
Apocalypse: The Ring of Salor

A celestial anomaly, the Ring of Salor, emerges in the sky, shattering the moon and taking its place. As the shattered moon forms a ring around Earth, the planet is bathed in a perpetual crimson glow, altering the very fabric of life. Humanity, once the pinnacle of Earth's children, splinters into new hideous twisted, and contorted figures amidst the ruins of their cities. The remaining humans, now a minority, must navigate this brutal new world, contending not just with the new species, but also with the emergence of magic and the continual bombardment of celestial debris. ---------------------------- 5 chapters posted a day

Signed_JMB · Fantasi
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35 Chs

single file survivor

Philis Aims stood tall and resolute, his voice resonating with a deep, unwavering conviction. "Philis Aims, that's my name," he declared, his words echoing in the still air. His gaze was distant, lost in memories of a past both humble and challenging. Born in the nondescript stretches of Nowhere, Texas, his early years were marked by the simplicity and struggles of life in a trailer park. It was a life that shaped his resilience and determination, traits that would later define his character.

His journey led him to the military, where he found his calling in the 82nd Airborne. As an infantry soldier, Philis embraced the rigor and camaraderie of military life. "These are my men, my brothers, my friends," he stated with palpable emotion, reflecting on the deep bonds forged in the crucible of service. His words were a testament to the unbreakable spirit of brotherhood that united them, a bond that transcended mere friendship.

The gravity of his experience was evident as he addressed the young girl before him. "I was there just as you, little girl," Philis said, his voice tinged with a shared sense of loss and understanding. "Those creatures took my wife, just as they took your friend, and mother." His eyes held a mix of empathy and urgency, revealing a personal tragedy that mirrored the girl's own. He implored her to understand the peril of their situation. "It is not safe out here, and you need to come with us," he insisted, his tone firm yet compassionate. The option of resistance was implied, yet his hope for a peaceful resolution was clear.

Philis stood shoulder to shoulder with his comrades, a united front of solidarity and strength. They formed an imposing barrier, cornering the girl who appeared small and vulnerable in contrast. Her attire, tattered and worn, spoke of hardships endured, and the backpack she clutched was a testament to her survival. Despite the overwhelming odds, she stood defiant, her voice a mix of desperation and determination. "I can't come with you. I'm looking for them. They have to be out there!" she exclaimed, her words laced with a fervent hope that defied reality. "They couldn't be dead," she whispered, more to herself than to the soldiers, holding onto the last shreds of hope in a world that seemed to have forsaken her.

With a steely resolve, Philis Aims made his decision, his voice carrying the weight of authority and necessity. "Alright then, you will come with us by force," he announced, his tone leaving no room for debate. The situation had escalated beyond the point of peaceful persuasion, and Philis was prepared to take whatever measures were necessary to ensure the safety of all involved. "JAY C! Let's wrap it up and roll out," he called out to his comrade, signaling the urgency of their departure. "I'm taking point. Let's hit base before 2100 hours; we have lots of land to cover, and the exfiltration point is on the edge of town." His words were crisp and efficient, reflecting the precision and discipline of a seasoned soldier.

Philis's next order underscored the gravity of their circumstances. "Let's move out before hostiles enclose on this position. Shoot on sight if the creatures are hostile," he instructed, his voice firm and unyielding. With a swift motion, he pulled up his mask, readying himself for the treacherous journey ahead, his demeanor that of a leader prepared to face whatever dangers lay in wait.

Meanwhile, Jacob, known amongst his peers as Jay C, responded to the situation with prompt action. He moved towards the girl, lifting her with a surprising ease that belied his strength. Slinging her over his shoulder, he prepared to transport her to safety, despite her earlier protests. "Aight, ready to move," he declared, his voice a blend of readiness and resolve. 

The team of soldiers, led by Philis Aims, moved with precision and purpose, their formation tight and well-practiced. They proceeded in single file, a strategic choice designed to minimize their profile and maximize both efficiency and protection. This meticulous approach was crucial in navigating the hazardous urban landscape, where danger lurked at every corner. Their movement was deliberate, their steps measured, each soldier acutely aware of their surroundings. In an environment where caution was the difference between life and death, their heightened senses were attuned to the slightest hint of danger.

As they traversed the city, the soldiers encountered buildings that harbored hostile creatures. These encounters were met with swift and decisive action. With practiced ease, they neutralized the threats with a few precise shots, aiming for the cranium or body, then the head, ensuring a quick and efficient takedown. This methodical approach to combat was a testament to their training and experience. Each soldier was an expert in handling such perilous situations, their movements synchronized, their responses almost instinctive.

The city itself was a labyrinth of danger, each turn presenting new challenges. The buildings, once symbols of urban life, now stood as ominous structures, each possibly concealing new threats. The soldiers, however, remained undeterred. Their advance through the city was a display of disciplined determination, a unified force moving with a singular purpose. In a world overwhelmed by chaos and fear, they stood out as a bastion of order and resolve. With every step, they moved closer to their intended destination, driven by a shared commitment to their mission and the unyielding hope of reaching safety.

