
Apartment 11

Romireo_M · perkotaan
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2 Chs

Apartment 11

Chapter 1

     "If you don't hurry up, you gone mess around and be late", I could still hear my mom yelling throughout the house. She was always so paranoid about me being on time, even though I was rarely late. Ironically the times that I was late, was mostly because of her. Still, I'll miss hearing her yelling and constant nagging because it was secretly her way of saying I love you.  It has definitely been a tough three weeks since she passed, truth be told I cried myself to sleep the entire first week. After moping around for two weeks, I'm starting to get myself back together and today's a big part of that process. I'm finally moving into my own place. Well not fully my own, I'm gonna be roommates with my best childhood friend Althea, better known as Alli. She really hates her real name, I remember growing up how pissed she would get every first day of class when the teacher would say her name out loud. One year she got so mad that she kicked a desk over, leave it to Alli to get suspended on the first day of school. She was a real "firecracker", as the old people on our block would say. But that was only to the outside world, once you got to know her; she was quite possibly the biggest teddy bear in Chicago. She cried on every movie, was a hopeless romantic, and to this day I still have never heard her utter the word love. But that how you survive as a girl growing up in Englewood, Chicago. That's what makes our friendship even more special. From the day she first transferred into my first grade class, I knew I wanted to have her in my life for the long run. Not on no adorable love at first sight type shit, cause back then she was a straight up tomboy. In third grade she threw a football further than half the boys in our class, and could run faster than all of us. Naw it definitely wasn't love at first sight, I just wanted her to be one of the guys, a part of the crew. Back then, girls and boys had this real weird way of communicating, so I walked right up to her and said, "you ugly, but I'll still be your friend." She punched in the arm, said ok, and that's when the terrible twosome was created. We were almost inseparable all the way till college. In High school we took all the same classes and everything. Then in college I went on to major in chemistry and Alli became a political science major. Other than classes, the only time we weren't together was when I went to football practice and she went to track practice. Oh and when it was time for me to get some, which happened on the daily. See, I ended up becoming the big jock on campus, while she turned into the fastest girl into the city. She lost her ability to throw a spiral, but gained the body and looks to drive men crazy, even as she blew by them in races. Despite being in the top 5 of our class, and being a top 15 sprinter in the nation, Alli never missed one of my games. It was always her and my mom waiting on the sideline to tell me what I could have done better. I didn't have any siblings so she was the closest thing I had. Since she was adopted, she had no clue what her real family history was like, but if you ask her, that didn't matter because she had me. As with all male-female relationships, everybody around us wanted us to fall in love and get married. Till the day she died, my mom always asked, "Derrick, when are you and Alli gone get married and give me grandbabies". I would laugh it off and tell her it wasn't gonna happen. Alli would always blush when she heard it, which was funny since she was dark skin. I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it, Alli was definitely the dream woman. Beautiful dark skin, long natural hair, and the prettiest hazel eyes you have ever seen. Tantalizing pink lips concealed a perfect bright white smile that could send toothpaste companies into a bidding war for advertising rights. Despite being a track star she still had body for days. She was only 5'6 but still had legs that went on for miles. She was a petite lil thing with the perfect perky C cup, no waist, and a great ass. Like I said, when Alli walked into a room, heads turned! But the best part about her was her personality. She was humble, cool, funny, but when it mattered she had this ability to control a room. She could make your ribs hurt from laughing, or make ears jump from all the knowledge she could drop. Girl had poise and class like Michele Obama. So yea, there were a few times where I thought about making that move but it never seemed like the right time. Plus I didn't want to take the chance of ruining our friendship. Hell, without her, I wouldn't have made it through high school, college, or out of this house. She stayed on me in high school; made sure I didn't quit in college, and found this apartment for us. It's good that I have her, because after today, she'll be the only remaining tie to my childhood. This house holds so many memories; it really is hard to leave it behind. This house has seem me grow from a snotty nose kid to asthma, into a 6'3 star college football player turned physician's assistant. However with the good it also saw the bad, like the day my dad split and the day my mom died. It is so bittersweet, but I it's a move that has to be made. As I take a final walk through the house I almost break down, but I used up all my tears for this lifetime. Well I think I got everything finally, time to go pick up Alli, and make the final transition into adulthood.  

