
Apocalypse: rescue beautiful woman system

After Earth was struck by a small asteroid, a unique radiation turned a large portion of the population into zombies, with no cure in sight. Only a select few are immune to this radiation. The zombies are nearly indestructible, and regular humans face a constant struggle of getting infected and wiped out. Clark wakes up to find himself in this apocalyptic nightmare. The only chance for survival lies in carrying out a mission assigned by a mysterious system—to rescue a beautiful woman. In a world teeming with danger and uncertainty, Clark must navigate through hordes of zombies, face the constant threat of infection, and embark on a thrilling quest to save not only himself but humanity's last hope for a brighter future.

AvalonEmber · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
190 Chs

Attractiveness restoration? 

Upon seeing Olivia Turner and confirming that she is indeed alive, James slowly lowers his weapon. However, when he notices another person inside the room, he immediately raises his weapon again.

"Who else is inside? Come out quickly!" James shouts loudly.

Years of combat experience have left James unwavering. He maintains a combat-ready state until he determines whether the person is a friend or foe.

"It's me, I'm human too!" Clark walks out reluctantly.

"A zombie! There's still one missed!" James, at first glance, categorizes Clark as a zombie due to his appearance. He prepares to shoot flames, intending to turn Clark into ashes.

"Don't misunderstand! I'm really human!" Clark understands what James intends to do and hastily explains. At the same time, he considers retreating into the house, but it's too late!

The distance between the two is close, and if James pulls the trigger, flames will shoot out, and Clark won't stand a chance to escape!

Unexpectedly, a figure blocks in front of Clark, separating him and James.

Olivia Turner!

At this moment, Olivia Turner uses her own body to shield Clark.

"He saved me during the day. I trust him..." Olivia Turner, while speaking, glances sideways at Clark behind her. She visibly trembles facing James.

The flames that can burn zombies can undoubtedly burn her too. She doesn't know why she's protecting Clark, only that this guy saved her during the day.

The air seems to freeze, and the three of them stare at each other.

James's fingers rest on the trigger, wanting to pull it, but he finds himself unable to do so.

"Get inside!" James points to the house, signaling both of them to enter.

All three enter the house.

"A signal flare was launched nearby just now. Are there others here?" James asks, but his gaze never leaves Clark, closely watching him.

"It was me who launched it!" Clark directly says, feeling a bit resentful toward the system. He was promised teammates, not someone trying to kill him.

"You?" James clearly doesn't believe Clark.

After a moment of silence, James speaks again, "I'm waiting for someone here. I'll stay with you for a while. If this zombie is suspicious, I can kill him immediately!"

He says this for Olivia Turner's benefit.

It seems that now, Clark's life or death depends entirely on Olivia Turner's decision.

"Are there others around here?" Clark asks. James was stopped by Olivia Turner, but if another alliance comes, will they spare him?

Clark doesn't think these people are easy to deal with.

"New mission: Rescue the nearby distressed beauty." At this moment, the system announces a new task.

"Now is not the time for missions; survival is the key!" Clark feels a bit repulsed, unwilling to accept the new task.

"Mission reward: 20% restoration of attractiveness." It seems the system knows Clark's reluctance and mentions the reward in advance.

"Attractiveness restoration? So I won't look so terrifying anymore?" Clark's eyes light up. "Give me more rewards; don't be so stingy. Just restore me to being handsome, alright?"

The system remains silent.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it!" Clark reluctantly agrees.

Just at that moment, a weak voice comes from the communicator James is carrying, "...leave... this area..."

Upon hearing this, James immediately inquires about the situation, but the communication signal is abruptly cut off.


James angrily shouts and glares at Clark with a hostile look.

"All of you damn zombies!" James appears furious. "If something happens to the captain, I won't let you off!"

"You're crazy! What's it got to do with me?" Clark feels somewhat bewildered and counters without hesitation. Now that he has partially restored his attractiveness, he won't accept being called a zombie!

"Idiot!" James curses again. He takes off the helmet he has been wearing, revealing a face that looks only seventeen or eighteen years old. His young face shows a touch of resilience.

"I have to leave immediately to rescue my captain. You can either follow me or choose to stay, but this place has been exposed. I'm afraid zombies will arrive soon," James takes a few deep breaths and puts his helmet back on, ready to depart.

Clark and Olivia Turner exchange glances and then follow James.

Just as the three step out of the door, hundreds of zombies surge from both sides of the street, densely packed, swiftly moving towards them.

"They came quickly!" James, holding a flamethrower, immediately sprays flames toward the closest zombie.

The blaze shines on both sides, zombies continuously fall in the flames, turning into ashes. However, new zombies keep coming, as if they can never be killed.

"Darn it, how did we attract a zombie horde!" James mutters, realizing that the situation is not good. The energy in the tank on his back is running low, and if they can't break through quickly, the situation will only get more dangerous.

"Find a way to escape!" James shouts.

Clark looks around, and it's surrounded by zombies. Where can they escape to?

"Do you have any weapons?" Clark asks. Relying solely on James won't be enough; he needs to fight too.

James throws a dagger to Clark. On the dagger is an engraved symbol: three hands, colored yellow, white, and black, holding each other's wrists to form a triangle.

Clark holds the dagger and stabs the nearest zombie. The dagger is unexpectedly sharp, cutting through bones like cutting through melons. With just one stab, a zombie falls.

After trying a few times, Clark becomes proficient in using the dagger to fight.

They kill waves of incoming zombies, but new ones keep coming.

"The situation is not right; there must be a B-level controlling these guys nearby," James shouts loudly, constantly scanning his surroundings. Eventually, his gaze locks onto a corner in the distance. In the shadows, there seems to be something, but it's unclear.

"We must kill that B-level; otherwise, we can never break free from this situation!" James declares. However, by now, the flames from his weapon have noticeably weakened. It won't be long before he can't hold on.

Clark realizes the urgency of the situation.

Although his current body is somewhat similar to a zombie, he can't fight endlessly. He can already feel his hands becoming somewhat unresponsive.

"Do we just need to kill that thing?" Clark asks.

James nods affirmatively.

"Alright! I'll create an opportunity for you!" Clark says, and suddenly, his stomach bulges.

A green smoke directly emanates from his body, spreading to the surroundings. Any zombie that smells this smoke collapses to the ground.

"Now's the time, go!" Clark uses the last of his zombie-dispelling smoke, creating an opportunity for James. At this moment, the obstacles between them and the B-level zombie are almost all knocked down.

Thank you for your support for this book, and also thank you to everyone for checking out my new story(Apocalypse: Infinite Supplies System). Please stay tuned for more content, your feedback and positive reviews are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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