In this dystopian landscape, the soldiers' journey was more than a mere tactical operation; it was a testament to their resilience and unwavering sense of duty. Their progress through the city was not just a physical traverse but a symbolic march against the darkness that had engulfed the world. Amidst the ruins and the desolation, their unity and courage shone like a beacon, guiding them towards the possibility of a safe haven in a world that had forgotten the meaning of peace. 

Jacob, carrying the young girl on his back through the treacherous cityscape, attempted to break the tense silence that hung between them. "What's your name, girl?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a blend of curiosity and an attempt at friendliness.

The girl, still slung securely over his shoulder, responded with a guarded tone, "What's it to you?" Her question, sharp and defensive, reflected her wariness and the uncertainty of her situation. Despite her precarious position, she maintained a semblance of defiance, unwilling to easily yield her trust to these strangers.

Jacob, undeterred by her initial rebuff, gently pressed on. "Well, just trying to understand who you are," he explained, his words soft and non-threatening. His intention was clear; he sought to establish a connection, however slight, in this chaotic world they were navigating together.

The girl, named Daisy, hesitated for a moment, pondering her response. In a situation fraught with danger and mistrust, revealing her identity was not a decision to be made lightly. After a brief internal deliberation, she decided to open up, albeit slightly. "My name is Daisy," she finally disclosed, her voice carrying a mix of resignation and cautious openness.

Jacob, pleased with this small breakthrough, introduced himself in return. "Nice name, I'm Jay C. Call me Jay," he said, hoping to foster a more friendly atmosphere amidst the prevailing tension.

Daisy, however, was not easily swayed by this attempt at camaraderie. "Nice to know, not like I heard the dude earlier say that," she retorted, her voice laced with sarcasm as she rolled her eyes. Her comment, though slightly mocking, hinted at a subtle engagement, a sign that, despite her reservations, she was listening and perhaps, gradually, lowering her guard.

This exchange between Jacob and Daisy, set against the backdrop of a perilous journey through a devastated city, was a small yet significant interaction. In a world overshadowed by loss and danger, the simple act of sharing names became a moment of human connection, a fleeting instance of normalcy in an otherwise abnormal situation. For Daisy, it was a cautious step towards trusting her unexpected companions; for Jacob, it was an opportunity to ease the tension and perhaps, in time, build a bridge of understanding in a landscape where trust was a rare commodity.

Navigating through the desolate city, the squad, led by Philis Aims and with Jacob carrying Daisy, made their way towards the exfiltration point. The journey was arduous, stretching over 12 miles of treacherous terrain, a testament to their endurance and determination. Despite the daunting distance, the team moved with a fluidity and coordination that spoke of their extensive training and experience.

The once vibrant city, now reduced to a hauntingly quiet ghost town, stood as a stark reminder of the catastrophe that had befallen it. The streets and buildings, which once echoed with the hustle and bustle of city life, were now eerily silent, their emptiness casting a somber shadow over the landscape. However, this silence was not absolute; it was intermittently shattered by the presence of 'tangos' – hostile entities that had made these ruins their domain. These encounters, each fraught with its own set of dangers, punctuated the team's journey through the city, challenging their resolve and testing their skills.

Philis Aims and his men, seasoned and battle-hardened, faced these threats with a level of precision and effectiveness that only comes from rigorous training and experience. Each encounter with the hostile forces was met with swift, tactical efficiency. The soldiers, working in unison, neutralized these threats, their actions synchronized and decisive, ensuring their continued safety as they navigated through the city's desolate streets.

As Philis led his team, his mind was a whirlwind of activity. He was not just focused on the immediate task of leading and protecting his squad but also on the broader implications of their mission. "This zone is going to turn into a war zone soon with the 'ardip' gang occupying the ranch to the southwest of this city," he thought to himself. His strategic mind was already planning ahead, considering the potential challenges and dangers this new development could bring. The presence of the 'ardip' gang, a known hostile force, added another layer of complexity to an already volatile situation.

Philis was well aware that their current mission, primarily a scouting operation, was crucial in gathering intelligence about the city's current state. Every bit of information collected, every encounter, and every navigated challenge contributed to a better understanding of the landscape they were operating in. "But all we can do is prepare," he mused, acknowledging the unpredictability of their circumstances. The success of their scouting mission provided them with valuable insights, but Philis knew that in their line of work, being prepared for every eventuality was key to survival.

His thoughts, while deeply engaged in strategic planning, did not distract him from his primary duty - leading his team and ensuring their safe extraction. Philis's ability to multitask, to simultaneously think ahead while maintaining a firm grip on the present, was a testament to his leadership and experience. As he led his squad through the remnants of the city, his mind remained vigilant, always one step ahead, planning their next move in a world where danger was always just around the corner.