Chapter 2

    Ugh! I always hated when I had to deal with derrick and being on time for something. He always made you worry that he would be late, waiting till the very last possible second. Somehow he was rarely late; it drove me and his mother insane. But that's part of the reason we both loved him, because we knew that at the end of the day, we could always count on him. Derrick had come through for me more times than I could count. Whether it was keeping boys off of me, making sure nobody bad mouthed me, loaning me money in tight situations, or keeping me on my game so I could excel in school and track. He always had my back, even if he didn't exactly approve of what was going on. He was so modest about everything too, which made you love him that much more. Even after saving the day for a friend or making a game saving play on the football field, he would just shrug it off, smile and chuckle, then say, "aw man it's no problem, just trying to help out". That's all he's ever wanted to do since the day I met him. Scratch that, the second day I knew him because the first day we met he walked up to me and called me ugly. He's grow up so much since that first day of 1st grade, from a chubby wanna be power ranger into a chiseled, handsome, suave, football legend. He was a chocolate God among men that could make ladies panties melt upon sight. He was so kind and intelligent too, in fact he was the only person I had ever met that was outright smarter than me. But I would never let him know that. That was the key to his success; he was so bent on making me and his mom proud. He always wanted to show us what he had done, always wanted to show us how hard he had worked. To be honest, his mom and I had always been proud of him but we never said much because we wanted to see him soar. We knew the potential he had and didn't want to see him get lazy. The only flaw to derrick was his choice in women, he couldn't pick a good girl to save his life. Every girlfriend he had ever had was either crazy, no good, or just didn't deserve him. None of them were worse than his most recent ex, Felicia. I hated her so much, and she hated me too. But this wasn't your regular girl on girl pettiness, no this was much deeper than that. It wasn't because she was a bitch to me or because she always had something smart to say, I could handle that since tons of girls have been hating for years. I hated her because of how bad she treated Derrick and all the bullshit she put him thru. She started out as that perfect girl for him, but then out of nowhere she just flipped the script. She started being crazy, possessive, bipolar, and disrespectful as hell. She would try to make him feel bad about himself, but then try to make it seem like she was the victim. At one point she even had the nerve to get jealous of the friendship that me and Derrick had. She started trying to feed him all these lies about how I wanted him so bad, and how I would do anything to sabotage their relationship. Don't get me wrong, that man was one delicious piece of chocolate and his personality made it easy for anybody to fall in love with, but I valued our friendship way too much to try any shady shit or ever make a first move on him. Now if he wanted to make a move on me, well just the thought of caressing his ripped 6'3 dark chocolate frame as he kissed me from head to toe got me soaking wet. Now I had to wear these soaked panties until we made it to the apartment and started unpacking. Thankfully, Derrick had given Felicia the boot from his life but she hadn't fully moved out of his heart and mind yet. She had him on the brink of depression multiple times, almost ruined his football career and academic career. The final straw was when she tried to trap him with a baby. This bitch had the nerve to get pregnant by another nigga, and try to blame it on derrick even though everybody knew she was out there being a jumpoff. So now it was just me and Derrick, looking out for each other like we always have. We both had other close friends, but at the end of the day, we were the two closest people in the world.  He was beginning his career, and I was starting the road to finding out who I was. I couldn't be more excited, and I couldn't wait be more nervous either. 

