
Apocalypse: Blood Of Chaos

In a realm governed by mystical forces, Valen Sanguis emerges as a defiance to all conventions—a cosmic child burdened with an ancient curse that has metamorphosed into an extraordinary gift. His veins, transformed into an inexhaustible reservoir of life's essence, surge with an unstoppable torrent of blood, bestowing upon him unparalleled might. With each encounter with formidable females, Valen's power escalates, fueled by the potent essence they exude. Unperturbed by the uncertainty of his ultimate fate, Valen embarks on a relentless pursuit of pleasure, relentlessly pushing the boundaries of his power until the enigmatic climax of his inevitable demise. In this world where power, desire, and mortality collide, Valen Sanguis stands as an unmatched force, embracing the chaos that accompanies his undying quest for supremacy. Unbeknownst to him, he is the cosmic child, unfortunate to be born into a mortal realm. Yet, this is his saga—a mortal's odyssey to transcend the limitations of mortality and ascend to the status of a boundless entity. Valen's journey unfolds as the cosmic child grapples with destiny, forging a path from the confines of mortality to the limitless realms of cosmic power.

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18 Chs

Chapter 9

As Valen approached the isolated courtyard, the moonlit garden continued to bear witness to the unfolding drama. The cosmic currents, ever watchful, pulsed with anticipation, uncertain of the twists and turns that awaited in the unfolding dance of shadows and destiny.

In the dimly lit courtyard, Valen took a moment to assess his surroundings. The ethereal glow of the moon highlighted the ornate architecture that framed the space, casting elongated shadows that seemed to dance with the cosmic energies that surrounded him.

However, Valen's moment of contemplation was abruptly interrupted by a realization—his enhanced powers, while formidable, had their limitations. A skilled knight, well-versed in the arts of speed and strength, could travel at speeds exceeding eighty meters per second and wield arm strength of no less than five hundred kilograms. The maids pursuing him, enhanced by their own unique powers, were already moving at nearly a hundred meters per second.

The cosmic currents whispered the impending danger to Valen's heightened senses. Despite his enhanced abilities, he was considerably slower compared to the maids. The realization settled like a heavy weight on his shoulders, and a sense of urgency gripped him.

Isabella and Margery, the two skilled maids, moved through the moonlit garden with a grace that defied their formidable speed. As they closed in on Valen, a realization dawned upon them, echoing through the darkened corridors of the imperial palace.

"Humph! We've been tricked," Isabella exclaimed, her voice carrying a note of frustration. "That man is definitely not a regular eunuch! No wonder he managed to endure the punishment."

Margery, equally discerning, added, "It doesn't make a difference. Once we capture him, his head will roll!"

The moonlit garden, bathed in its celestial glow, stood witness to the convergence of cosmic forces and mortal intentions. The skilled maids, now aware of Valen's enhanced nature, approached with a determination that mirrored the treacherous currents of imperial intrigue.

The gap between them rapidly diminished, and it seemed that Valen was having a hard time widening it. However, when they were just a few steps from him, he suddenly pivoted to confront them, unleashing the complete force of his blood power.

In that moment, the atmosphere shifted. The cosmic currents, responding to Valen's unleashed power, swirled with newfound intensity. The moonlit garden, once a tranquil haven, now crackled with the energy of a confrontation that transcended the mortal realm.

Isabella and Margery, skilled as they were, found themselves facing a force beyond their expectations. Valen, drawing upon the complete force of his blood power, radiated an aura that transcended the limitations of his mortal form. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, and the very air around him seemed to vibrate with the unleashed power.

The confrontation in the moonlit garden had transformed into a spectacle of cosmic proportions. Valen, driven by the urgency of survival and the relentless pursuit of his destiny, stood resolute against the skilled maids who now faced a power that defied the boundaries of their expectations.

Blood power flowed from Valen's body in an ethereal cascade, weaving through the moonlit garden like a crimson river. The celestial energies responded to his command, creating an otherworldly spectacle that left Isabella and Margery momentarily subdued.

The skilled maids, despite their formidable abilities, found themselves ensnared by the mysterious force that emanated from Valen. The crimson tendrils of his blood power encircled them, holding them in a momentary suspension that disrupted the relentless pursuit.

