
Apocalyptic Awakening

In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies, Cody and his high school classmates search for their families and a safe haven. Cody gets bitten while saving his friend and is left behind by his group. He is later found by Lucas, who leads a small group of survivors with supernatural powers. They discover Cody, who also has powers and accept him into their group. The group reaches the Citadel of Hope, a fortress offering refuge to those with valuable skills and resources. Follow Cody and his friends as they uncover the dark truth about the outbreak! Guys this is my first story and english is not my first language so please have mercy with me if I make some mistakes : -)

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3 Chs

The Lucky Unlucky Ones

Day 3 in the evening

As Cody continued to scream, Lucas quickly put his hand over his mouth to quiet him down. "What the hell are you doing, man? You're going to attract every single zombie in the area!" Lucas whispered harshly.

Cody turned to him, still looking upset. "No, I'm not okay," he replied. "Who the hell are you? I've never seen you. Where's Klein? Where are my friends?"

Lucas sighed and shook his head. "Look, we don't have time for this right now. Klein is probably the guy's name you just screamed, huh? I didn't fully understand it. Anyways, he and your friends are probably long gone", he said, his tone serious. "They left you alone after the zombie bit you"

Cody's eyes widened in shock, he tried to push past Lucas, but he quickly grabbed him by the arm. "No, wait. Listen to me," Lucas said firmly. "We need to stay together if you wanna stay alive. I know this is probably hard for you, but we have to keep going."

"But Klein-", stuttered Cody.

Zack noticed the tension building up in the air and decided to step in. "Hey man, we're not here to hurt you," he said, trying to calm Cody down. "Lucas is right. You're part of our group now, and we're here to help you."

Cody looked at Zack skeptically. "Why should I trust you? I don't even know you guys."

Lucas gave a small chuckle before responding. "Well, it's not like we've had much of a chance to properly introduce ourselves with all the zombie mayhem going on and you being unconscious", he said with a grin. "But you're right, we should probably get to know each other a little better. I'm Lucas, and the one with the rat over there is Zack. And Luna is standing over here".

As Lucas turned to point at Luna, he found himself pointing at an empty space. Annoyed, he looked around for a second before suddenly feeling a jolt of surprise. Luna had teleported directly in front of him, causing him to jump back in shock.

"Holy crap, Luna! Don't do that, I've told you thrice already!" he exclaimed.

Luna giggled. "Sorry, I just wanted to join the conversation," she said with a grin.

Zack chuckled. "You really are a power show-off," he teased.

Cody's eyes widened in amazement. "You can teleport?" he asked, still trying to process what had just happened.

Luna nodded. "Yep! I can teleport up to two meters at a time," she explained.

Cody looked impressed. "That's incredible. "How did you do it?"

Luna looked down, hesitant to speak. "Actually, I got bitten by a zombie a day after the outbreak. I thought I was done for, but something strange happened. The bite didn't turn me into one of them. Instead, it gave me these powers. It took a while to figure out how to control them, but I've been practicing ever since."

She looked back up at the group with a small smile. "I guess you could say I got lucky in an unlucky situation.", causing some strange reaction. They all laughed at the joke, but deep down they knew that their powers were a result of the outbreak.

"I remember when I first realized I had the power to control animals," Zack said, staring off into the distance. "It was after I got bit by that damn zombie. I thought it was all over for me, but then I noticed that the rats and insects around me were responding to my commands. It was like I could hear their thoughts, and they could hear mine."

Cody looked at Zack in awe. "That's insane. I don't think I could handle hearing the thoughts of animals all the time," he said.

Zack laughed. "It takes some getting used to, that's for sure. But their intel has saved our asses more times than I can count."

Chad nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Zack's powers. I got caught by a zombie, and I was sure I was a goner. But he was able to call over a pack of rats to distract the zombie and stop the virus from eating me."

"You know that Zack didn't mean to send the rats your way?", Luna chimed in.

Lucas chimed in with a smirk. "And my power to control nature? That's all thanks to Chad being a clumsy idiot," he said, nudging Chad playfully, "I got bitten by a zombie and Chad tried healing me. In his hurry, this sloppy idiot scattered dirt all over my wounds while healing them."

Chad rolled his eyes. "Hey, I still don't know how he survived that bite. But I'm glad it happened, because now we have one more member with some badass powers."

Luna looked at the group with a small smile. "It's amazing how we all came to be here, isn't it?" she said. "Despite everything we've been through, we were able to find each other and form this group. I think that's something to be proud of."

The group fell silent, lost in their own thoughts. They had all lost so much in the outbreak, but they had also gained something they never could have imagined - powers that set them apart from the rest of the survivors. As they sat there, they knew that they were in this together, and that they would do whatever it takes to survive. Luna turned to Cody, curious to know if he had any special abilities. "What about you, Cody? Do you have any powers?" she asked.

Cody shook his head. "No, I don't think so. At least, not that I'm aware of," he replied, looking a bit disappointed.

Zack spoke up. "Well, you never know. Sometimes, these abilities can be hard to identify at first. Maybe you just need to focus on feeling things around you," he suggested.

Lucas chuckled. "Or maybe he has the ability to scream extremely loud," he joked, earning a small smile from Cody.

As Cody closed his eyes, he took a deep breath and let himself fall into a deep trance. His senses sharpened, and he could feel the energy around him like never before. It was as if he had tapped into a hidden source of power that he had never known existed.

To those watching him, Cody looked like a statue, unmoving and unresponsive. But to Cody himself, it felt like he was flying through the universe, surrounded by an endless sea of energy. He could sense the tiniest of vibrations and the slightest changes in the air. He was one with the energy, and the energy was one with him.

As he focused on his newfound abilities, he could feel a tingling sensation in his fingertips, and suddenly, a small spark appeared in his palm. The spark grew brighter and more intense until it became a green ball of pure energy that glowed with a blinding light.

Lucas, who had been watching him the whole time, couldn't help but make a joke. "Hey, Cody, you look like you're about to blow a fuse. Should I call an electrician?"