
Apocalypse of Darkness

Gods, demons, dragons, and apocalypses, the past has become a fairy tale, and the mysteries of this world have receded, but some people have brought those bygone things back into the public eye. And all the clues and accusations point to a person named Chen Ye. "Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to forsake this mortal shell and join us in embracing evolution?"

yichenyear · Fantasi
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55 Chs

Chapter 003: No Way Out!

"According to the latest report from our station, at 4:05 AM the day before yesterday, a fisherman accidentally netted several dismembered limbs while fishing."

"Experts have identified these limbs as human, and forensic scientists estimate that the victims died about three days ago."

"After examining the DNA, forensic scientists found that these dismembered limbs did not all come from one person."

"Through limb reconstruction and DNA examination, it was inferred that there might be nine victims."

"After two days of investigation, the police have determined that the crime scene was located inside an abandoned tire factory in North Ridge City."

"During the on-site investigation, the police found a recording device inside a container."

"After retrieving the audio from the device, the police made a startling discovery."

"The recording contained the voices of the victims, along with a chilling cry."

"This is a heinous and egregious large-scale dismemberment case."

"With recent consecutive heavy rains providing opportunities for criminals, the public is advised to be cautious and to minimize going out at night."

Turning off the TV, Chen Ye casually tossed the remote aside.

"The society is in turmoil, criminals are becoming so bold, good thing the police station is right across from my home."

Chen Ye washed his face, changed his clothes, and then headed down to the coffee shop.

This coffee shop, owned by Chen Ye, is located just below the apartment he lives in.

It's usually quiet, barely making any profit.

Chen Ye chose this location for his shop because it's opposite the police station, providing a sense of security.

Ding dong.

Just then, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Chen Ye looked up to see a man in a raincoat standing motionless at the door, with a crow perched on his shoulder.

Chen Ye squinted his eyes, and the crow quickly flew to his shoulder.

"Master, the task is completed."


What task?

Chen Ye recalled that he had sent ID 001 to keep an eye on ID 002.

"Good job."

Then, Chen Ye turned his gaze towards the man in the raincoat.

"As for you, I don't recall inviting you."


Hearing this, the fish-man immediately knelt down, bending at the waist, his head hitting the floor heavily.

"I have nowhere else to go, please, take me in!"

Chen Ye walked over to him, then squatted down, "So, you can still turn back into a human."

The fish-man paused, "Yes, I can revert back, as long as I don't touch water..."

Quickly pulling out his phone, Chen Ye noted, "Hmm, reverts to human form when not in contact with water, controllable."

"Alright, come in."

With that, the man carefully closed the door and followed Chen Ye into the warehouse behind the shop.

"Tell me more, any other characteristics or anomalies." Chen Ye sat down on a chair, ready to take notes on his phone.

The man nervously sat down, looking quite uncomfortable.

"I... I feel an intense thirst, I really want to drink water, but I... as soon as I drink water, I turn into a fish-man."

"I haven't drunk water for twelve hours now..."

Upon hearing this, Chen Ye tossed him a bottle of mineral water, "Drink. Here, no one but me will notice you."

The man took the mineral water and started gulping it down. In just two swigs, the bottle was empty.

His body began to swell, transforming back into the fish-man form.

Once he reverted to his fish-man form, tears started streaming uncontrollably from his eyes, "Why, why me..."

Chen Ye frowned at this, "Why are you crying? What does this have to do with your physical transformation?"

The fish-man shook his head frantically, "I don't know, but I just can't... can't stop my tears!"

Chen Ye rubbed his forehead, puzzled by the strange characteristic.

"What else?"

"There's more... my body, it's become much stronger," the fish-man sobbed, "In water, I can move very fast, and I can breathe underwater, withstand the pressure, and see in the pitch darkness of the sea..."

"And, as long as... as long as someone hears my voice, I can know, know where they are!!"

Suddenly, the fish-man lashed out, shattering a window pane and reaching out to grab a man in a blue uniform from outside.

"I knew you were listening!!"

Seeing the fish-man's gaping maw, the man collapsed to the ground.

"I'm just an air conditioning repairman..."

The fish-man's eyes began to redden, "I can't... mustn't... kill, can't let you live, you heard, you saw me!!"

"Mom, I'm just an air conditioning guy!" The repairman, trembling with fear and on the verge of tears, huddled in a corner.

"Enough, let him go."

Chen Ye suddenly spoke up. Hearing his voice, the fish-man instantly calmed down.


The crow flew to Chen Ye's ear, "Master, he saw us. We can't let him leave alive."

"Mom, the bird's talking!" The man exclaimed, shrinking further into the corner.

A fish-man, a talking bird.

The world had gone mad...

Chen Ye swiveled his chair to face the man, "What's your name?"

"I... I'm Wang Haonan."

Wang Haonan, trembling, stated his name.

Chen Ye smiled faintly, "Would you be interested in assisting with my experiments?"


"If you don't assist, you've heard what could happen. Of course, I'm not threatening you."

"I'm willing!"

"Then, make a call now. Inform your family that you won't be able to return due to some work and notify your company that you'll be taking a few days off. No problem, right?"

"No problem, I'll call right now!"


A moment later.

Chen Ye drew the curtains closed, and the fish-man reverted back to his human form.

Interestingly, after the fish-man stopped crying, he turned back into a human but returned to a state of thirst.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Os Kate. You don't need to worry about why I have this name; a name is just a label."

Wang Haonan nodded, "I understand."

"Good, then you'll be staying here comfortably for a while."

"And you, 002, next time someone eavesdrops, don't smash my windows," Chen Ye said, glancing at the fish-man.

The fish-man nodded obediently.

Chen Ye looked at the shattered glass and felt a wave of irritation.

Now he had to find someone to fix the window.

"Hmm... wait, glass, glass, could glass be used in potion making?"

Chen Ye picked up a piece of broken glass from the floor and then went upstairs.

Left in the warehouse below were only Wang Haonan and the fish-man, looking at each other.

"Um, Mr. Fish-man, hi," Wang Haonan said, extending his hand shakily.

The fish-man didn't respond.

Instead, the crow let out a peculiar laugh, "You're really lucky to be chosen by Master Os."

"What do you mean? I don't quite understand," Wang Haonan said.

The fish-man looked at Wang Haonan, "Like me, you'll gain abilities far beyond those of ordinary people, but you'll also pay a price far beyond what ordinary people would."

Wang Haonan suddenly understood what the fish-man meant.

"You mean, I'll also become like you?!"