Valen, feeling the surge of power coursing through him, couldn't help but be amused. This was his first time fully utilizing this kind of cosmic prowess, and he intended to make the most of it. A maniacal smile spread across his face as he harnessed the crimson tendrils of his blood power, shaping them into sinuous tentacles that danced with an otherworldly grace.

The moonlit garden, a witness to this cosmic display, flickered with the surreal glow of Valen's unleashed abilities. The tentacles moved with an eerie elegance, encircling Isabella and Margery in a hypnotic dance that held them in a state of temporary suspension.

Isabella and Margery, despite their skills, struggled against the ethereal grasp of the blood tentacles. The celestial forces that Valen commanded seemed to respond to a rhythm only he could comprehend. The garden, bathed in celestial glow, resonated with the cosmic symphony that played out in this moment of otherworldly confrontation.

Valen, reveling in the novelty of his newfound powers, maintained his focus. The tentacles swirled and danced with a fluidity that defied the laws of the mortal realm. The maniacal glint in Valen's eyes reflected the untamed energy of the cosmic forces he had harnessed.

Amidst the cosmic dance of the blood tentacles, Valen maintained his focus, reveling in the untamed energy of the newfound powers coursing through him. The moonlit garden, now a surreal stage for this cosmic spectacle, flickered with the ethereal glow of Valen's unleashed abilities.

In the midst of this otherworldly display, Elara's voice resonated within Valen's mind, a whisper amidst the cosmic currents. "Valen, your blood, akin to the Draconith's bloodline, may harbor an unexpected aspect. It holds the potential for an aphrodisiac effect."

The revelation caught Valen off guard, the maniacal glint in his eyes giving way to a moment of contemplation. The blood tentacles continued their sinuous dance, but now Valen considered the multifaceted nature of his cosmic abilities.

"Aphrodisiac?" Valen muttered to himself, the implications of this aspect sinking in. The moonlit garden, bathed in celestial glow, seemed to shimmer with newfound possibilities. Valen, despite the urgency of the situation, couldn't help but see the potential for strategic advantage in this revelation.

As the cosmic currents whispered secrets of potential influence, Valen's mind raced with strategic considerations. The dance of shadows and destiny took an unexpected turn, and the moonlit garden stood witness to a convergence of cosmic forces and the enigmatic aspects of Valen's blood power.

Isabella and Margery, ensnared by the ethereal dance of Valen's blood tentacles, found themselves in a peculiar predicament. The cosmic currents, which had once seemed straightforward in their pursuit of the eunuch, now revealed a complexity that left the skilled maids grappling with uncertainty.

Isabella's thoughts raced as she struggled against the crimson tendrils. Her frustration simmered beneath the surface, fueled by the unexpected revelation of Valen's enhanced abilities. "This wasn't supposed to happen," she thought. "We underestimated him. How did he acquire such powers, and what other surprises does he hold?"

Margery, equally caught in the cosmic symphony, wrestled with a mix of determination and concern. The aura of Valen's blood power had taken them by surprise, and the realization dawned on her that their mission had become far more complicated. "We can't afford to fail," she mused, her mind racing through possible strategies. "We must break free and capture him, or the consequences will be severe."

As Isabella and Margery grappled with their predicament, Valen, amidst the cosmic symphony of the moonlit garden, decided to test the newfound aspect of his blood power. With a focused intent, he attempted to activate the aphrodisiac potential within his veins.

The ethereal dance of the blood tentacles took on a subtle shift, the crimson hues deepening as Valen harnessed this unexplored facet of his cosmic abilities. The celestial energies responded, and a subtle undercurrent of influence emanated from the blood tentacles, permeating the air around Isabella and Margery.

Margery, already entrenched in strategic considerations, felt a subtle shift in the cosmic currents. A newfound warmth filled the air, and a sense of subtle allure intertwined with the moonlit garden's celestial glow. Her thoughts faltered for a moment as a perplexing sensation crept into her consciousness.

Isabella, similarly affected by the aphrodisiac influence, found herself momentarily distracted from her thoughts of strategy. The ethereal glow around them seemed to take on a more enchanting quality, and a subtle undercurrent of desire began to weave its way through the cosmic symphony.

