Doctor. Although they have helped so much medically, I haven't given up faith just yet. Don't give up, find resources, stay spiritually connected, and let life take its toll - not another human."


Canfield: "Not to be negative, but I lowkey feel that there's some type of corruption in the healthcare system in America and this is the reason why doctors may not tell patients and their immediate family that there's a strong possibility they could die or death is inevitable so the family and patient spend more money on healthcare and the treatments and medicine."


Canfield's concerned dad: "You can live in dignity. No matter when it comes death is ugly. It is never pretty. Give me the doctor that never gives up. However, when my grandmother was in her final years it was just brutal to watch it. Her dementia meant that we lost her long after the body finally gave up. A DNR order was signed by my aunts and uncles. I knew it was coming. One of my uncles was convinced that she could remember him and tell old stories about the past. She was kidding herself. Her mind was mush. She had no idea who she was, who we were, and where she was."


Canfield's mom whispers in his dad's ear "I think Canfield is scared of death, I worry he's going insane."


An old woman talks to Canfield saying "I talk about dying to my adult kids... When I die I want to die alone no machines I accept death. I'm tired. I want to find peace and quiet. For me It was the best of times and it was the worst of times and the pages are blank now."


Canfield: "Make your elder years fun while you are still alive. Go play like a child. Go have fun."


Kick The Bucket is the most emotionally affected by the conversation, Croak is but Kick The Bucket has been through some terrible situations that result in her feeling like death is awful, she wants to live and fears that this talk of making death positive is a toxic doctrine made to sound nice by sympathetic and sad people who let their emotions get the better of them.


Croak is highly uncomfortable because she has been bullied and she has been through hard times, especially in their neighborhood which has gotten better due to the neighborhood watch. Croak wants to live a full happy life. Croak is still working on the forts.


Croak yelps "Why?!" Then Croak folds her arms saying "We try to prepare for death but honestly no body prepares for life, abortion is trying to prevent but they never try to stop it, if you know a mom is coming in there because she's poor, why not give her money to make her not poor, or if she's abused, why not try to help her out, instead of just offing the baby, why not help the baby like you wouldn't help the others, you do abortions to try an help the baby not live in a sad world while there are other kids living in a sad world, you want to kill 'em off, not help them after birth!"


Canfield: "I mean, what the lady is doing is great, I mean it, she's trying to help."

Croak: "She's great, she looks like a good mom, too."

Molly: "I though you were upset with the idea of positive death?"

Croak: "I mean, I don't want people to off themselves because of this."

Molly: "That I understand."


Croak and Kick The Bucket both care about life because they spent their whole lives trying to live, Croak didn't have it as bad, bullies have tried to kill her but rarely, however, Kick The Bucket was abused.


Toy ran to them playing yelling "Hey, guys!"

Then a machine comes down from the sky, it's bright, glowing, amazing...

Toy looks up at it and asks "Holy FLUFF!"

Lillie: "You know what this thing is?"

Tonya ran to them yelling "Nope, sure looks funny."

Pricey Cash ran to them yelling "SPACE HILLBILLY!"

Molly is screaming "SEND IT BACK NOW!"


Canfield: "What the heck is going on?!" Canfield holds his baby close to himself in fear for his child.


Canfield goes inside the store with his friends and family. Georgia ran in with them in a hurry because it was a UFO and she wasn't about to get abducted by Strange Aliens.


Canfield sees the UFO Say "Babies in cars found." Then the UFO took all the babies that in cars. No adults or anyone else were in the cars but the babies.


Canfield: "AHHHH!" He hides his son under his clothes, he faces away from he UFO and zips his jacket down to make an air hole for the baby. "Jeremy!" Canfield screams in horror.


Molly screams "They're taking babies!" In fear. Canfield rocks back and forth gently cuddling the baby saying "Help!" Molly goes outside to save the babies but the UFO leaves. Molly screams "What the fluff, first, crazies, now UFO's stealing babies!!! They could have just told us they were in the cars alone, then we would have got 'em!!!"


After this incident, they went back to the neighborhood...


On the alien planet...


The aliens are gathering the babies, there are 50 newborns, 3 infants and 5 toddlers, 58 babies in total. All toddlers were 1-2 years of age.


The aliens put them in a circle and did the ritual...


To be continued...