
Apocalypse of Darkness

Gods, demons, dragons, and apocalypses, the past has become a fairy tale, and the mysteries of this world have receded, but some people have brought those bygone things back into the public eye. And all the clues and accusations point to a person named Chen Ye. "Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to forsake this mortal shell and join us in embracing evolution?"

yichenyear · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
55 Chs

Chapter 008: Brushing Past Death!

Inside Chen Ye's coffee shop.

Yang Yan and another police officer folded their umbrellas as they entered the shop.

"This damn weather, raining every day. The field team has really suffered these past few days."

Yang Yan looked around the shop, noting the sparse number of customers—only four.

One of them, wearing a raincoat, appeared to be a college student, accompanied by a young woman in a black long dress sitting next to him.

They looked like a couple.

The other two, one sat in a corner, and one at the bar.

The one in the corner was...

Wang Haonan?

Yang Yan narrowed his eyes. As one of the prime suspects in the case of the invisible murderer, he was a key figure in the investigation.

However, previous investigations had always provided Wang Haonan with solid alibis.

And his answers during questioning were always impeccable.

Wang Haonan waved at Yang Yan upon seeing him, "Officer, we meet again..."

"Caught the criminal yet?"

Yang Yan shook his head, "Not yet, but we've made some breakthroughs. By the way, Old Wang, I heard you quit your job?"

Wang Haonan chuckled, "Ah... yes, I quit. I'm getting old, and my body isn't what it used to be. Fixing air conditioners is too taxing."

Yang Yan nodded, "Makes sense. You're getting on in years. What plans do you have for the future?"

"For now... haven't thought much about it. I was planning to retire back to my hometown, maybe do some fishing... it sounds nice," Wang Haonan murmured.

The fish-man glanced at Wang Haonan, "At your age, you should probably avoid fishing. Be careful not to get dragged into the water by a fish."

Wang Haonan smiled, "That depends on the size of the fish."

Yang Yan sniffed, "Speaking of fish, I actually smell something fishy."

Wang Haonan picked up a plastic bag nearby, "You have a sharp nose. I just bought some fish from the market."

"Is that so..."

Approaching the bar, Yang Yan saw the bearded police officer giving a puzzled look to the man in a suit at the bar.

"Hey... where's the boss?"

The man at the bar was grinding coffee beans, "The boss is resting."

"I'm a new employee here. I'm still learning, so please bear with me."

The Wall Gazer started preparing coffee for them as he spoke.

"I see... No problem, I'll drink whatever you make, haha," the bearded officer laughed heartily.

Yang Yan didn't speak but looked towards a woman at the bar.

This woman had blonde hair and wore a pair of black rubber gloves. She had a remarkable appearance and an exceptional demeanor, not seeming like an ordinary person.

And she was beautiful...

Seeing Yang Yan observing her, the Queen Bee picked up her coffee and smiled at him, "Sir, you've been staring at me for quite some time. It's making me a bit embarrassed~"

Yang Yan suddenly snapped back to reality.

"My apologies..."


Very strange...

Why did I almost get enchanted just by looking at her?

It was a subtle feeling...

After a moment, two cups of coffee were pushed towards Yang Yan and his colleague.

"Smells good. Kid, your skills are quite decent!"

The Wall Gazer elegantly smiled, "You flatter me."

Yang Yan took a sip of the coffee, "Indeed, it's good..."

But what's with this feeling of being watched?

The intense feeling of being observed from behind felt like a pack of wild beasts waiting to pounce.

Yang Yan tried to discreetly glance around, but there was no one behind them looking their way.

The fish-man stood up, "I'm done here. Shall we go?"

As Wang Haonan left, he tossed the bag with the fish to the fish-man.

"Do you really think this fish is something Master Os needs?"

The fish-man shook his head, "Hard to say, but I spent two days in the sea to catch it. It's worth a try at least."

"Also, about that cop earlier, is he onto you?"

Wang Haonan nodded, "Yeah, he's been for a while now."

"Should I take care of him for you?"

"No need. If he dies, the police will suspect me even more."

"Then you handle it. I'm off."

"Wang Lao Shi..."


In the apartment above the coffee shop.

Chen Ye was watering his plants, completely unaware of what had just transpired downstairs.

And those two police officers would never know they had inadvertently stumbled into the den of criminals.

"It's surprising that plants can absorb magic potions too. Although the absorption rate is slow, if successful in breeding..."

"This thing could be very useful."

The plant Chen Ye was watering was a peculiar one.

It resembled a sunflower, but its center was filled with various eyes, and its leaves were vine-like.

A mosquito flew by, and the vine-like leaves quickly snapped it dead and then coiled up.

"No need to worry about mosquitoes in the summer."

"Venus Flytrap PLUS edition."

"Speaking of which, 004 mentioned she had prepared a gift for me to check out tomorrow... Hmm, what a hassle."

"Ah well, might as well take a look."

"The address is... Nanyan, huh?"
