
Apocalypse: rescue beautiful woman system

After Earth was struck by a small asteroid, a unique radiation turned a large portion of the population into zombies, with no cure in sight. Only a select few are immune to this radiation. The zombies are nearly indestructible, and regular humans face a constant struggle of getting infected and wiped out. Clark wakes up to find himself in this apocalyptic nightmare. The only chance for survival lies in carrying out a mission assigned by a mysterious system—to rescue a beautiful woman. In a world teeming with danger and uncertainty, Clark must navigate through hordes of zombies, face the constant threat of infection, and embark on a thrilling quest to save not only himself but humanity's last hope for a brighter future.

AvalonEmber · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
190 Chs


Or maybe Emma Kensington assigned him some task?

Just as Clark was thinking about this, John happened to be standing outside the iron gate, looking towards him.

"John, come here. Someone said you disappeared. Are you slacking off?" Clark lazily waved his hand; he had gotten used to greeting John this way.

But John didn't come directly; he remained standing by the iron gate, staring at him.

"Come over here!" Clark waved his hand again, feeling that something was not right.

However, John seemed to disappear suddenly, just gone.

What's going on? It's impossible that I misread it. What is John up to?

"What's wrong?" Emma Kensington walked out of the building at this moment, having noticed something was amiss when Clark suddenly stood up.

"I just saw John. He was standing by the iron gate, and when I called him, he didn't respond!" Clark briefly explained what happened.

Emma Kensington started thinking deeply.

"Is there any other news about him?" Emma Kensington asked.

"It seems like someone hasn't seen him since yesterday..." Clark stopped himself.

"There's a problem!" Both of them said in unison, exchanging glances, then headed towards the garage together.

Inside the garage, people were busy with their tasks.

Olivia Turner was playing with a little girl with braided pigtails.

As Clark and Emma Kensington walked into the garage, they saw John standing next to Olivia Turner, who seemed entirely unaware of anything unusual.

"John, come here. I have something to tell you." Clark pretended to remain calm, acting as if he hadn't noticed anything.

Emma Kensington quietly placed her hand on her waist, preparing to take action.

John remained like a statue, unmoving.

Clark took a cautious step forward.

Suddenly, John bent down and grabbed Olivia Turner.

"Olivia Turner, be careful!" Clark shouted. Olivia Turner reacted quickly, rolling on the ground to avoid John's grasp. However, the little girl with braided pigtails wasn't as lucky and was caught by John.

"Who are you?" Clark shouted. People around them realized that something was wrong and rushed over, surrounding John.

John still remained silent, staring blankly.

"Mannan!" The mother of the girl with braided pigtails tried to rush over to save her child but was stopped by others.

John slowly extended his hand, scratching his face, and a piece of human skin was gradually peeled off, revealing a defeated face!


Someone screamed loudly.

Mannan's mother was scared stiff, collapsing on the ground. She tried to speak but couldn't make a sound, overwhelmed with fear and on the verge of fainting, tears filling her eyes.

"Damn, when did this happen!" Clark now understood; John had likely been killed yesterday, and the zombie had peeled the skin off his face to wear as a disguise.

But what was the purpose of doing that?

"We can't let it escape!"

"Save the child!"

Emma Kensington and Olivia Turner shouted simultaneously.

Others finally snapped out of their shock. With so many people, were they really afraid of one zombie? Some boldly rushed forward, reaching out to rescue the girl. However, the zombie, holding Mannan in one hand, used the other like swatting a fly, hitting the person.


A crisp sound echoed, and the person's chest bones were all shattered.

He fell to the ground, spitting blood, dead.

This method was much more terrifying than the B-level zombies Clark had seen before.

After completing everything, the zombie ran directly towards the exit.

Clark was unwilling and wanted to chase, but Emma Kensington stopped him.

At this moment, Emma Kensington's face was slightly pale, signaling Clark to go outside.

Inside, chaos ensued. Clark instructed others to bury the dead and then followed Emma Kensington outside.

"I never expected to encounter this situation." Emma Kensington said in panic. It wasn't until only she and Clark were left that she revealed her true emotions.

"What happened?"

"That zombie just now was C-level!"

This woman is afraid too?

At least in Clark's eyes, Emma Kensington wasn't someone accustomed to exposing her emotions.

"Hurry up and save that girl!" Olivia Turner walked out, her face full of concern. Just now, the girl with braided pigtails was taken right in front of her, leaving her with a deep sense of guilt.

"No!" Emma Kensington immediately rejected Olivia Turner's request. "With our current strength, it's impossible to survive against a C-level zombie. We don't have weapons or equipment; it's not achievable!"

Clark didn't speak but nodded at Olivia Turner. Indeed, they couldn't act impulsively now.

For the entire day, everyone lived in fear—scared, nervous, and even in tears.

Clark and Emma Kensington's plan was simple: hold their ground and wait for rescue. It seemed that the C-level zombie didn't intend to kill everyone at once but had some purpose, slowly tormenting them. Inadvertently, this gave them time to prepare.

The next morning, before dawn, everyone was awakened by a scream.

Clark went outside to see several bodies hanging on trees. They were the people assigned to patrol at night.

These bodies had a common feature—they were all skinned, hanging there bloodily. From the still-damp bloodstains underneath the trees, it seemed they had been killed not long ago.

This scene, like a bomb, dropped into the hearts of the already frightened people.

Some had already started thinking about escaping, wanting to leave this place at all costs. The mansion, originally the last stronghold for survivors in the city, now seemed like a prison. And these people were the prey that the C-level zombie could hunt at any moment!

"Damn it!" Emma Kensington clenched her fist but ultimately held back.

"Why would that guy do this? With its strength, wouldn't it be more convenient to just kill us directly?" Clark asked with some confusion.

"Perhaps there's a possibility, but I'm not sure if it's true. The higher-level zombies are said to be less interested in flesh and blood and more sensitive to various emotions. Even more, the emotions they like to capture can bring them mysterious benefits!" Emma Kensington recalled and explained.