
15.Ask for supplies

At this moment, Fang Yuqing was huddled in her rented apartment, tightly wrapped in two blankets.

Despite cranking the thermostat up to 40°C (104°F), the indoor temperature couldn't even reach 0°C (32°F). She shivered uncontrollably, feeling as though icy winds were creeping into her blankets.

When she saw the photos sent by Zhang Yi, her eyes widened in disbelief.

How could Zhang Yi be so comfortably eating steak and drinking Red Bull in his thin pajamas in such freezing weather, especially when they lived in the same building?

Why did it feel like they were living in two different worlds?

Seeing the delicious steak on the table and the bottle of high-end red wine, Fang Yuqing's mouth watered.

As a top-tier seductress and gold digger, she was well-versed in luxury goods. Based on her knowledge, Zhang Yi was undoubtedly indulging in authentic top-grade wagyu beef. Moreover, the French red wine on his table had to be of premier cru status, with a minimum price tag of twenty to thirty thousand!

While she was freezing, Zhang Yi was living comfortably, and it immediately ignited a jealous fire within Fang Yuqing.

She promptly messaged Zhang Yi, trying to drop a hint. "It looks amazing! I wish I could have some steak and wine too."

She believed her hint was quite obvious.

Based on Zhang Yi's previous behavior, he should have offered to share the steak and wine with her by now.

But Zhang Yi, upon reading her message, couldn't help but smile. Did she think he was still the same pushover from before?

He leisurely replied, "If you want some, why don't you go buy it at the supermarket?"

Fang Yuqing, upon reading this message, was taken aback.

Wasn't that a pointless response?

With temperatures plummeting to sixty or seventy degrees below freezing outside, any exposed skin risked frostbite. As a delicate girl, how could he make such an unreasonable request?

Fang Yuqing gritted her teeth and retorted, "Zhang Yi, you're not a real man! You're given such a good opportunity, and you won't even come over to help. Hmph!"

At this moment, Fang Yuqing still had some pride left in her.

Even though she desperately wanted steak and high-end wine, she saw Zhang Yi as just another fish in her pond. Furthermore, she believed that this snowstorm would pass in a few days. So, she continued to maintain her proud goddess image and didn't take the initiative to ask Zhang Yi for food.

Ignoring Fang Yuqing, Zhang Yi turned his attention to other chat groups, expecting some entertainment.

In the residents' association group, he found Lin Dama, the committee member, urging everyone not to panic and to stay home.

"Don't worry, it's just a sudden drop in temperature. It will pass in two or three days."

"Don't go hoarding supplies, and have faith in our authorities."

"We, the residents' committee, will also find ways to help everyone get through this snowstorm. Please follow orders and cooperate. Don't cause trouble for the authorities."

Some residents expressed their concerns.

"With such heavy snow, who knows when it will stop? It's troublesome to go out now. Can we stock up on supplies at home?"

"Yeah, maybe we should go to the supermarket to buy some groceries. Prices will probably skyrocket in the next few days."

Lin Dama immediately increased her tone.

"What are you all doing? Aren't you causing chaos? Hoarding supplies will only drive up prices, and then everyone will have to pay more for groceries."

"If anyone dares to hoard supplies and I find out, don't blame me for reporting them to the higher-ups for disturbing public order!"

Zhang Yi couldn't help but smirk.

It was the first day of the Ice Age, and due to the extreme cold outside, the supermarket shelves hadn't been emptied yet. Some people had a chance to stock up on essentials. However, Lin Dama's intimidation had discouraged many from venturing out to buy groceries.

The consequences were predictable.

At this moment, Lin Dama suddenly turned her attention to Zhang Yi.

She mentioned Zhang Yi in the group.

"Xiao Zhang, you already stocked up at home. With the snowstorm worsening, you can't be a bad example."

"These days, stay at home obediently. If I catch you going out to buy things, don't blame Lin Dama for not being lenient!"

Zhang Yi's expression turned somewhat unpleasant.

This old woman had remembered his refusal when she had asked him for supplies earlier.

She had held onto that grudge and was now taking advantage of the situation to admonish him.

Unfortunately for her, Zhang Yi didn't care about her or her authority at this point.

He replied with a wry smile, "Lin Dama, none of us know how long this snowstorm will last. What if it continues for a long time, and everyone runs out of food? Can you take responsibility for that?"

With this question, Zhang Yi vocalized what many others were thinking.

People were displeased with Lin Dama's words, but they hesitated to contradict a committee member.

However, with Zhang Yi leading the way, someone else spoke up.

"Yeah, can you guarantee that supplies won't run out if we don't stock up?"

"Can you bear the responsibility if we go hungry?"

Seeing others standing up against her, Lin Dama started to panic.

Simultaneously, she felt a deep-seated resentment towards Zhang Yi.

He had openly contradicted her in the residents' association group, which was a blow to her dignity.

"You can rest assured that we, the residents' committee, will be responsible for ensuring that supplies don't run out! The snowstorm will pass soon."

"Also, you, Zhang Yi, don't try to incite people at a time like this. Your actions could be seen as illegal and unruly!"

In her huddled apartment, Fang Yuqing felt a sense of anxiety creeping in. Something was about to happen.

The tension in the residents' association group was escalating, and Lin Dama's frustration was growing evident.

"Hey, Zhang Yi, I've been waiting for a chance like this. I'll figure out a way to have you detained for a few days."

Zhang Yi burst into laughter.

In times like these, Lin Dama still wanted to flex her authority and act like in the past, using her meager power to bully others. It was laughable.

"Hey, come on now. I can't wear such a tall hat."

"Don't worry; it's so cold outside that I wouldn't even step out. Do whatever you want!"

Zhang Yi couldn't help but shake his head. The apocalypse had arrived, and he was determined to survive, regardless of the fate that befell others. What did their lives or deaths have to do with him, Zhang Yi?