

The thrill-seeker Wil was out at night for his daily dose of adrenaline, hopping from one building to another when he stumbled upon a crime. Keen on knowing who the murderer was, Wil fell to his demise and later found himself in a suburb.

Neitherite · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
67 Chs

Chapter 41

A balance of everything leads to a wonderful life.


The old man against Aralina and Baron who wields both an energy blade that can cut through his flesh, and Sven against Neil.

While robbed of his ability to use both hands, the old man still has energy left and his far exceeding speed would not be stopped by Aralina and Baron. One of the latter's hindrance to moving around was the piling snow and its slippery ground.

"I go left, you go right. Simple, yeah?"

Baron did not wait for Aralina's answer, instead he prowled as though the old man could not see him.

"Okay, mister."

Thankfully, they were wearing boots, which were tightly knotted, therefore allowing them to trod large steps on the snows and pull their feet off the ground easily to take another step. Basically, enabling them to run through the snow despite its ankle-deep level.