

Everyone in the world has superpowers or is am alien or hybrid of the sort and well normal humans are common just not treated right so here lies our protagonists a human descriminated and captured for experiments until his body collapsed having been sent into a new one he's rescued by another organisation Here's where their trouble begin

Kvng_zeno · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

i am human

Sup I'm Zack A perfectly normal guy and when I say I'm normal take my word for it I you guys probably already know but I live in a society where being normal can kill you I mean a building getting demolished is almost nothing special a missile hitting is normal too This society is so messed up and I live in it.

I go to quantum high school which population constitute of basically 40% aliens 40% natural superhumans  10% modified humans 5% hybrids (aliens and humans) and 5% normal humans

Think our percentage is small it's actually pretty high most schools don't even have Normal humans at most normal humans constitute only 1% of their population so there's quite a lot of us .

Your probably wondering how mod humans came about (mod stands for modified ) well it's a miracle drug  that installs a symbiotic parasite that lives in your system it gives you all the abilities of an alien or superhuman but it also requires someone to ingest fluid from an alien or superhuman even if it's a moded one or a hybrid most rich parents, and even normal people get on this since its not too expensive it's yeah right it's about 7 hundred thousand bling (which is about 10 million dollars) and the company that sells it is called arcsine industries.

Your probably wondering why I don't

just save and get modified

I live alone so it's not like I can afford to get moded my parents only send money for feeding and to pay for insurance and school I don't have the luxury of saving for modification even if I decide to leach of my friend for food even if he's rich it wouldn't sit right with me.

I don't even like modification it sounds ridiculous .

Oh right my best friend right yeah his names beck and he's extremely popular and like I said before rich he's a hybrid and extremely good looking especially compared to me just look at they fawning over him .

I have absolutely no idea how we became friends it's really weird.

Beck:" hey what you thinking about "

Zack :"huh"

Oh that's right it's break time I didn't even realise it.  He takes his lunch and sits next to me.

(author :"sorry bout this but from now on our Mc is gonna be called zed any complaints make them now or else it's remaining the same in the next chapters)

Zed:"so how's your day going"

Beck:"pretty much the same girls fawn over me but sure enough the only normal human in class scares away my pursuers ".

Zed:"gee thanks could you not try to assassinate me verbally "

Beck: * sarcastically *"what ever do you mean my friend I'm trying to praise you "

Zed:"poison disguised as sugar "

Beck:"ouch that's Some wicked terminology "

Zed:"is it?  I'm going to be on the roof "

I stand up to leave. Now don't get me wrong he doesn't irritate me neither am I angry at his remark but the girls are staring at me like they could shoot lasers which one of them probably could so to avoid injury or death (mine of course) I run to the roof I know he won't misunderstand bit for now let's stay away until after school.

Beck:"hey wait Up bro"

No you  fool I'm trying to  run.  I start sprinting hoping to loose him I look back and see Nothing.

Good but then someone taps me. Wait someone tapped me while I'm running? I look forward and guess who I see.

Beck :"you know trying to run from me is useless right? "

Zed:"ah what is wrong with you get away from me "

Beck:"no can do you human"

Zed:"don't call me 'you human ' I'll break your teeth "

Beck :"you can try".


Wait what the hell he's carrying me okay I know he can lift me but why the hell am I being carried over his shoulder as he runs to the roof ah I'm going to die from embarrassment here man put me down.

So we're on the roof now eating lunch in dead silence then he sees a wound on my arm that's still healing. yeah in case you think it was when he was running your wrong being a normal human gets you bullied mines worse seeing as I'm the only human in class I ponder this and he speaks.

Beck:"you know why don't you get modified ".

Zed:"you know I.. "

Beck :"if it's about school and food I'll take care of it  okay if you saved your school fees and feeding you could get mods even your insurance would cut it for you "

Zed:" B your a good guy but I don't like mods you know that"

( author : B is not an error it is zeds nickname for him)

Beck: "I know b-but what if they kill you "

Zed:"they can't do that"

Beck:"they can and all they'd have to do is plant cymon on you and say 'due to the presence of the drug we momentarily lost control resulting in death the human"

(author :FYI cymon is a drug much like cocaine or heroin in this story anyway it makes aliens and superhumans high but if it's more than 2 table spoons even the smell can make them go crazy and the law here says as long as the person isn't in control and did not ingest the drug of their own volition and hasn't taken or taking before all crimes are dropped)

Zed:"yeah but don't worry about it I'll be careful "


Beck:"at least let me take you home "

Zed :" no need "

He gives me a thoughtful look and I smile.

Beck:"fine be safe"

Zed:" I will "

And that was a mistake because now I'm sitting in some strange place strapped to a table wondering what happened let me tell you.

After beck leaves I get off school grounds and get spotted by my usual bullies I run as fast as I can into a crowd and bump into a stranger and knock him down I apologize and keep running but I get caught beaten but I'm tried of this so I say.

Zed:"Don't you guys feel sad picking on a weak defenseless human if your mothers heard this I'm sure they'd be real proud to have trash as children but what's the use they won't say  anything will they cause their trash too right asshole"

Ha I really let it out there didn't I he seems pissed so they beat me more and I start bleeding which Also pisses me off .

???:"had enough Normie ,now are you going to apologize? "

I spit blood on his face from there he starts kicking me and when he kicked my head I flew into the alley wall.

I feel blood coming from my head I'm Losing consciousness when I hear police sirens.

???:"shit man what you do you killed him "

???:"i-i didnt mean too "

Apparently they don't know I'm not dead anyway I feel like I will soon anyway.

I see them run off and a man approaches me and asks if I can hear him I grunt not sure he heard oh well lights out .

And that is how I am now strapped to a table apparently I've been stitched up and am now lying down strapped to a table in a dark room.

Yeah I'm done is what I'm thinking when I hear

???:"is he ready"

???:"yes we may begin "

Huh begin what exactly.

I can't even think when I see a giants. Buzzsaw and some tools in little robotic machines .

Wait are they going to experiment on me no, no.



Kvng_zenocreators' thoughts