
Apocalypse of Darkness

Gods, demons, dragons, and apocalypses, the past has become a fairy tale, and the mysteries of this world have receded, but some people have brought those bygone things back into the public eye. And all the clues and accusations point to a person named Chen Ye. "Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to forsake this mortal shell and join us in embracing evolution?"

yichenyear · Fantasi
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55 Chs

Chapter 034: 008!

Code 008: Three Corpses.

Vampire No. 2 Serum Transformation, initial experiment site, Nanwan Port Factory.

The subject, a teenager who has just turned sixteen.

The materials of Vampire No. 2 Serum included the minced remains of the teenager's parents.

His father had leukemia, and his mother was diagnosed with cancer two years ago, leaving only the son's body unaffected.

All three individuals reappeared deceased; the parents had been dead for over 24 hours, while the son had been deceased for just over 12 hours.

The experimental subject, the son, resumed vital signs half an hour later, experiencing a certain degree of mental confusion.

It is suspected that the inclusion of the parents' brains in the serum caused the son to exhibit a certain degree of triple personality.

Moreover, under different personalities, 008's body undergoes varying degrees of changes.

In the adult male state, 008's abilities can be maximized, with appearance closest to that of a vampire.

In the teenage state, 008 can only exert half of his abilities, with physical characteristics showing only half resemblance to a vampire.

However, in the adult female form, 008 loses all abilities, exhibiting no differences from a normal human.

In addition to these, 008's abilities include but are not limited to controlling the flow of blood within a sixty-meter radius centered around himself.

Limited flight capabilities, with the ability to emit sounds exceeding 200 decibels, capable of destroying a normal person's auditory system.

Moreover, 008 possesses super-fast cell division and regeneration rates.

There is no theoretical limit to the division of his cells, presenting the possibility of unlimited division.

Testing has shown that even if 008's limbs are severed, they can regenerate, albeit requiring some time.

Instantaneous healing is possible if the severed limb is reattached.

Thus, it can be concluded that 008 possesses the concept of immortality and perpetual youth in physiology.

Furthermore, 008's blood exhibits extremely aggressive or infectious properties.

If 008's blood comes into contact with a normal person's body or blood, it can instantly convert and corrode the other party's body, including their blood.

Similar to the transformation ability of Fishman No. 002's progeny.

However, those converted by 008 will only gain part of 008's abilities but will perfectly inherit 008's highly corrosive transformation ability.

However, as the transformation continues downwards, the effectiveness of the conversion gradually diminishes.

After exceeding nine times, cells may even lose their transformation abilities.

Moreover, 008 exhibits varying degrees of physical weakness in different forms.

In the adult male state, 008 is extremely sensitive to sunlight, similar to No. 003 Invisible Man, possibly due to a lack of melanin in the skin.

In the teenage state, 008 only shows weakness in sunlight but does not experience pain.

In the adult female state, 008 can completely ignore sunlight.

Other information is pending completion...

Nanwan Port.

Chen Ye recorded information about 008 in a factory.

The success of the vampire serum experiment also brought success to Chen Ye's biological factory experiments, creating an individual capable of infinite self-division.

Of course, this individual does not refer to 008.

"In essence, what truly promoted the formation of the vampire serum should be the cancer cells in that woman's body."

"Of course, the father suffering from leukemia may also have had some influence."

"It's amazing how No. 002 managed to find me something like this."

That day, Li Yuan said he had found Chen Ye some good experimental material.

As a result, when Chen Ye went there, he found three corpses.

And they were a family of three.

According to Li Yuan, 008's parents died in a car accident, while the teenager accidentally fell to his death when going downstairs.

That's what he said.

But in reality, all three were killed by Li Yuan.

But Chen Ye didn't care. He was just thinking, why are all these people talking about rare materials, all corpses?

Last time the Queen Bee got him an undead to experiment with, and now Li Yuan brought him three proper dead bodies.

"Oh well, at least the experiment was successful. Even if he gets credit for it."

Chen Ye picked up another document and said, "So it seems that the failure of the No. 1 serum was not without reason."

"Biological beings possess multiple characteristics, such as bats, whose existence does not necessarily imply vampires, but rather the concept of sound waves."

"And using No. 002's blood and the concept of sound waves with marine creatures like salamanders, it is not impossible for mermaids to appear."

However, it's been so long, why is there still no movement from No. 007 Siren's side?

You think she dares to disobey Chen Ye's orders? That's impossible.

So, she must have been caught, right?

Thinking this, Chen Ye shook his head and then marked a cross behind No. 007's file.

Somewhere in the ocean.

The Siren chewed on seaweed while looking at the sky, "So where exactly is this? Why does it feel like I'm swimming further and further away..."

"I guess I've swum in the wrong direction again."

Thinking this, the Siren collapsed onto a rock.

So tired...

Why, even as a fish, is swimming still so exhausting?

Well, she'll just keep swimming like this. Sooner or later, she'll see the continent. But who knows how long she'll have to swim.

Once, the Siren finally saw a ship and sang a song to attract their attention.

As a result, the ship sank shortly after.

Up to now, the Siren has not encountered a second ship.

And this is not without reason. The only conscious person on that sinking fishing boat transmitted the Siren's image data to nearby fishing boats before the hull sank.

In that video data, people started killing each other after hearing the song, sabotaging the engine with a chisel, and even crazily destroying the hull, ultimately causing the entire ship to sink.

After the transmission of this footage, nearby ships immediately turned around in fear, afraid of meeting the same fate as the previous ship.

Upon their return to the mainland, they immediately reported the incident to their respective countries.

Some countries with quicker responses promptly established departments to deal with supernatural events, even dispatching fleets and submarines to search for the Fishmen.

However, they soon received a call from an organization in Asia.

"If you value your lives, do not attempt to search for the Fishmen."

"At least while you still cannot see them, you are safe. Do not doubt, we understand them better than you do."

Unfortunately, this call from Asia did not deter them.

Because they were free, unconstrained, and unbound by definitions. Even though their country's mortality rate increased every year, they paid no heed.

In their quest for truth, they decided to push recklessness to its limits.

But in truth, they didn't need to go to such lengths.

Because 008 was already on his way.

008 yearned for the freedom of their country, believing it to be more suitable for him.

On a flight to North America, a white-haired teenager smiled as he looked out the window, "I can't wait for my first trip abroad in life."