Chapter 3

    As I pulled out of the driveway the gravity of the situation truly started to hit me. While I was excited as hell, there was also an under laying feeling of sadness. Obviously I was still dealing with the loss of my mother, but now I was leaving everything I had known. The house I group up in, the playground where I first found my love for football, the neighborhood where I found my best friend. All of it was now growing smaller as I hoped onto the highway. I slowly turned to Alli, "Its all so bittersweet, to be leaving it all. I mean, this is my home…Was my home. Yea it hurts to wake up in that house, and know that momma isn't there anymore, but that's still all I know". As I said the words, I struggled to hold back tears. As big as I was, I had also been known to be a softy. A giant teddy, part of the reason everybody loved me. But as usual, Alli was always the right person to turn to in times when I needed something. She turned towards me, with that pretty slight smirk of hers and says, "D you gotta stop being so soft. Ol punk ass." She giggled and puched me in the arm then went on, "But on the real I feel you, this is really been all we've known. And I know how you feel about momma, don't forget she was my momma too. But you got me, I got you, and we're gonna get thru this pain and this journey together".  I couldn't help but smile, and if I wasn't driving I would have given her a bear hug. She hated when I did that, always complained that it hurt her back. But now that we got the sad part of the road trip out of the way, we could start the regular conversation. The fun part of talking to Alli was the way conversation could just freely jump from topic to topic. It was like a verbal rabbit hole. We started out talking about how glad I was to be moving away from my crazy ass ex. I hadn't given her any notice that I was moving, hell I even went and got a new number yesterday. I wanted to finally be completely down with her. That was a chapter in my life that I wanted to close and NEVER read it again. I was looking for somebody new, somebody that could be special. I couldn't help but wonder what Alli was thinking about, so I asked her, "Ay baby girl, when you gone get you a nigga". Knowing I had struck a nerve, I chuckled and quickly turned to look out the window before we made eye contact. I could feel the force from her whipping her head around and I'm surprised she didn't snap her neck. She cleared her throat then said, "First off, I don't need no damn man, Derrick!" Whenever she got made she pronounced every letter in my name with anger. But she wasn't done just yet, in a louder voice than before she said, "And second off, its not about ME finding a man, its about a man finding me. Hell, the bible says and I quote, 'When a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing'. So don't ask me about finding me a man, just tell these sorry ass dudes to step they game up." She flipped her hair and crossed her legs, something she picked up from her sorority. I tried not to laugh, cause I could tell how serious she was, but only Alli could start off a sentence about the bible using a cuss word. As over dramatic as she was, she did have a point about the type of dudes that approached her. It was usually the same kinds too: pretty lil lightskin boys who had all the style and smooth words, but nothing that set them apart from half the city. See, she didn't just want the first cutie that called her beautiful and offered to trick off on her. Naw, in order to get Alli you had to be truly special, a guy that was really amazing. She had told me her dream guy a million times so I could never forget it, "I want a strong, smart, funny, chocolate king. He gotta have clean cut fade, but a beard is a must. He needs to be able to hold a boardroom conversation, but also able to make me laugh at night before we go to sleep." In my head I knew she was talking about me, but I never said anything. For now I just looked at her, laughed, and sarcasticly said, "Still waiting on that chocolate drop huh" She smacked her lips and nudged my shoulders, then quickly tried to change subject.

Chapter 4

    Lord that was fine ass chocolate man! The simple act of looking at him gripping the steering wheel with one hand while stroking his beard with the other sent a chill throughout my entire body. But I wasn't gonna let him know that, even though I wanted nothing more than for his hands to stroke every inch of my body. It had been a minute since I last had my plate cleaned, metaphorically speaking, so I was way past the point of simple sexual frustration. Still, I couldn't just come out and tell my best friend of more than a decade that I wanted to jump his bones. No I had to be tactical about, maybe script it like one of those white people pornos. Come out the shower with no towel on at the exact minute that he's walking past, or maybe ask him for a massage and have him slowly undress me. Only problem was, it wasn't just the sex that I wanted. I wanted all of Derrick. Just didn't know how to get him. Thankfully I had plenty of time for that but right now I just wanted to enjoy the company and conversation. "When do you start work", I asked him. He started cheesing hard enough to break his own jaw and replied, "4 days! Still can't believe I got my dream job this fast tho. A nigga happy as hell". He started doing this lame lil dance he did every time he got happy. Derrick had been blessed enough to land a job at one of the top 3 hospitals in the state. Right out of college he had potentially set himself up for his future. I was a little bit jealous, but not really because I knew my time would come. Even though I had my degree, I didn't want to stop there. I was currently deciding between just attempting to start my career, or going back to school and getting my masters degree. A masters would make my road so much easier, however I wasn't sure if I still had it in me to get thru more school. It was hard enough for me to finish my last semester. All I wanted was to start making money, real money not the $12.75 an hour I was making at my current nine to five. As much as I wanted to make real money, I knew that with a master's degree I could make so much more real money. Thankfully we had arrived at the apartment, because my ass was starting to hurt thanks to these worn out seats. I had to make sure I showered three times after riding in this old, dirty truck.

