
41.Neighbors who can only shout slogans

As the new group was formed, the property owners and tenants from various units began chatting in a state of panic.

"Chen Zhenghao is simply a devil! He robbed three households, breaking in forcibly," one exclaimed.

"Apartment 301 on the third floor was occupied by two young people with strong personalities. They wanted to resist, but he shot them dead with a gun," another person recounted.

"The other two households are 302 and 401. They were so frightened that they handed over all their food and supplies without hesitation."

"Sigh, in these times, without food and supplies at home, isn't that just waiting for death?"

Someone spoke up indignantly, "We must unite and confront Chen Zhenghao, this tyrant!"

Responses immediately poured in.

"Yes, there are so many of us, are we afraid of just five or six of them?"

"As long as we unite, he won't stand a chance!"

However, someone pointed out, "But he has a gun!"

"Humph, what can he do with money? He may have a gun, but how many bullets does he have?"

"Exactly, if we all rush him, he won't stand a chance against us!"

"I'll use a left kick, then a right whip kick; I guarantee he won't get up!"

"With his leg injury, he's hardly worth mentioning. If he didn't have that gun, heh, I could take care of him myself!"

Everyone talked passionately about confronting Chen Zhenghao as if they were eager to storm his home and execute him immediately.

However, at this point, someone interjected, "So, when do we take action?"

This statement led to a brief silence.

While venting was relatively easy, actually risking their lives was a different story. Everyone understood the logic but hesitated to put themselves in the front line of gunfire.

What they said sounded brave, but in reality, it was to persuade others to stand in the line of fire.

"Well, that's not a problem; we can certainly deal with him!"

"However, he's an outlaw, and he has a few thugs under him. We should strategize carefully."

"Yes, recklessness is for hotheads; we need to win with intelligence!"

Zhang Yi raised an eyebrow.

Just a moment ago, they were shouting that Chen Zhenghao was no threat, and now they were talking about winning with intelligence?

He found it amusing.

At this moment, the community security guard, Uncle You, unexpectedly spoke up.

"We can't let Chen Zhenghao and his gang continue like this. If they keep going, everyone here will die."

"Even if they don't get shot, if they are robbed of all their food and supplies, won't they still die?"

"I can lead the way, and we can all go together to teach these scoundrels a lesson!"

Uncle You didn't speak much on ordinary days.

He was a former soldier, straightforward in nature, and passionate. He was also highly respected in the community.

Confronted with the shameless scoundrel Chen Zhenghao, he was filled with anger.

"Ho, Uncle You, you're amazing! You truly live up to your military background!"

"Uncle You, I support you! Do you need weapons? I can lend you our kitchen knives."

"I still have a Longquan sword I bought while traveling last year; you can borrow it!"

"Chen Zhenghao is just a cripple, Uncle You. If you sneak up on him from behind, he won't have a chance!"

The crowd praised Uncle You and offered various suggestions.

However, not a single person mentioned going with Uncle You to confront Chen Zhenghao.

Uncle You was starting to feel exasperated.

"Chen Zhenghao and his gang have five or six people, and they have guns. Going alone won't work."

"At the very least, we need a dozen young men to go with me for this to be safe."

"I've been a soldier, and I have some skills. I can take the lead."

The male property owners in the group fell silent.

On the other hand, the female property owners, like Fang Yuqing, who lived in units without adult males, became even more impassioned.

"Yes, we women are delicate and weak; we can't deal with these scoundrels. The men in Building 25, now is the time to show your bravery!"

"All the men in our building are extraordinary gentlemen. You must succeed!"

"It's time to demonstrate your chivalry. We hope you succeed and protect us delicate women."

The male property owners weren't pleased with this turn of events.

Some were unmarried and lived alone, or they shared apartments with friends. Asking them to risk their lives to confront the scoundrel was something they could consider but saw it as their sole responsibility.

This irked the male property owners.

"Why should we be the first ones to go? You've always advocated for women's priority in the past, and now you want us to go first. Why?" one of them questioned.

"Now that we're giving you equal treatment, let's all go together."

"Online, you guys brag about your fighting skills

. You're so capable, why don't you go confront Chen Zhenghao yourselves?"

"I'm not opposed to risking my life, but I'll only protect my own wife and child."

The female property owners, witnessing the male property owners' reluctance to go confront Chen Zhenghao, began berating them.

"Are you even men? Isn't this the kind of situation where men should step up?"

"Letting women take risks, can you even say that with a straight face?"

"You guys are truly spineless! Disgusting. I'll never marry someone like you!"

The originally formed property owners' group, meant for discussing how to deal with the risks posed by Chen Zhenghao, had inexplicably turned into a heated argument about who should confront him. Ultimately, it escalated into a battle of the sexes.

Zhang Yi watched with great amusement.

This scenario was identical to what had happened in his previous life.

That's why, even though Chen Zhenghao had killed half the residents in the building in his past life, he had still managed to rule them with an iron fist using just one gun. At the time of their deaths, they had only closed their eyes, not daring to resist.

Uncle You, observing the situation, urgently appealed in the group chat.

"Let's not argue for now. Dealing with Chen Zhenghao should be our top priority."

On the seventh floor lived a female property owner named Liu Tiantian.

She was one of the main instigators of the argument between men and women, a 22-year-old recent graduate.

With both sides of the group now heated, Liu Tiantian would swiftly type away with two fingers every time a male member spoke, not even sparing well-intentioned Uncle You.

"Uncle You, why are you pretending to be a good person? You've been in the army, so you can fight well. In this situation, you should be the first to charge."

"We have so many men in our building; they can take turns. That way, everyone else will be safe!"

"In today's society, it's clear that women are more important. The only role men have is to serve us women."

"I hope the men in this group remember this; I won't say it twice!"