
90.Gas station

Zhang Yi was quite familiar with this area, and it was the hub for hundreds of corporate warehouses in the entire Tianhai City, varying in size.

If he could gather all these supplies, it wouldn't just be enough for him; he could feed several thousand people.

However, the biggest problem was whether these supplies were still here.

Zhang Yi took out his gun and a crowbar and approached the nearby Darunfa (Carrefour) warehouse.

With the crowbar, he smashed a window from the top and peered inside, only to find the vast warehouse was now empty.

"They've been moved?" Zhang Yi had anticipated this, so he wasn't too surprised.

He continued to other warehouses, and the results were the same. Medical equipment, daily necessities, food, snacks, and even pet food storage had all been emptied.

"Just as I expected."

"When a disaster strikes, the experts will immediately report the situation to the authorities. People in power will certainly arrange to move the supplies."

This was why Zhang Yi had emptied the Walmart warehouse a week earlier. He knew that in times of crisis, influential individuals would prioritize their own well-being over the common people.

Zhang Yi didn't give up his search. There were hundreds of warehouses in this area, and perhaps some items were not taken, but they happened to be useful for him.

And as expected, after working for a while, Zhang Yi found a warehouse that stored cars.

The area inside was over a million square meters, very spacious.

The cars were lined up on steel racks, like sardines in a can, perfectly neat.

Inside, there were plenty of luxury cars that had sold for several million before the apocalypse.

Now, they were nothing but scrap, seemingly serving no purpose.

Seeing so many vehicles, Zhang Yi felt quite conflicted. After some hesitation, he finally bit the bullet.

"Well, there's so much space in my spatial storage. What if I need them later?"

After all, men love cars. When he saw so many luxury cars inside, Zhang Yi wanted to collect them for fun, even though he couldn't drive them now. It would be like having high-end models.

So he selected about a dozen of his favorite cars and placed them in his spatial storage.

For the rest of the day, Zhang Yi was busy in this warehouse area.

Most of the warehouses had been emptied, and only the ones holding items too difficult to transport remained.

These included large machinery and bulk construction materials.

However, he didn't find any food or daily essentials!

Zhang Yi clenched his teeth and, like collecting scrap, picked up a lot of items.

Heavy trucks, excavators, Rolls-Royce Phantoms, bulldozers...

"What if they come in handy later?"

Zhang Yi consoled himself with this thought.

Then he thought his idea was ridiculous. In a snowy wasteland, these vehicles couldn't even move an inch, so what use were they?

Fortunately, his spatial storage was spacious enough to accommodate these cars comfortably.

After working for a while, Zhang Yi felt he had seen enough.

There was no further value in exploring this place, and he didn't need anything else immediately.

He took out a piece of chocolate from his spatial storage and quickly ate it, even though eating it in the freezing cold wind made it slightly unpleasant.

Unfortunately, drinking hot water was out of the question at this time. The moment he opened the cap, it would quickly cool down within half a minute.

Zhang Yi scooped up a handful of snow from the ground and melted it in his mouth, making do as a source of hydration.

Soon, he remembered another place he needed to go.

Considering he had collected many vehicles, he thought about gasoline and diesel.

Originally, the gasoline and diesel stored in his spatial storage were sufficient for daily use. But with the current situation, he planned to use the snowmobile extensively as his primary means of transportation.

In this case, the stored amounts might not be sufficient.

For safety's sake, Zhang Yi decided to go to a gas station to see if he could acquire some fuel.

Zhang Yi got on his snowmobile and, after some thought, headed toward the largest gas station in Tianhai City.

Not long after, he arrived at his destination based on his memory.

However, when he got there, he was met with a sight that left him exhaling a long puff of white breath.

The massive gas station had been completely buried under the snow.

Zhang Yi could only guess its location from the surrounding tall buildings.

Despite being mentally prepared, he couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"Gas stations typically don't have high-rise buildings. So does that mean I won't be able to find a place to refuel?"

"Damn it!"

Furrowing his brow, Zhang Yi couldn't help but feel somewhat helpless about the current situation.

With the thickness of the ice and snow at the moment, it was almost impossible to dig by hand.

Moreover, who knew how many years this snow disaster would continue?

Would he need to save fuel in the future?

Based on the amount stored in his spatial storage and the snowmobile's fuel consumption, it would likely run out in about twenty years.

This was not good news!

"Human capabilities are indeed limited. If only we could use large-scale machinery to dig," Zhang Yi chuckled self-deprecatingly.

Just as he was about to twist the key to leave, he suddenly thought of something.

"Excavation equipment?"

"Can I use an excavator?"

He had recently picked up some construction vehicles, including a few excavators, from the warehouse. He had originally collected them, hoping that they might come in handy at some point.

Little did he know he'd be using them so soon!

Digging a hole in the snow with an excavator was incredibly easy.

However, this kind of task was truly unusual.

After all, in the previous world, you wouldn't see such deep snow accumulation very often.

No one was using excavators to work in the Arctic. They typically used icebreakers.

But after careful consideration, Zhang Yi believed this idea was absolutely feasible.

Considering the current thickness of the ice and snow, it had been accumulating for less than a month, so it hadn't formed an excessively hard ice layer. An excavator could easily manage it.

The snow underground might be a little thicker, but nothing the excavator couldn't handle.


Zhang Yi was determined. He retrieved a large excavator from his spatial storage.


The nearly twenty-ton excavator crashed heavily onto the ground, sinking in more than a meter!

Zhang Yi saw this scene and chuckled, saying, "This is good, saves me the trouble of digging down myself."

The snow on the surface was relatively thin and couldn't withstand the weight of such a heavy machine. However, the snow below should be more densely packed.

Zhang Yi had never operated an excavator before, but he had driven a crane, forklift, and large truck while working in the warehouse. Handling this machine wasn't too different. He could figure it out with some thought.

Although he couldn't claim to be an expert, he could at least operate it.