Chapter 5

    Finally! Man I was so tired of driving, my whole lower body was numb. But it was worth it since I was able to do a three hour drive in an hour and a half. It seemed like so much less though because Alli and I had talked the entire ride. Even after all these years, we still can talk for hours and it never gets dry or feels forced. This time we talked about how excited we really were to be finally moving into our own place. Yea we had college dorms and I ended up living with my frat brothers, but that wasn't the same. I was finally living in a place I had picked out, with my best friend. In my eyes it was going to be the best thing ever. If I did want to have my way with countless women, Alli was alright with that. But if I finally wanted to make my move on her, what better place than in a house we share. I had pictured it since the day we signed the lease. After all these years, finally getting up the nerve to tell her why I care about her so much. To the guys around me, its just because I'm a caring person, to her its just that I value our friendship. And while both of those things were true, the root of my deep attachment to Alli was really that I've been madly in love with her since 4th grade. I remember we were at recess one day and I saw her talking to her lil boyfriend at the time, Ryan Jones. He was essentially my rival in everything all the way through to college, when I hit him with the ultimate checkmate and graduated summa cum laude to his cum laude. But there they were, holding hands and walking around the playground when suddenly he decides he wants a kiss. Alli on the other hand didn't want his soup coolers anywhere near her so she pushed him away, and that's when he made the biggest mistake of his life thus far. He pushed her back and made her hit the jungle gym, I took off faster than a fat girl headed for her favorite chicken joint having a half off sale. I tackled him and proceeded to lay haymakers. By time Alli pulled me off of him, his entire face was different. And when she turned me around, looked me in the eye, and said "Thank you, my lil Superman". It was that moment that I felt my heart change beat. I knew at moment how much she really meant to me. And since then its only grown, now here we are unloading a moving truck into our apartment. The sight of her still gives me butterflies, but I had learned to control it for the sake of our friendship loved her with all my heart, but I was never ready to take that risk, not until now. Thankfully, our apartment was on the first floor so we were able to move everything in rather quickly. Although the apartment itself was super dope, and the building looked really nice too, the hallway was extra creepy. I couldn't tell if it was the dim and flickering lights, the musty air, or the badly painted walls, but that hallway was the kind you see in horror flicks. After all that moving around, I was both sweaty and tired as hell. Even thought I knew it would piss Alli off, because she was the type to get laser focus and unpack right away, I decided I valued my rest more than anything. So the moment she went to the bathroom, I fell down on the couch, and went into a brief hibernation.  