Valen, observing the effects of his experiment, couldn't help but feel a twinge of amusement amidst the chaos. The moonlit garden, now a stage for cosmic intrigue and desires, bore witness to the unforeseen consequences of Valen's exploration into the multifaceted nature of his blood power.

Isabella, ensnared by the crimson tendrils of Valen's blood power, felt a sudden warmth coursing through her veins. The ethereal glow of the moonlit garden seemed to intensify, casting a sensual aura around her. Confusion mingled with desire as her thoughts wavered, and a subtle blush crept upon her cheeks.

"What is this?" Isabella mused, her strategic mindset momentarily disrupted. The cosmic symphony that surrounded her now carried a melody of allure, and an unexpected sensation of arousal stirred within her. She couldn't deny the subtle influence of Valen's aphrodisiac, a force that added a layer of complexity to their already precarious situation.

Margery, equally caught in the cosmic currents, experienced a similar shift in her consciousness. The moonlit garden, once a backdrop for imperial intrigue, now became a stage for desires that seemed to awaken from the depths of her being. A blush colored her cheeks as she grappled with the unexpected sensations.

"This wasn't part of the plan," Margery thought, her determination giving way to a newfound vulnerability. The cosmic symphony whispered promises of enchantment, and a subtle yearning danced within her. The consequences of Valen's experiment unfolded, intertwining the skilled maids in a cosmic dance where desire and strategy collided.

Before Isabella and Margery could fully comprehend the intoxicating feelings enveloping them, Valen, emboldened by the unexpected turn of events, launched a daring attack. With a swift movement, he touched their ample chests, the cosmic energies in his fingertips amplifying the alluring effects of the aphrodisiac.

A shiver ran down Isabella's spine as Valen's touch sent waves of desire coursing through her. The blush on her cheeks deepened, and her breath caught in a momentary gasp. The cosmic dance had taken a provocative turn, and Isabella found herself entangled in a sensual enchantment that blurred the lines between strategy and desire.

Margery, too, felt the magnetic pull of Valen's touch. The cosmic currents that surrounded them intensified the allure, and a subtle yearning transformed into a tangible sensation. A gasp escaped her lips as the unexpected intimacy unfolded, leaving her grappling with the collision of desires and the strategic mission that had now taken a backseat to the cosmic dance.

Valen persisted in caressing Isabella and Margery's ample breasts, the cosmic energies in his touch intensifying the allure. Moans of pleasure escaped their lips, involuntary responses to the sensual enchantment that surrounded them.

"Oh," Isabella moaned, her voice a melodic harmony with the cosmic symphony. The unexpected pleasure mingled with the strategic mindset that still lingered in the recesses of her thoughts. "What... What is happening?"

Margery, caught in the throes of desire and confusion, couldn't stifle her own moans. "Valen, you cunning... oh!" she gasped, her words caught in a delicate dance between pleasure and frustration. The moonlit garden, once a bastion of imperial intrigue, now echoed with the sounds of their entangled desires.

As Valen continued his provocative touch, Isabella and Margery grappled with conflicting emotions. The cosmic currents intensified the allure, and the skilled maids, ensnared in the cosmic dance, found themselves entwined in a web of pleasure and strategic turmoil.

"You shameless bastard!" Isabella exclaimed between moans, her frustration evident in the tremor of her voice. The cosmic currents intensified the allure, leaving her entangled in a web of pleasure and strategic turmoil. The unexpected pleasure clashed with the ingrained animosity she held for Valen, creating a dissonance that echoed in her moans.

Margery, caught in a similar predicament, couldn't help but voice her frustration amidst the pleasure. "Valen, you... ah!" she gasped, the words escaping in a breathless rhythm. The conflicting emotions surged within her as the cosmic dance wove desire and strategic turmoil into a tapestry of paradoxical sensations.

The moonlit garden, a witness to the convergence of cosmic forces and mortal desires, echoed with the moans and frustrated exclamations of Isabella and Margery. Valen, the provocateur of this enigmatic dance, reveled in the chaos he had unleashed. The skilled maids, torn between their roles as enemies and participants in this cosmic symphony, grappled with the shameless pleasure that Valen had woven into the fabric of their intricate dance.