
Apocalypse: Possessing the Space Ring

Several years ago, humans recklessly discharged nuclear wastewater into the ocean, causing irreversible consequences. A virus, stemming from nuclear contamination, suddenly underwent a horrifying mutation, pushing humanity to the brink of doomsday. Amidst this apocalyptic frenzy, Clark experienced the betrayal of his beloved wife, Monica, who left him amidst a horde of zombies, ultimately getting devoured. However, fate seemed unwilling to let him depart so easily. Thus, Clark was reborn. Upon his rebirth, Clark retained precious memories from his past life and found a mysterious space ring that could store food and various items. With the aid of this magical ring, he began assembling his own team, endeavoring to overturn the world order that existed before the apocalypse and establish a new one. Clark was no longer the helpless man; he had become a leader capable of harnessing the power of the space ring to confront threats in the world. However, this new world was not without its challenges. His team had to face endless hordes of zombies, compete with other survivors for limited resources. Clark and his team embarked on a thrilling confrontation where they would have to engage in endless slaughter for survival and hope. This is a post-apocalyptic tale filled with tension, hope, and despair. Clark will lead readers to explore a new world fraught with unknowns and challenges, a world where they must grapple with zombies and the dark side of humanity.

xianchen_jiang_7455 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
116 Chs

Looking for something

Clark knew exactly what Lynn wanted to ask. She probably still had parents or relatives in the city. Lynn opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something but ultimately chose to give up.


"Let's go," Clark said, turning back. Lynn looked somewhat downcast behind him, her eyes filled with sadness.


Turning the motorcycle around, Clark deviated from the path of the suspected Third-Tier Mutant, avoiding any possible encounters. The power of a Third-Tier Mutant was such that there would be no chance of escape if they crossed paths.


"Where are we going next?" Lynn asked after a long silence, sitting on the rear seat.


"To a flower shop," Clark replied as succinctly as ever.


At XY Flower Shop, fresh flowers were scattered on the ground, trampled into muddy puddles. Several zombies were feasting on the partially dismembered bodies on the ground. These zombies wore short skirts and appeared to be young girls. They greedily and delightfully tore chunks of flesh from the bodies, chewing them carefully.


The shop's front door was tightly locked, and the metal rolling shutter had been pulled down. Not far away, a black motorcycle arrived with two riders.


On the second floor of the flower shop, a middle-aged woman watched as the zombies in front of the store trampled the fresh flowers, her face filled with heartache. When the apocalypse erupted, this shop was located in a remote area and had only a few zombies around, which allowed her to survive. However, being a street-facing store, there was no way out except the front door. Trapped on the second floor, she didn't dare to descend the stairs.


The monsters in front of the door made her lose any thoughts of leaving, but the store had no food, and she knew she couldn't hold out for long.


"Roar!" The motorcycle roared, and Clark drove up. Someone's here? When she saw someone approaching, she quickly opened a window and shouted loudly.


"Help! Someone, help! There are monsters in front of my store!"


"Roar!" The zombies in front of the shop heard the noise and immediately raised their heads, their eyes glowing crimson as they roared.


The flower shop owner screamed in panic and quickly crouched down behind the window. Clark glanced up, but the flower shop owner had already disappeared from sight. He didn't pay much attention and simply got off the motorcycle, heading straight for the flower shop.



Before entering the city, Clark had equipped both himself and Lynn with firefighting protective suits. Critical joints were sealed with tape. He wasn't afraid of zombies, but that didn't mean Lynn wasn't. Lynn, wearing an oversized helmet and a slightly awkward firefighting suit, followed closely behind him, gripping an axe with a nervous and strenuous expression.


Clark's muscles bulged as he took a bold step forward. He swung his right hand down with a swift motion, making a whistling sound through the air. The sharp Nepalese kukri carved an arc and shattered the nearest zombie's head. Sticky blood splattered on the rolling shutter, creating an ugly graffiti.


He followed up with a swift sidekick! Clark suddenly exerted force, pivoting to kick the nearby zombie with a standard military combat kick.


"Boom!" The zombie, with its mouth full of flesh, had just reacted when it was instantly blasted towards the rolling shutter like a cannonball. The impact of the flesh against the metal made an ear-piercing sound.


The zombies that had been wandering in the distance turned their heads in response to the smell of blood, like sharks sensing blood in the water.


"Get in!" Clark exclaimed as he kicked the door violently, causing it to shatter along with the upper half of a zombie.


Lynn followed up with a swing of her axe, cleanly beheading the last zombie.


On the second floor of the flower shop, the hidden observer's eyes were filled with shock and relief. "Thump, thump, thump." A plump middle-aged woman hurriedly descended the stairs. She wore an old gardening apron and continuously wiped it with her hands.


"Oh my goodness, thank the heavens. I thought I was going to die here! Oh, thank you for sending someone to rescue me. Do you have any food? I'm starving," the flower shop owner said, her face beaming, as she extended her short, chubby hands toward Clark in a flattering manner.


Clark furrowed his brow slightly and used a shelf in the shop as an obstacle to block any potential zombies outside. He then took a chocolate bar from his tactical pouch and tossed it to her.


The shop owner eagerly caught it and began devouring it. However, her eyes occasionally glanced disapprovingly at the damaged shop door.


The interior of the shop was old and cluttered, with various flowers haphazardly piled around. It appeared that business had not been thriving. Clark quickly surveyed the area and instructed Lynn, "Go find all the brightly colored flowers!"


"After the infection, the most common characteristic of psychic plants was their extremely vibrant colors. "


Lynn nodded and followed Clark, rummaging through the shop.


"Hey, hey, don't mess things up! What are you doing? Don't make a mess!" The middle-aged woman in the gardening apron suddenly screamed loudly, clutching the half-eaten chocolate bar that Clark had given her.


Clark paid her no mind and just furrowed his brow slightly. Lynn was taken aback. Why was this flower shop owner so obsessed with money? Wasn't she afraid that Clark might turn violent? 


Lynn explained, "Ma'am, we're just looking for something."


"Looking for something?" The shop owner raised her eyebrows, her eyes rolling: "I don't have what you're looking for! If you want something, you'll have to pay for it!" 


It was an instinctive reaction. The flower shop owner seemed like a shrewd businesswoman as she extended her hand, completely forgetting that Clark had saved her life. She had no understanding of what the zombies outside really meant, and she couldn't decipher the player panels that had appeared during the apocalypse. She just thought her eyes were playing tricks on her.