
Apocalypse of Darkness

Gods, demons, dragons, and apocalypses, the past has become a fairy tale, and the mysteries of this world have receded, but some people have brought those bygone things back into the public eye. And all the clues and accusations point to a person named Chen Ye. "Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to forsake this mortal shell and join us in embracing evolution?"

yichenyear · Fantasi
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55 Chs

Chapter 004: The Invisible Man!

Chen Ye added the shattered glass into the pot, where it quickly dissolved, producing a transparent liquid that looked like water.

"Hmm, if it's glass, the effect is probably invisibility..."

"Making someone invisible is akin to being unseen, but clothes can't be invisible or transparent, and uncontrollable invisibility wouldn't be beneficial."

"Right, there's one chameleon left from the last batch I got."

Thinking this, Chen Ye opened a small cage nearby and took out a barely alive chameleon.

He dropped the chameleon into the jar, where it dissolved without struggle into a colorless liquid.

Chen Ye poured the liquid from the jar into a cup and then went downstairs.


"Drink this."

Wang Haonan paused at the sight, "What's this?"

The liquid in the cup was colorless and transparent, looking like water but somewhat viscous.

"You'll know once you drink it."

Wang Haonan took a deep breath and downed the cup in one gulp.

Glug, glug.

It was tasteless.

But it felt like swallowing mucus.

Wang Haonan managed to suppress his disgust and swallowed the liquid, but the next second, his hands suddenly disappeared.

"My, uh... My hands, they're gone?"

Wang Haonan instinctively touched his face, "No, my hands are still here?"

The fish-man looked puzzled at Wang Haonan, "His head, it's gone?"

Wang Haonan disappeared, leaving only floating clothes in sight.

But after a while, even Wang Haonan's clothes vanished.

He became entirely invisible, including his clothes.

Seeing this, Chen Ye picked up his phone to take notes, "Glass and chameleon, the potion is colorless, turning both person and their clothes invisible."

Chen Ye reached forward and grabbed an invisible object, "Hmm, it's still tangible, just purely invisible."

"How do you feel?"

Wang Haonan responded, "It's blinding, so blinding, even with my eyes closed I can still see light..."

Chen Ye opened the curtains, and Wang Haonan suddenly screamed.


"It hurts, the light, it's burning my body, my eyes!"

Chen Ye closed the curtains, "Hmm, can't be exposed to light, causes intense burning sensation. Can you try to reverse the invisibility?"

"Reversing... invisibility?"

Wang Haonan paused, "How do I... reverse it?"

"Try imagining a color."

Wang Haonan closed his eyes, and the next second, he and his clothes reappeared.

But he was entirely green.

"Try to think of more colors, the color of your skin, the color of your hair, the color of your clothes," Chen Ye instructed.

Wang Haonan tried to recall his appearance and his clothes.

In the blink of an eye, he managed to restore all his colors.

Chen Ye nodded, "By imagining colors, you can change your own color. Now, imagine yourself transparent again."

Wang Haonan's figure vanished, once again becoming transparent.

"Do you feel anything else that's off?"

Wang Haonan shook his head, "No, it's just... I feel strange... how to say it..."

"I feel like I'm not myself."

The fish-man paused, "I've felt that way before..."

"Do you also feel that the person in front of you is not to be offended, like there's a voice in your mind telling you to unconditionally obey his commands, or else you'll die?"

Wang Haonan nodded vigorously, "Yes, that's it."

"Besides, I feel like I've been elevated, from spirit to body, somewhat unfamiliar... am I still me?"

Listening to their conversation, Chen Ye began to take notes again.

"Regardless of the components, those who take the potion will develop an unconditional obedience towards me, and non-compliance feels like death."


If it's as they say, there's no need to worry about being backfired.

"New file, ID 003: The Invisible Man."


The next day.

The two stayed with Chen Ye for a day, during which Chen Ye had them undergo various trials to complete their file data.

"Master Os, may I also control my transformations like ID 003?"

Considering the fish-man's question, Chen Ye thought for a moment, "If I can find the corresponding materials, it's possible. Don't worry, your evolution will not stop here."

Indeed, as long as they continue to take new potions, they can continue to evolve.

"Alright, that's it."

"I'll be focusing on experiments for a while. You all should leave, leave a contact number, don't come looking for me unless it's necessary. Remember, you are not my subordinates, just subjects for experimentation."

"I won't care about what happens to you, nor will I concern myself with your daily lives. I'm only interested in the results of the experiments. Your life or death is irrelevant to me. If a subject dies, I can always find a new one. Got it?"

The crow flew to Chen Ye's shoulder, "Got it. So, should I leave as well, Master Os?"



All three of them left.

Chen Ye pondered for a moment and decided it was best to minimize contact with these individuals in this location.

He thought it necessary to find another base of operations somewhere else—somewhere secluded, hidden, spacious enough, and safe.

He would meet them there, as well as future test subjects.

Thinking this, Chen Ye glanced at his bank account balance.


"Nearly bankrupt."

"Is there a way to make money quickly and safely?"

"Ah, got it!"

Since taking any potion would make the subject obedient, all he needed was to find a wealthy person and make them take the potion.

That would solve his financial issues.

"Let's try a more special combination this time..."


Downstairs in the apartment complex.

Two people and a crow looked at each other.

"Master Os didn't assign us any tasks this time, do you know what this means?" the crow said.

"What does it mean?" 

"What does it mean?"

The crow transformed into a black-haired girl, "Don't forget, the master mentioned materials and evolution, calling us test subjects."

"That means further experiments will likely be conducted on us. For us, if we can find the corresponding materials, the master will allow us to evolve further, granting us stronger abilities."

"In other words, our existence is of no use to the master, what's useful is the results of the experiments conducted on us."

"So, to make ourselves useful, shouldn't we take the initiative to help the master find these materials?"

Both nodded in agreement, "Makes sense..."

"But, we don't know what materials the master is looking for."

The crow girl shook her head, "That's why, with your intelligence, it's no wonder the master considers you a burden."

"If the master knew what materials he was looking for, would he need us to find them?"

"Clearly, the master doesn't know, so he wants us to look for them!"

"That makes sense!" 

"That makes sense!"

"So, let's get moving, try to become someone the master needs!" the crow girl said.


Inside the coffee shop, Chen Ye brewed himself a cup of coffee.

"Ah, nice."