Chapter 6 

    We had been here for a week, and after finally getting settled in, I seriously needed to relieve some stress. Thankfully, a few of my sorority sisters had perfect timing, drinks and dancing at the best club in town. With everything going on in my life I hadn't seen the inside of a club in months, and drinking alone had got tiring. Tonight was the perfect opportunity to wear this stunning red dress I had bought months ago. It was a tight strapless dress that hugged every curve I had, and as I slid it up over my hips I couldn't help but think about how many heads I was going to turn. As I stepped into my heels and unwrapped my hair letting it cascade down my back, I couldn't help but stare into the mirror. I looked over to see my phone ringing, it was Kelly impatient ass. I ignored it since I was pretty much on my way out the door anyways. Kelly was the only girl that had lasted as a friend from my grammar school days. She was the only girl I had ever met that didn't make me want to whoop her ass after 30 minutes. People in high school called us the pb&j twins because we both ran track, didn't take shit from anybody, and acted almost exactly alike. Add in the fact that she was built like me, with a pretty face to match, and you can see why we cause guys to go crazy and made their girlfriends hate us. Kelly was my true ride or die, the only girl I had ever trusted to tell everything! Once we got to college and joined our sorority, we added a third member to our dynamic team, Erika. In every group of friends there's that one girl that is widely known to be crazy, for us it was Erika. She made me and my temper seem harmless. Her fuse was shorter than a hood rats' pony tail. There was this one time at a party junior year when she saw her boyfriend at the time talking to the campus slut, not even flirting just simply talking, and she went insane. She threw down her drink, made her way through the crowd, and without saying anything laid the girl clean out. Turned to her boyfriend and punched him so hard he had a black eye for two weeks. After doing all of that, she calmly walks back over to me and Kelly and says, "So what party we going to now cause this shit dead as hell." It was then that I knew she was crazy, but she was loyal, real, and funny as hell so we started to bond and got closer over the years. Erika, Kelly, and I were the ultimate party trio, so I knew tonight was going to be amazing. I stuck my phone inside my clutch, grabbed my keys and headed to the door. As I walked out of my room, I heard Derek in the kitchen. He turned around from the fridge just as walked past, and the expression on his face was priceless. As his eyes slowly worked their way up my body his jaw dropped and he almost spilled his food. He gathered himself and said, "Damn girl, the hell you going?"  I tried not to blush but I couldn't help it, I loved getting compliments. I flipped my hair and replied, "Out with Kelly and Erika. I'll be back later." He shook his head and laughed. I could tell that he knew how wild tonight was going to be. I made it to my car and sent a text Kelly to let her know I was on my way. As I turned on the radio, my ratchet song was just starting and I could tell that my night was going to be one to remember. 

Chapter 7  

    I felt like such a lame, sitting in the house eating while everybody went out. Seeing Alli leave out looking so delicious only made it worse. It had been a rough week, between starting the new job and getting everything with the apartment in order. The hospital was almost as grueling as two a day practices in college, but at least during those I could kinda breeze through when I needed a quick break. Working in the hospital was a constant grind, and I didn't really get to relax until I finally clocked out. I expected that during the first week, I'm just glad I made it through the week without making any major mistakes. So as much as I wanted to call up one of the brush so we could go tear the city up, I decided to just spend the night in relaxing. I planned to spend the night drinking a few beers, bussing ass in online video games, and just vibing out. I had been so busy I really hadn't been able to get a feel for the apartment, or take a look at it. I had let Alli be in charge of decorating the public spaces, but I still needed to look around and see if anything needed to be fixed. I knew for sure that I had to clean up my room too, I had a bad habit of just dropping clothes on the floor as soon as I got home, so a sizeable pile had already built up. I had ordered a pizza which gave me about 45 minutes to do everything I needed to before it was time to relax. As I began cleaning up, the fact that I hadn't had sex in months finally hit me, and it hit me hard too. Sex had always been a big part of my life, however dealing with graduation, mom's death, and the break up with Felicia these past few months has keep me too busy to lay the pipe down. Since it took me less time than expected to clean my room, I decided to reward myself with a quick lil nut before the pizza got here. I open up my laptop and went to my favorite porn scene, stroking myself with one hand as I typed with the other. The scene started to pick up, and I began to stroke faster and faster, nearing the climax that I had needed for so long. As I got closer to it, I closed my eyes in reaction to the pleasure I was feeling. That's when something weird happened, I started to picture Alli and then I came so hard I thought I saw Jesus laughing at me. It wasn't the first time I had pictured her while I played with myself, but something about this one felt so different. I pushed it to the back of my mind for the moment, and cleaned myself up because I saw the pizza guy calling. I washed my hands, got my food, and then prepared to start my night. I popped the cap off my beer, turned on my video game, and flipped open the pizza box. I scanned for the biggest piece and right as I went to grab it, there was a knock at the door. 

Chapter 8 

    By time we arrived at the club Kelly and Erika had already force fed me 4 shots and "thot" juice, so I walked in feeling myself and ready to go crazy. Kelly used to sleep with the club promoter so we were able to skip the line and get in free, which was half the battle to have a great club experience. The other half was finding some guys that we could tolerate long enough to get free drinks. They didn't have to be cute, truth be told they didn't even have to be decent looking, they just had to have a wallet that was nice enough to fill our needs. The three of us made our way to the dance floor so we could dance while we scanned the room for the lucky guy. Erika began grinding on me while I seductively rubbed her waist. Now I wasn't a lesbian or anything, but Erika and I had this ability to act like very convincing lovers when we needed to. As she started to amp up the sex appeal, I took a quick glance around the room and notice that we had caught the attention of almost every guy there. They had this look in their eyes like they wanted to simply devour us, I'm surprised they weren't drooling yet. As I looked through the pack of horny hounds, one man caught my eye. He stood at the bar, not paying the soft core porn show that Erika and I were currently putting on. He lifted his cup to take a drink and his sleeve slid back to reveal his watch, which couldn't cost less than a thousand by itself. I leaned in to Erika and whispered, "I found my victim." I slipped from behind her and let Kelly take my place. Now Erika and I could put on a convincing show, but those two took it to a whole other level, and the fact that they had slept together on many drunken nights may have added to their chemistry. As I started to approach my sponsor for the night I started to add sex appeal to my walk and fix my dress to show of my best "assets". This man already stood apart from every other dude in the club, but the closer I got the more apparent it became. He was tall, at least 6'5, with a clean cut fade and a beautiful beard. As he bent his arm, the sleeves of his suit struggled to contain his biceps. The fact that he was wearing a suit in the club was a turn on in itself. This man was a dark skinned Adonis, clearly sent to me as a gift from God himself. As soon as I got close enough I checked for a wedding band, and I nearly screamed out in joy when I didn't see one. I reached the bar and slid on the seat a few chairs away from him. I couldn't directly approach him because that would seem so direct and way too desperate, but I also couldn't sit too far and risk not catching his attention with my looks and then my voice. As I leaned onto the bar and let my twins do the first part of the work, I noticed his head turn in my direction. My breast weren't the biggest, but in the right dress no man could resist. As he examined my body from head to toe, I could tell by the look in his gorgeous hazel eyes that I had him on the hook. It was time to reel in this big sexy fish.

Chapter 9

    As I got up to answer the door, I tried to quickly think about who it could be. It couldn't be any of my bros, since I'm sure that they were too drunk to drive to a place they had never been before. All of Alli's friends were with her, and it was way too early for them to be back, so it definetly couldn't be them. As I reached for the handle to open the door, one last name popped into my head, Felicia! I hadn't given her any of my new information, and I knew my boys wouldn't do it either, but that crazy ass girl couldn't be underestimated. She was like the feds when it came to finding shit out. I hesitated for a second, unsure what I really wanted to do. After a second series of knocks, I asked who was there. "It's Karina, I'm your neighbor down the hall", a female voice with a sexy Hispanic accent responded. The fear of it being Felicia was quickly overwritten with my intrigue for Karina and her sexy ass voice. I opened the door and prayed that the voice would match the person, thankfully it did. I tried not to smile too hard as I looked at the beauty that stood before. We had passed each other in the hallways, but never said more than simple greetings to each other. She was only about 5'2 but thanks to her petite frame, it worked perfectly. I felt like a giant as she lifted her head to look up at me, so I had to hold back my laugh. She flashed a stunning smile then said, "Go ahead laugh, I know I'm tiny, especially compared you mister jolly green giant", which was her way of poking fun at my bright green shirt. I let out a slight laugh and responded, "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to laugh, but I did almost overlook you". We both laughed then she smacked her lips and playfully folded her arms. The more I looked at her the more her pure beauty started to dawn on me, her smooth caramel skin, amazing smile, and mesmerizing eyes created the perfect trifecta. She had long, naturally curly hair flowed down her back. She was dressed in a simple black tank top, and some olive cargo khakis. Even though her body wasn't insanely stunning, it was fit and toned enough to make let me know that she looked great naked. As horny as I was I had started to daydream, visualizing her naked skin glistening as she lay in my bed, waiting for me to mount  her and slide deep inside her. I could feel my excitement rising, but her voice cut in and made me quickly snap out of my fantasy world. She nervously started fiddling with her nails then said, "Well, I know this is weird, but I came over wondering if you had any plans tonight, and if you didn't would you want to watch a movie or something". She nervously laughed then continued, "I know this is a lil weird and all, but I have noticed you since you moved in. I decided to make a move since you keep overlooking me". I laughed and smiled at the cute accent and mocking sarcasm, then replied, "I've noticed you, but I had a hectic week so I couldn't really make a proper move." I stepped back, and opened the door more then said, "But to answer your question, no I have no plans and would love to watch a movie with a beautiful lady like you". She walked in, and as I turned to close and lock the door, I knew this night was going to be much better than I had planned. 

Chapter 10

    I waved seductively waved the bartender over then ordered a pink panties martini with two cherries, my drink of choice if I wasn't taking straight shots. The beautiful man still hadn't made a moved, but he was still frequently looking my way, checking to see if I was still there and if I was still alone. His eyes followed my drink as the bartender set it in front of me, no doubt forming an opinion of my in correlation to the drink I had ordered. As soon as the bartender walked away I began to put on a show that I knew would cause Mr. Sexy to walk my way. I slowly stirred my drink then brought the cherries to my lips, all while making eye contact with him. I sensually used my tongue to grab the first two cherries from the straw, flipped my hair then took a quick sip of my drink. Still he hadn't budged, but that all changed when I licked my lips as slow and seductively as I possibly could. I was doing so well that I started to turn myself on, or maybe that was just all of the alcohol finally hitting me. He started to smoothly walk towards me, the sexual tension building with each step. He stopped right next to me and sat his drink on the bar, causing me to notice how large his hands were. This man could probably palm two basketballs so I could only imagine how great they would feel smacking my ass. I tried to mentally calm myself down, but that all went out the window when he spoke. In a silky smooth baritone voice he said, "Hello gorgeous, mind if I join you". His voice was deep and commanding, yet still smooth and soothing. I nearly melted in my damn seat, hell it's a good that I didn't wear any panties cause they would have gotten soaked, but I held it together and simply gave him a smile and nod. He sat down then spoke again, "My name is Marcus, it's a pleasure to meet you". His gentleman like demeanor was so refreshing, and made things so much easier for me. I introduced myself and then we began to talk as the conversation flowed so easily. We talked about everything from our past, to careers, to current events. He was so well spoken and attentive. He made me feel like he actually heard and cared about everything I was saying. He was 29 and worked as a regional manager of a commercial electronics company. By this time, I had finished my drink and I was feeling every bit of it too. Now normally, I would make up some excuse about my friends leaving me and then slip away, however I was not about to let a man like this escape. I started subtly rubbing on him, provoking him to ask if I was ready to take this elsewhere. I bit my lip and stood up, letting him know that I was. As we headed towards the door I caught the eye of Erika and Kelly, they started cheering in approval. I grabbed his hand and gave them a wink, our sisterly code for "Don't wait up, we'll talk about it tomorrow". We reached the street and waited while the valet brought his around. He walked around and opened my door for me, unexpected but much appreciated, then sat in the driver seat and asked if I wanted the top up or down. I pressed the button to let the roof open then said, "I took you top off, now take me to your house so you can return the favor. He quickly put the car in gear and pulled off, and started speeding towards what could become the best night of both our lives.